JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 15 May 2009
Volume 7, Issue 20 (35 Articles)
- # 1 - Amortissement Landau
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2168 (cross-list from math.AP) [ps, pdf, other]
- # 2 - Calculations of Maxwellian-averaged Cross Sections and Astrophysical Reaction Rates Using the ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1, JENDL-3.3 and ENDF/B-VI.8 Evaluated Nuclear Reaction Data Libraries
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2086 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 3 - Challenges facing young astrophysicists
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1986 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 4 - Chemical composition of the young open clusters IC2602 and IC2391
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1835 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 5 - Evolutionary implications of the new triple-alpha nuclear reaction rate for low mass stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2397 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 6 - First Stars -- Type Ib Supernovae Connection
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2274 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 7 - Fundamental Stellar Astrophysics Revealed at Very High Angular Resolution
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1353 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 8 - GRB Theory in the Fermi Era
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2206 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 9 - Landau damping
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2167 (cross-list from math.AP) [ps, pdf, other]
- # 10 - Metallicity of low-mass stars in Orion
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1840 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 11 - Reconstructing the Neutron-Star Equation of State from Astrophysical Measurements
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1959 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 12 - Redshifted intergalactic 3He+ 8.7 GHz hyperfine absorption
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1715 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 13 - The Metallicity of the HD 98800 System
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1907 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 14 - The Rise of the AGB in the Galactic Halo: Mg Isotopic Ratios and High Precision Elemental Abundances in M71 Giants
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1872 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 15 - Asymptotic normalization coefficient from the 12C(7Li,6He)13N reaction and the astrophysical 12C(p,g)13N reaction rate
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1530 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 16 - Axially-symmetric Neutron stars: Implication of rapid rotation
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.1549 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 17 - Determination of the 3He+alphato 7Be asymp. normalization coefficients (nucl. vertex constants) and their application for extrapolation of the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be astroph. S-factors to the solar energy region
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2026 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 18 - Gyroid Phase in Nuclear Pasta
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2009, Issue: 15 May
- arXiv:0905.2016 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 19 - Abundances in Turnoff Stars in the Old, Metal-Rich Open Cluster, NGC 6791
- Astronomical Journal - Volume: 137, Issue: 6
- Abstract | References
- # 20 - Abundances of Red Giants in Old Open Clusters. IV. NGC 1817, NGC 1883, NGC 2141, and NGC 2158
- Astronomical Journal - Volume: 137, Issue: 6
- Abstract | References
- # 21 - Age and Distance for the Old Open Cluster NGC 188 from the Eclipsing Binary Member V 12
- Astronomical Journal - Volume: 137, Issue: 6
- Abstract | References
- # 22 - Evolution of X-Ray Spectra and Light Curves of V1494 Aquilae
- Astronomical Journal - Volume: 137, Issue: 6
- Abstract | References
- # 23 - CHIANTI – an atomic database for emission lines - IX. Ionization rates, recombination rates, ionization equilibria for the elements hydrogen through zinc and updated atomic data
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 498, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (399.0 KB) | PS file (172.6 KB)
- # 24 - Spectral and temporal variations of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125: new XMM-Newton observations
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 498, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (297.8 KB) | PS file (169.3 KB)
- # 25 - The initial Lorentz factors of fireballs inferred from the early X-ray data of SWIFT GRBs
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 498, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (209.0 KB) | PS file (377.0 KB)
- # 26 - The optical afterglows and host galaxies of three short/hard gamma-ray bursts
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 498, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (933.7 KB) | PS file (1.552 MB)
- # 27 - The solar photospheric nitrogen abundance - Analysis of atomic transitions with 3D and 1D model atmospheres
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 498, Issue: 3
- Abstract | PDF file (246.5 KB) | PS file (167.6 KB)
- # 28 - Metallicities and ages of stellar populations at a high Galactic latitude field
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 395, Issue: 3
- Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 1540K)
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- # 29 - The death of massive stars – I. Observational constraints on the progenitors of Type II-P supernovae
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 395, Issue: 3
- Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 852K) | Supporting information
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- # 30 - Hubble: the last hurrah
- Nature - Volume: 459, Issue: 7243
- Full Text | PDF (1,119K)
- # 31 - The formation of the first stars and galaxies
- Nature - Volume: 459, Issue: 7243
- First paragraph | Full Text | PDF (798K)
- # 32 - A microscopic three-cluster model with nuclear polarization applied to the resonances of 7Be and the reaction 6Li(p, 3He)4He
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume: 824, Issue: 1-4
PDF (336 K) | Related Articles
- # 33 - A finite range pairing force for density functional theory in superfluid nuclei
- Physics Letters B - Volume: 676, Issue: 1-3
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- # 34 - Light-ion-induced reactions in mass measurements of neutron-deficient nuclides close to A = 100
- The European Physical Journal A - Volume: 40, Issue: 1
- Abstract | PDF file (806.6 KB) | References
- # 35 - Thermal neutron capture cross-section of 76Ge
- The European Physical Journal A - Volume: 40, Issue: 1
- Abstract | PDF file (381.6 KB) | References