JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 28 April 2006
Volume 4, Issue 17 (75 Articles)
- # 1 - Atomic data and spectral line intensities for Ar XI
- Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables - Volume 92 Issue 3
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (435 K)
- # 2 - An Empirical Calibration of the Mixing-Length Parameter
- # 3 - Variations in D/H and D/O from New Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations
- # 4 - High-Redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts from Population III Progenitors
- # 5 - r-Process Nucleosynthesis in Magnetohydrodynamic Jet Explosions of Core-Collapse Supernovae
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume642, Issue 1
- # 6 - On the Production and Survival of Carbon Fuel for Superbursts on Accreting Neutron Stars: Implications for Mass Donor Evolution
- # 7 - Explosive Nucleosynthesis from GRB and Hypernova Progenitors: Direct Collapse versus Fallback
- # 8 - Astronomy: Trouble at first light
- # 9 - Implications of WMAP Three Year Data for Reionization
- # 10 - Low-Mass Binary Induced Outflows from Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
- # 11 - Short Gamma-Ray Bursts from Binary Neutron Star Mergers
- # 12 - Formation of Galactic Systems in Light of the Magnesium Abundance in Field Stars: The Thin Disk
- # 13 - Rare-earth elements in the atmosphere of the magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 144897. New classification of the Nd III spectrum
- # 14 - Stellar Rotation: A Clue to the Origin of High Mass Stars?
- # 15 - Evidence for TP-AGB stars in high redshift galaxies, and their effect on deriving stellar population parameters
- # 16 - Feedback and metal enrichment in cosmological SPH simulations - II. A multiphase model with supernova energy feedback
- # 17 - Fluorine Abundance Variations as a Signature of Enhanced Extra Mixing in Red Giants of the Globular Cluster M4
- # 18 - The Stability of Strange Star Crusts and Strangelets
- # 19 - Spectroscopy of Massive Stars
- # 20 - Investigation of subthreshold resonances with the Trojan horse method
- # 21 - The Stability of Strange Star Crusts and Strangelets
- # 22 - Statistical Properties of Nuclei by the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method
- # 23 - Cannonballs in the context of gamma ray bursts - Formation sites?
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 451, Issue 1 - April, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (930 KB), PS file (3.64 MB), References
- # 24 - C+O detonations in thermonuclear supernovae: interaction with previously burned material
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 451, Issue 1 - April, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (419 KB), PS file (1.85 MB), References
- # 25 - Protoneutron stars within the Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone theory
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 451, Issue 1 - April, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (265 KB), PS file (170 KB), References
- # 26 - Gamma-ray absorption in massive X-ray binaries
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 451, Issue 1 - April, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (324 KB), PS file (155 KB), References
- # 27 - The most metal-poor damped Lyman α<3: constraints on early nucleosynthesis
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 451, Issue 1 - April, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (240 KB), PS file (97.5 KB), References
- # 28 - Evidence for strange stars from joint observation of harmonic absorption bands and of redshift
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume 368, Issue 2
- Abstract Abstract and References Full Text Article PDF [225KB]
- # 29 - Early Universe
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7088
- Full Text, PDF (178K)
- # 30 - Cosmology from start to finish
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7088
- Abstract, Full Text, PDF (554K)
- # 31 - Is our Universe natural?
