JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 4 August 2006
Volume 4, Issue 31 (35 Articles)
- # 1 - Structure of protoneutron stars within a static approach
- # 2 - Polarization in the prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts and their afterglows
- # 3 - Does Radiative Feedback by the First Stars Promote or Prevent Second Generation Star Formation?
- # 4 - The Hubble Ultra Deep Field
- # 5 - On the Physics of Type I X-ray Bursts on Accreting Neutron Stars at High Accretion Rates
- # 6 - Coherent Development of Neutrino Flavor in the Supernova Environment
- # 7 - TeV Astrophysics, A Review
- # 8 - Collapsars in Three Dimensions
- # 9 - X-ray binaries
- # 10 - Radiation shielding for underground low-background experiments
- # 11 - The importance of nuclear masses in the astrophysical rp-process
- # 12 - Hybrid protoneutron stars with the MIT bag model
- # 13 - Neutrino-Neutrino Interactions and Flavor Mixing in Dense Matter
- # 14 - Neutron Star stability in the Nambu - Jona-Lasinio model and quark confinement
- # 15 - First stars IX - Mixing in extremely metal-poor giants. Variation of the 12C/13C, [Na/Mg] and [Al/Mg] ratios
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 455, Issue 1 - August, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (303 KB), PS file (107 KB), References
- # 16 - Turbulence: From tea kettles to exploding stars
- Nature Physics - Volume 2, Issue 8
- Full Text, PDF (129 KB)
- # 17 - Astrophysics: Seeing stars
- Nature Physics - Volume 2, Issue 8
- Full Text, PDF (199 KB)
- # 18 - Astronomy: A dwarf-eats-dwarf world
- Nature - Volume 442, Issue 7102
- Full Text, PDF (417K)See also: Editor's summary
- # 19 - Survival of a brown dwarf after engulfment by a red giant star
- Nature - Volume 442, Issue 7102
- First paragraph, Full Text, PDF (198K)See also: Editor's summary, News and Views by Liebert
- # 20 - NASA threatens to axe science on space station
- Nature - Volume 442, Issue 7102
- Full Text, PDF (180K)
- # 21 - Global properties of the Skyrme-force-induced nuclear symmetry energy
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 10 July 2006 (5 pages)
- 011301(R) Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (192 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 22 - Level density of 56Fe and low-energy enhancement of γ-strength function
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 26 July 2006 (6 pages)
- 014314 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (265 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 23 - Nuclear liquid-gas phase transition studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 31 July 2006 (13 pages)
- 014612 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (391 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 24 - Neutron star equation of state and the possibility of complex self-energy in Landau theory of a Fermi liquid in the presence of a strong, quantizing magnetic field
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 12 July 2006 (12 pages)
- 015801 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (503 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 25 - Two-neutron capture reactions and the r process
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 12 July 2006 (8 pages)
- 015802 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (503 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 26 - Direct measurement of supernova neutrino emission parameters with a gadolinium-enhanced Super-Kamiokande detector
- Published 13 July 2006 (5 pages)
- 015803 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (503 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 27 - Astrophysical S factor for the 11B(d,n)12C reaction below 135 keV
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 19 July 2006 (5 pages)
- 015804 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (364 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 28 - Effects of spin-orbit interaction on nuclear response and neutrino mean free path
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 24 July 2006 (5 pages)
- 015805 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (187 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 29 - Angular momentum dependence of giant dipole resonance width and Kusnezov parametrization
- Physics Review C - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 27 July 2006 (4 pages)
- 017601 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (116 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 30 - Comment on "187Re(γ,n) cross section close to and above the neutron threshold"
- Published 13 July 2006 (2 pages)
- 019801 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (121 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 31 - Sterile neutrinos: Direct mixing effects versus induced mass matrix of active neutrinos
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 5 July 2006 (15 pages)
- 013001 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (385 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 32 - Fixing the solar neutrino parameters with sterile neutrinos
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 19 July 2006 (9 pages)
- 013005 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (195 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 33 - What fraction of boron-8 solar neutrinos arrive at the Earth as a nu2 mass eigenstate?
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 1 - 24 July 2006 (12 pages)
- 013006 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (570 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 34 - Optimized supernova constraints on dark energy evolution
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 2 - 6 July 2006 (6 pages)
- 023507 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (385 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 35 - 6Li production by the radiative decay of long-lived particles
- Physics Review D - Vol.74, Issue 2 - 26 July 2006 (12 pages)
- 023526 Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (422 kB) GZipped PS ]