JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 8 June 2007
Volume 5, Issue 23 (43 Articles)
- # 1 - The Primordial Abundance of 4He: A Self-consistent Empirical Analysis of Systematic Effects in a Large Sample of Low-Metallicity H The Astrophysical Journal - Volume662, Issue 1II Regions
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume662, Issue 1
- # 2 - A Search for Host Galaxies of 24 Gamma-Ray Bursts
- # 3 - Explorations of the r-Processes: Comparisons between Calculations and Observations of Low-Metallicity Stars
- # 4 - Detonating Failed Deflagration Model of Thermonuclear Supernovae. II. Comparison to Observations
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume662, Issue 1
- # 5 - Are the Models for Type Ia Supernova Progenitors Consistent with the Properties of Supernova Remnants?
- # 6 - Type Ia Supernova Light Curves
- # 7 - Probing the Formation of Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries in Globular Clusters and the Field
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume662, Issue 1
- # 8 - A Universal Decline Law of Classical Novae. II. GK Persei 1901 and Novae in 2005
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume662, Issue 1
- # 9 - Chemical and Dynamical Properties of the Stellar Halo
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0347 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 10 - The Diffuse Galactic Gamma-Ray Emission Model for GLAST LAT
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0221 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 11 - INTEGRAL high energy monitoring of the X-ray burster KS 1741-293
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0832 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 12 - Possible evolution of dim radio quiet neutron star 1E 1207.4-5209 based on a B-decay model
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0831 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 13 - Comment on "Influence of protons on the capture of electrons by 7Be in the Sun"
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0705.4669 (cross-list from nucl-th) [ps, pdf, other]
- # 14 - The Supernova Channel of Super-AGB Stars
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0705.4643 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 15 - The r-process of stellar nucleosynthesis: Astrophysics and nuclear physics achievements and mysteries
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0705.4512 [pdf, other]
- # 16 - Stellar Population Models and Individual Element Abundances I: Sensitivity of Stellar Evolution Models
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0808 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 17 - On the X-Ray emission of Gamma Ray Bursts
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0880 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 18 - The spatially resolved host of GRB 060505 and implications for the nature of the progenitor
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0674 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 19 - Chandra Observations of the Gamma-ray Binary LSI+61303: Extended X-ray Structure?
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0877 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 20 - The Effects of Changes in Reaction Rates on Simulations of Nova Explosions
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0558 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 21 - A Fresh Look at Diffuse Gamma-ray Emission from the Inner Galaxy
- ArXiv - Astrophysics
- arXiv:0706.0503 [pdf, other]
- # 22 - Nuclear level densities and gamma-ray strength functions in 44,45Sc
- ArXiv - Nuclear Experiment
- arXiv:0706.0533 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 23 - Recent progress constraining the nuclear equation of state from astrophysics and heavy ion reactions
- ArXiv - Nuclear Theory
- arXiv:0706.0130 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 24 - Comment on "Influence of protons on the capture of electrons by 7Be in the Sun"
- ArXiv - Nuclear Theory
- arXiv:0705.4669 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 25 - LS I +61 303 as a potential neutrino source on the light of magic results
- Astroparticle Physics, Volume 27, Issue 6
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (205 K)
- # 26 - A method to measure the mirror reflectivity of a prime focus telescope
- Astroparticle Physics, Volume 27, Issue 6
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (343 K)
- # 27 - Carl von Weizsäcker: A man for all seasons
- Nature Physics - Volume 3, Issue 6
- Full Text, PDF (99 KB)
- # 28 - Progenitors of type Ia supernovae: Binary stars with white dwarf companions
- New Astronomy Review, Volume 51, Issue 5-6
- Abstract, Full Text + Links, PDF (256 K)
- # 29 - The (t,3He) and (3He,t) reactions as complementary probes of the spin-isospin response of nuclei
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 788, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (653 K)
- # 30 - Gamow-Teller transitions in pf-shell nuclei studied in (3He, t) reactions
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 788, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (236 K)
- # 31 - Determination of the Gamow-Teller transition strength to 116In(g.s.) by the 116Cd(p,n) reaction at 300 MeV for the study of the nuclear matrix element of the two-neutrino double beta decay
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 788, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (199 K)
- # 32 - Experiments in Nuclear Astrophysics
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 787, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (377 K)
- # 33 - Boron depletion: indirect measurement of the 10B(p,α)7Be S(E)-factor
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 787, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (536 K)
- # 34 - Measurement of weak rates for stellar evolution via the (t,3He) reaction
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 787, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (847 K)
- # 35 - Fragmentation and the Nuclear Equation of State
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 787, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (531 K)
- # 36 - Clustering and Symmetry Energy in a Low Density Nuclear Gas
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 787, Issue 1-4
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (236 K)
- # 37 - Nucleosynthesis and remnants in massive stars of solar metallicity
- Physics Reports, Volume 442, Issue 1-6
- Abstract, Full Text + Links, PDF (428 K)
- # 38 - Multi-dimensional explorations in supernova theory
- Physics Reports, Volume 442, Issue 1-6
- Abstract, Full Text + Links, PDF (5243 K)
- # 39 - Theory of core-collapse supernovae
- Physics Reports, Volume 442, Issue 1-6
- Abstract, Full Text + Links, PDF (2004 K)
- # 40 - Neutron star observations: Prognosis for equation of state constraints
- Physics Reports, Volume 442, Issue 1-6
- Abstract, Full Text + Links, PDF (1220 K)
- # 41 - Where, oh where has the r-process gone?
- Physics Reports, Volume 442, Issue 1-6
- Abstract, Full Text + Links, PDF (804 K)
- # 42 - Dependence of the BCS 1S0 superfluid pairing gap on nuclear interactions
- Physics Letters B, Volume 648, Issue 2-3
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (442 K)
- # 43 - Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations for isospin asymmetric nuclear matter based on improved approximation schemes
- The European Physical Journal A, Volume 30, Issue 1
- Abstract, PDF file (298.4 KB)