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7088
- Abstract, Full Text, PDF (253K)
- # 32 - The large-scale structure of the Universe
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7088
- Abstract, Full Text, PDF (1,546K)
- # 33 - High-redshift galaxy populations
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7088
- Abstract, Full Text, PDF (491K)
- # 34 - Heavy element synthesis in the oldest stars and the early Universe
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7088
- Abstract, Full Text, PDF (543K)
- # 36 - Experiments with Thermalized Rare Isotope Beams from Projectile Fragmentation: A Precision Mass Measurement of the Superallowed β Emitter 38Ca
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 15 - 19 April 2006
- 152501 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (222 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 37 - Comment on "Reconciling Coulomb Dissociation and Radiative Capture Measurements"
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 15 - 21 April 2006
- 159201 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (65 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 38 - Esbensen, Bertsch, and Snover Reply:
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 15 - 21 April 2006
- 159202 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (40 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 39 - Interactions of the solar neutrinos with the deuterons
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (194 KB)
- # 40 - Relation between the 16O(α,&gamma)20Ne reaction and its reverse 20Ne(γ,α)16O reaction in stars and in the laboratory
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (138 KB)
- # 41 - Enhanced d(d,p)t fusion reaction in metals
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (213 KB)
- # 42 - Experimental and theoretical screening energies for the 2H(d, p)3H reaction in metallic environments
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (300 KB)
- # 43 - Influence of chaos on the fusion enhancement by electron screening
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (570 KB)
- # 44 - Recent astrophysical studies with exotic beams at ORNL
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (694 KB)
- # 45 - Beacons in the sky: Classical novae vs. X-ray bursts
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (205 KB)
- # 46 - Re-evaluating reaction rates relevant to nova nucleosynthesis from a nuclear structure perspective
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (196 KB)
- # 47 - Evidence for p-process nucleosynthesis recorded at the Solar System abundances
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (203 KB)
- # 48 - (n,γ) cross-sections of light p nuclei - Towards an updated database for the p process
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (303 KB)
- # 49 - Photodissociation of p-process nuclei studied by bremsstrahlung-induced activation
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (402 KB)
- # 50 - 106, 108Cd (p,γ)107, 109In cross-sections for the astrophysical p-process
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (217 KB)
- # 51 - A study of alpha capture cross-sections of 112Sn
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (207 KB)
- # 52 - Photodissociation of neutron deficient nuclei
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (128 KB)
- # 53 - Photonuclear reaction data and γ-ray sources for astrophysics
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (255 KB)
- # 54 - CNO hydrogen burning studied deep underground
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (100 KB)
- # 55 - Pygmy dipole strength close to particle-separation energies --The case of the Mo isotopes
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (405 KB)
- # 56 - Towards a high-precision measurement of the 3He(α,γ)7Be cross section at LUNA
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (226 KB)
- # 57 - Big bang nucleosynthesis in the new cosmology
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (380 KB)
- # 58 - Study of the 106Cd (α,α)106Cd scattering at energies relevant to the p-process
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (183 KB)
- # 59 - Indirect techniques in nuclear astrophysics - Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient and Trojan Horse
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (319 KB)
- # 60 - Can the neutron-capture cross sections be measured with Coulomb dissociation?
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (161 KB)
- # 61 - Study of the 9Be(p,α)6Li reaction via the Trojan Horse Method
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (229 KB)
- # 62 - Re-evaluation of the low-energy Coulomb-dissociation cross section of 8B and the astrophysical S17 factor
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (234 KB)
- # 63 - Study of the 26Si(p,γ)27P reaction through Coulomb dissociation of 27P
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (191 KB)
- # 64 - Breakup of loosely bound nuclei as indirect method in nuclear astrophysics: 8B, 9C, 23Al
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (210 KB)
- # 65 - Salty neutrinos from the Sun - Results from the salt phase of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (246 KB)
- # 66 - Validity test of the Trojan Horse Method applied to the 7Li + p -> α + α reaction via the 3He break-up
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (284 KB)
- # 67 - Indirect measurement of the 15N(p,α)12C reaction cross section through the Trojan-Horse Method
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (315 KB)
- # 68 - Relation between proton and neutron asymptotic normalization coefficients for light mirror nuclei and its relevance for nuclear astrophysics
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (236 KB)
- # 69 - Exploring the Nα + 3n light nuclei via the ( 7Li,7Be) reaction
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (310 KB)
- # 70 - Equation of state of strongly interacting matter in compact stars
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (295 KB)
- # 71 - Effects of the particle-number projection on the isovector pairing energy
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (150 KB)
- # 72 - Study of the N = 28 shell closure in the Ar isotopic chain - A SPIRAL experiment for nuclear astrophysics
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (226 KB)
- # 73 - Nuclear astrophysics at the east drip line
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (416 KB)
- # 74 - AMS --A powerful tool for probing nucleosynthesis via long-lived radionuclides
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (285 KB)
- # 75 - On the importance of low-energy beta beams for supernova neutrino physics
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (200 KB)
- # 76 - Neutrino-nucleon scattering rates in protoneutron stars and nuclear correlations in the spin S = 1 channel
- The European Physical Journal A, Supplement 1
- Abstract, PDF file (174 KB)