JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 20 January 2006
Volume 4, Issue 3 (43 Articles)
- # 1 - Active Carbon and Oxygen Shell Burning Hydrodynamics
- # 2 - Measuring Fundamental Galactic Parameters with Stellar Tidal Streams and SIM PlanetQuest
- # 3 - The Discovery of Tidal Tails around the Globular Cluster NGC 5466
- # 4 - GRB 050911: A Black Hole–Neutron Star Merger or a Naked GRB
- # 5 - Stellar Abundances: Recent and Foreseeable Trends
- # 6 - Planetary nebulae with emission-line central stars
- # 7 - Relics of metal-free low mass stars exploding as thermonuclear supernovae
- # 8 - Further Evidence for a Merger Origin for the Thick Disk: Galactic Stars Along Lines-of-sight to Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
- # 9 - The C-flash and the ignition conditions of type Ia supernovae
- # 10 - Active Carbon and Oxygen Shell Burning Hydrodynamics
- # 11 - Gravitational field energy contribution to the neutron star mass
- # 12 - The origin of cosmic rays at all energies
- # 13 - Low and intermediate mass star yields.II: The evolution of nitrogen abundances
- # 14 - The First Type Ia Supernovae: An Empirical Approach to Taming Evolutionary Effects In Dark Energy Surveys from SNe Ia at z>2
- # 15 - Nucleosynthesis results from INTEGRAL
- # 16 - Further Evidence for a Merger Origin for the Thick Disk: Galactic Stars Along Lines-of-sight to Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
- # 17 - ASMOOTH: A simple and efficient algorithm for adaptive kernel smoothing of two-dimensional imaging data
- # 18 - Colliding Clouds: The Star Formation Trigger of the Stellar Cluster Around BD+40 4124
- # 19 - Big bang nucleosynthesis constraints on scalar-tensor theories of gravity
- # 20 - The Anisotropy of Galactic Cosmic Rays as a Product of Stochastic Supernova Explosions
- # 21 - Compact strange stars with a medium dependence in gluons at finite temperature
- # 22 - Deuterium at High Redshifts: Recent Advances and Open Issues
- # 23 - On the Origin of the High Helium Sequence in $omega$ Centauri
- # 24 - Light Element Production in the Circumstellar Matter of Energetic Type Ic Supernovae
- # 25 - Fossils of Reionization in the Local Group
- # 26 - Stellar Multiplicity and the IMF: Most Stars Are Single Born
- # 27 - The mass loss of C-rich giants
- # 28 - Early-type stars observed in the ESO UVES Paranal Observatory Project: I -- Interstellar Na I UV, Ti II and Ca II K observations
- # 29 - TRImP - A new facility to produce and trap radioactive isotopes
- # 30 - First Results from IceCube
- # 31 - Occurrence of Hyperon Superfluidity in Neutron Star Cores
- # 32 - Large-Scale Self-Consistent Nuclear Mass Calculations
- # 33 - Astronomers told to cut it out
- Nature - Volume 439, Issue 7074
- Full Text , PDF (615K)
- # 34 - Alpha matter on a lattice
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume766, Issue - January, 2006
- Abstract , Abstract + References , PDF (131 K)
- # 35 - Assessment of uncertainties in QRPA 0νββ-decay nuclear matrix elements
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume766, Issue - January, 2006
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (336 K)
- # 36 - Nuclear symmetry energy in relativistic mean field theory
- Physics Letters B - Volume 633 Issue 2 - 3
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (248 K)
- # 37 - Neutron–neutron fusion
- Physics Letters B - Volume 633 Issue 2 - 3
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (156 K)
- # 38 - Light neutrino and heavy particle exchange in 0νββ-decay
- Physics Letters B - Volume 633 Issue 1
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (103 K)
- # 39 - Erratum: Hydrogen Burning of 17O in Classical Novae [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 031101 (2005)]
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 1 - 5 January 2006
- 019902(E) Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (35 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 40 - Hadronic Matter Is Soft
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 1 - 9 January 2006
- 012302 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (178 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 41 - Fine Structure of the Gamow-Teller Resonance in 90Nb and Level Density of 1+ States
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 1 - 6 January 2006
- 012502 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (760 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 42 - ASTRONOMY: Enhanced: Nucleosynthesis in Binary Stars
- # 43 - The age of the main population of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy - Solving the "M giant conundrum"
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 446, Issue 2 - January, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (691 KB), PS file (455 KB), References