JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 5 January 2007
Volume 5, Issue 1 (30 Articles)
- # 1 - Pico: Parameters for the Impatient Cosmologist
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume654, Issue 1
- # 2 - Population III Star Formation in a ΛCDM Universe. I. The Effect of Formation Redshift and Environment on Protostellar Accretion Rate
- # 3 - The Abundance of Deuterium in the Warm Neutral Medium of the Lower Galactic Halo
- # 4 - Neutrino radiation from dense matter
- # 5 - Concepts for astronomical data accessibility and analysis via relational database
- # 6 - Constraints on Neutron Star Properties from X-ray Observations of Millisecond Pulsars
- # 7 - Pulsar Physics without Magnetars
- # 8 - Compact star constraints on the high-density EoS
- # 9 - Neutron stars and quark stars: Two coexisting families of compact stars?
- # 10 - Asymmetric neutrino emission in quark matter and pulsar kicks
- # 11 - Cosmological Parameters 2006
- # 12 - Fallback and Black Hole Production in Massive Stars
- # 13 - Supernova neutrino detection
- # 14 - AGB stars and the chemical evolution of galaxies
- # 15 - MCS, a new approach to data treatment in astronomical projects
- # 16 - Pair correlations in nuclei involved in neutrinoless double beta decay: 76Ge and 76Se
- # 17 - Phase Structure of Compact Star in Modified Quark-Meson Coupling Model
- # 18 - Resonance states of 12C in a microscopic cluster model
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 13 December 2006 (7 pages)
- 064311 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (179 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 19 - Double neutron-proton differential transverse flow as a probe for the high density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 28 December 2006 (5 pages)
- 064617 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (305 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 20 - Isospin mode splitting and mixing in asymmetric nuclear matter
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 26 December 2006 (5 pages)
- 065205 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (139 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 21 - Neutrino scattering in heterogeneous supernova plasmas
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 12 December 2006 (9 pages)
- 065801 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (358 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 22 - Half-life of 184Re populated by the (γ,n) reaction from laser Compton scattering &gamma" rays at the electron storage ring NewSUBARU
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 14 December 2006 (5 pages)
- 065802 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (185 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 23 - Improved measurement of the 44Ti half-life from a 14-year long study
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 18 December 2006 (8 pages)
- 065803 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (200 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 24 - Conversion of a neutron star to a strange star: A two-step process
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 21 December 2006 (8 pages)
- 065804 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (482 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 25 - Ferromagnetic instabilities in neutron matter at finite temperature with the Gogny interaction
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 13 December 2006 (4 pages)
- 068801 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (182 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 26 - Comment on “Disappearance of nuclear magicity towards drip lines”
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 6 - 28 December 2006 (2 pages)
- 069801 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (66 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 27 - Hybrid protoneutron stars with the MIT bag model
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 12 - 6 December 2006 (11 pages)
- 123001 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (507 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 28 - Cosmological constraints from the SDSS luminous red galaxies
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 12 - 11 December 2006 (34 pages)
- 123507 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (2580 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 29 - Nuclear astrophysics of worlds in the string landscape
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 12 - 18 December 2006 (10 pages)
- 123514 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (138 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 30 - Dark matter sterile neutrinos in stellar collapse: Alteration of energy/lepton number transport, and a mechanism for supernova explosion enhancement
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 12 - 19 December 2006 (14 pages)
- 125015 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (530 kB) GZipped PS ]