JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 5 June 2009
Volume 7, Issue 23 (21 Articles)
- # 1 - A New Technique for Determining Europium Abundances in Solar-Metallicity Stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0905.4731 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 2 - A very rare triple-peaked type-I X-ray burst in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1636-53
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0905.4809 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 3 - Departures from LTE for neutral Li in late-type stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0899 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 4 - Fisher4Cast Users' Manual
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0974 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 5 - Gravitational wave backgrounds and the cosmic transition from Population III to Population II stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0461 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 6 - Radiative Transfer Modeling of the Winds & Circumstellar Environments of Hot And Cool Massive Stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0543 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 7 - Resolving mixing in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0774 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 8 - The Nova Shell and Evolution of the Recurrent Nova T Pyxidis
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0933 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 9 - Experiments for the absolute neutrino mass measurement
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0454 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 10 - Neutrino deuteron reaction in the heating mechanism of core-collapse supernovae
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0856 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 11 - Neutron skin thickness in droplet model with surface width dependence: indications of softness of the nuclear symmetry energy
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0932 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 12 - Triton-$^3$He relative and differential flows as probes of the nuclear symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2009, Issue: 5 Jun
- arXiv:0906.0939 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 13 - Chemical evolution of the Galactic bulge as traced by microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars - Detailed abundance analysis of OGLE-2008-BLG-209S
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 499, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (591.1 KB) | PS file (318.4 KB)
- # 14 - The core-collapse rate from the Supernova Legacy Survey
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 499, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (198.9 KB) | PS file (125.6 KB)
- # 15 - The helium content of globular clusters: light element abundance correlations and HB morphology - I. NGC 6752
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 499, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (886.7 KB) | PS file (329.9 KB)
- # 16 - Chemical evolution with radial mixing
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 396, Issue: 1
- Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 3980K)
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- # 17 - galev evolutionary synthesis models – I. Code, input physics and web interface
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 396, Issue: 1
- Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1754K)
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- # 18 - A low-energy core-collapse supernova without a hydrogen envelope
- Nature - Volume: 459, Issue: 7247
- First paragraph | Full Text | PDF (1,769K) | Supplementary information
- # 19 - Nuclear physics: An afternoon's outing
- Nature-Physics - Volume: 5, Issue: 6
- Full Text - Nuclear physicsAn afternoon's outing | PDF (384 KB) - Nuclear physicsAn afternoon's outingSubject Categories: Atomic and molecular physics | Nuclear physics
- # 20 - Resonant breakup of 6Li by 209Bi
- Physics Letters B - Volume: 677, Issue: 3-4
PDF (871 K) | Related Articles
- # 21 - U.S. Higher Education
Report Finds No Gender Bias in Faculty Hiring, Resources- Science - Volume: 324, Issue: 5932
- A new report by the U.S. National Academies says that women are getting a fair shake from major research universities in being hired, promoted, and given access to resources—once they can grab onto the academic ladder and start climbing the rungs.
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