JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 24 November 2006
Volume 4, Issue 47 (28 Articles)
- # 1 - The Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- American Journal of Physics - Volume74, Issue 12 - November, 2006
- Abstract Full Text: [ HTML Sectioned HTML PDF (74 kB) GZipped PS ] Order
- # 2 - Detection of periodic signatures in the solar power spectrum. On the track of l=1 gravity modes
- # 3 - Simulations of Cosmic Chemical Enrichment with Hypernova
- # 4 - Systematic relativistic quantum effects on screening of fusion rates in white dwarfs
- # 5 - The RAVE Survey: Constraining the Local Galactic Escape Speed
- # 6 - Measuring Neutron Star Mass and Radius with Three Mass-Radius Relations
- # 7 - The Abundances of Light Neutron-Capture Elements in Planetary Nebulae -- I. Photoionization Modeling and Ionization Corrections
- # 8 - Low abundances of heavy elements in the solar outer layers: comparisons of solar models with helioseismic inversions
- # 9 - The Destruction of 3He by Rayleigh-Taylor Instability on the First Giant Branch
- # 10 - AXPs/SGRs: Magnetars or Quarkstars?
- # 11 - Which Stars Form Black Holes and Neutron Stars?
- # 12 - Neutrino heating of a shock wave within magnetorotational model
- # 13 - Detonating Failed Deflagration Model of Thermonuclear Supernovae I. Explosion Dynamics
- # 14 - Understanding nuclear "pasta": current status and future prospects
- # 15 - Neutrino astronomy with IceCube and AMANDA
- # 16 - Excitation of solar-like oscillations across the HR diagram
- # 17 - Pre-supernova mass loss predictions for massive stars
- # 18 - Long Term Cooling of Magnetar Crusts
- # 19 - The nuclear symmetry energy and stability of matter in neutron star
- # 20 - Probing the internal solar magnetic field through g-modes
- # 21 - Low-Energy Nuclear Astrophysics - the Fascinating Region of A=7
- # 22 - Neutron beta-decay, Standard Model and cosmology
- # 23 - Compact star constraints on the high-density EoS
- # 24 - Bound Electron Screening Corrections to Reactions in Hydrogen Burning Processes
- # 25 - The neutron matter equation of state from low-momentum interactions
- # 26 - Paramagnetism in color superconductivity and compact stars
- # 28 - SHERWOOD BOEHLERT INTERVIEW: Explaining Science to Power: Make It Simple, Make It Pay