JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 23 June 2006
Volume 4, Issue 25 (18 Articles)
- # 1 - Supernova Fallback: A Possible Site for the r-Process
- # 2 - Nickel Bubble Expansion in Type Ia Supernovae: Adiabatic Solutions
- # 3 - Observing with a space-borne gamma-ray telescope: selected results from INTEGRAL
- # 4 - Non-Equilibrium Beta Processes in Neutron Stars: A Relationship between the Net Reaction Rate and the Total Emissivity of Neutrinos
- # 5 - Quark matter and the masses and radii of compact stars
- # 6 - The conversion of Neutron star to Strange star : A two step process
- # 7 - Standing Accretion Shocks in the Supernova Core: Effects of Convection and Realistic EOS
- # 8 - Some challenges for Nuclear Density Functional Theory
- # 9 - Theoretical uncertainties on quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus cross sections
- # 10 - GZK cutoff distortion due to the energy error distribution shape
- Astroparticle Physics - Volume 25 Issue 6
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (167 K)
- # 11 - The production of short-lived radionuclides by new non-rotating and rotating Wolf-Rayet model stars
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 453, Issue 2 - June, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (309 KB), PS file (1.86 MB), References
- # 12 - Non-spherical core collapse supernovae - II. The late-time evolution of globally anisotropic neutrino-driven explosions and their implications for SN 1987 A
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 453, Issue 2 - June, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (4.30 MB), PS file (7.49 MB), References
- # 13 - Lithium abundances for early F stars: new observational constraints for the Li dilution
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 453, Issue 2 - June, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (278 KB), PS file (199 KB), References
- # 14 - New grids of stellar models including tidal-evolution constants up to carbon burning - III. From 0.8 to 125 M ⊙: the Large Magellanic Cloud (Z = 0.007-0.01)
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 453, Issue 2 - June, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (461 KB), PS file (242 KB), References
- # 15 - Open-access journal hits rocky times
- Nature - Volume 441, Issue 7096
- Full Text, PDF (200K)
- # 16 - How Low-Energy Weak Reactions Can Constrain Three-Nucleon Forces and the Neutron-Neutron Scattering Length
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 23 - 13 June 2006
- 232301 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (147 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 17 - ASTRONOMY: Very Energetic γ-Rays from Microquasars and Binary Pulsars
- # 18 - Variable Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the Microquasar LS I +61 303
- Science - Volume 312, Issue 5781 - 23 June 2006: 1771-1773.
- Published online 18 May 2006 [DOI: 10.1126/science.1128177] (in Science Express Reports) Abstract, Full Text, PDF, Supporting Online Material,