JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 16 March 2007
Volume 5, Issue 11 (61 Articles)
- # 1 - Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in Scalar Tensor Gravity: The Key Problem of the Primordial 7Li Abundance
- # 2 - Accretion Disk Spectra of the Brightest Ultraluminous X-Ray Source in M82
- # 3 - An Orphan in the "Field of Streams"
- # 4 - The Magellanic Bridge: The Nearest Purely Tidal Stellar Population
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume658, Issue 1
- # 5 - The Origin of Carbon Enhancement and the Initial Mass Function of Extremely Metal-poor Stars in the Galactic Halo
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume658, Issue 1
- # 6 - The Chemical Distribution in a Subluminous Type Ia Supernova: Hubble Space Telescope Images of the SN 1885 Remnant
- # 7 - Anisotropic Galactic Outflows and Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium. I. Monte Carlo Simulations
- # 8 - Pulsations Detected from Accreting High-Mass X-Ray Binaries at Low Luminosities
- # 9 - Chemical Abundance Analysis of the Extremely Metal-poor Star HE 1300+0157
- # 10 - Two Disk Components from a Gas-Rich Disk-Disk Merger
- # 11 - Spatially resolved properties of the GRB 060505 host: implications for the nature of the progenitor
- # 12 - Spectral and Rotational Changes in the Isolated Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125
- # 13 - FSR1735 -- A new globular cluster candidate in the inner Galaxy
- # 14 - The Triple-Ring Nebula around SN1987A: Fingerprint of a binary merger
- # 15 - Explosive hydrogen burning during type I X-ray bursts
- # 16 - Estimation of stellar atmospheric parameters from SDSS/SEGUE spectra
- # 17 - Ca isotopic anomaly in the atmospheres of Ap stars
- # 18 - Gamma ray bursts, supernovae and metallicity in the intergalactic medium
- # 19 - Astrophysics of white dwarf binaries
- # 20 - Non-Universal Spectra of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Primaries and Secondaries in a Structured Universe
- # 21 - Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis with Long-Lived Charged Slepton
- # 22 - Magnetic field dissipation in neutron star crusts: from magnetars to isolated neutron stars
- # 23 - A Toy Model for the Light Curves of Gamma-Ray Bursts
- # 24 - Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae: Binary Stars with White Dwarf Companions
- # 25 - Heavy Calcium in CP Stars
- # 26 - Probing Low Energy Neutrino Backgrounds with Neutrino Capture on Beta Decaying Nuclei
- # 27 - GRB 060505: A possible short-duration gamma-ray burst in a star forming region at redshift of 0.09
- # 28 - Triaxial nuclear models and the outer crust of nonaccreting cold neutron stars
- # 29 - A Search for Host Galaxies of 24 Gamma-Ray Bursts
- # 30 - Discovery of HE 1523-0901, a Strongly r-Process Enhanced Metal-Poor Star with Detected Uranium
- # 31 - Delayed detonations in full-star models of Type Ia supernova explosions
- # 32 - In situ radioglaciological measurements near Taylor Dome, Antarctica and implications for UHE neutrino astronomy
- # 33 - Bimodal Infrared Colors of the M87 Globular Cluster System: Peaks in the Metallicity Distribution
- # 34 - Joint Analysis of Cluster Observations: I. Mass Profile of Abell 478 from Combined X-ray, Sunyaev-Z'eldovich, and Weak Lensing Data
- # 35 - Investigating the nature of absorption lines in the Chandra X-ray spectra of the neutron star binary 4U 1820-30
- # 36 - Radio Observations of Supernovae
- # 37 - Chandra and HST observations of gamma-ray blazars: comparing jet emission at small and large scales
- # 38 - The Distance to the Isolated Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125
- # 39 - A New Type of Extremely Metal Poor Star
- # 40 - Supernova neutrinos
- # 41 - New limits on the β+EC and ECEC processes in 120Te
- # 42 - Precision mass measurements of radioactive nuclei at JYFLTRAP
- # 43 - Precise atomic masses of neutron-rich Br and Rb nuclei close to the r-process path
- # 44 - Investigation of Proton-Proton Short-Range Correlations via the 12C(e,e'pp) Reaction
- # 45 - Shape and structure of N=Z 64Ge; Electromagnetic transition rates from the application of the Recoil Distance Method to knock-out reaction
- # 46 - Isospin mixing in the nucleon and 4He and the nucleon strange electric form factor
- # 47 - The neutron/proton ratio of squeezed-out nucleons and the high density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy
- # 48 - Relating breakup and incomplete fusion of weakly-bound nuclei through a classical trajectory model with stochastic breakup
- # 49 - Pseudoscalar Meson Nonet at Zero and Finite Temperature
- # 50 - Neutrino-nucleus interactions at low energies within Fermi-liquid theory
- # 51 - Microscopic Calculation of Fusion Cross-Sections
- # 52 - Nucleon-nucleus scattering as a test of shell structure of some light mass exotic nuclei
- # 53 - Chiral bands for quasi-proton and quasi-neutron coupling with a triaxial rotor
- # 54 - In-medium NN cross sections determined from stopping and collective flow in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions
- # 55 - BCS/BEC crossover in Quark Matter and Evolution of its Static and Dynamic properties
- # 56 - Multiple-isotope comparison for determining 0νββ mechanisms
- Journal of Physics G, Volume 34, Issue 4
- Abstract, References Full text: Acrobat PDF (270 KB)
- # 57 - Integrated colours of Milky Way globular clusters and horizontal branch morphology (p 107-125)
- Astronomische Nachrichten Volume 328, Issue 2
- Abstract, References, Full Text: PDF size(469 K)
- # 58 - Cool Dense Matter and Neutron Star Phenomenology
- Nuclear Physics A, Volume 785, Issue 1-2
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (324 K)
- # 59 - Atomic data for x-ray astrophysics
- Review of Modern Physics - Vol.79, Issue 1 - 5 January 2007 (55 pages)
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (1365 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 60 - SPACE SCIENCE: NASA Declares No Room for Antimatter Experiment
- # 61 - For Extreme Astronomy, Head Due South