JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 22 December 2006
Volume 4, Issue 51 (25 Articles)
- # 1 - Heavy metals and lead isotopes in sdB stars
- # 2 - A microscopic equation of state for protoneutron stars
- # 3 - Massive binaries, Wolf-Rayet stars and supernova progenitors
- # 4 - Multi-Dimensional Explorations in Supernova Theory
- # 5 - Properties of stellar matter in supernova explosions and nuclear multifragmentation
- # 6 - Were most Low Mass X ray Binaries born in Globular Clusters?
- # 7 - Binary life after the AGB - towards a unified picture
- # 8 - Survival of Nature's Rarest Isotope 180Ta under Stellar Conditions
- # 9 - The maximum momentum of particles accelerated at cosmic ray modified shocks
- # 10 - Improved Distances to Type Ia Supernovae with Multicolor Light Curve Shapes: MLCS2k2
- # 11 - Rotating Collapse of Stellar Iron Cores in General Relativity
- # 12 - On the early chemical evolution of the Milky Way
- # 13 - Supernova Explosions in Winds and Bubbles, with Applications to SN 1987A
- # 14 - Neutrino-driven wind and wind termination shock in supernova cores
- # 15 - The brightest supernova ever recorded, powered by the death of an extremely massive star
- # 16 - Nucleosynthesis-relevant conditions in neutrino-driven supernova outflows. I. Spherically symmetric hydrodynamic simulations
- # 17 - Proton Threshold States in the 22Na(p,gamma)23Mg Reaction and Astrophysical Implications
- # 18 - A microscopic equation of state for protoneutron stars
- # 19 - Neutron Star Observations: Prognosis for Equation of State Constraints
- # 20 - Implication of Existence of Hybrid stars and Theoretical Expectation of Submillisecond Pulsars
- # 21 - Bulk viscosity of Mixed nucleon-hyperon-quark Matter in Neutron stars
- # 22 - Measuring neutron star mass and radius with three mass–radius relations
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 374, Issue 374
- Abstract Abstract and References Full Text Article PDF [342KB]
- # 23 - Neutron star asteroseismology. Axial crust oscillations in the Cowling approximation
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 374, Issue 374
- Abstract Abstract and References Full Text Article PDF [3089KB]
- # 24 - Non-grey hydrogen burning evolution of subsolar mass Population III stars
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 374, Issue 374
- Abstract Abstract and References Full Text Article PDF [246KB]
- # 25 - Measurement of the Cascade Transition via the First Excited State of 16O in the 12C(α,γ)16O Reaction, and Its S Factor in Stellar Helium Burning
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.97, Issue 24 - 15 December 2006
- 242503 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (162 kB) GZipped PS ]