JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 17 March 2006
Volume 4, Issue 11 (35 Articles)
- # 1 - Galactic Globular Clusters with Luminous X-Ray Binaries
- # 2 - Carbon Ignition in Type Ia Supernovae. II. A Three-dimensional Numerical Model
- # 3 - Stellar Collisions and Ultracompact X-Ray Binary Formation
- # 4 - The Thermal State of the Accreting White Dwarf in AM Canum Venaticorum Binaries
- # 5 - A Late Episode of Irradiation in the Early Solar System: Evidence from Extinct 36Cl and 26Al in Meteorites
- # 6 - Early Cosmic Chemical Evolution: Relating the Origin of a Diffuse Intergalactic Medium and the First Long-Lived Stars
- # 7 - Primordial Helium Abundance: A Reanalysis of the Izotov-Thuan Spectroscopic Sample
- # 8 - Neutron-capture elements in the metal-poor globular cluster M15
- # 9 - Beta decay radiation signature from neutron-rich gamma-ray bursts?
- # 10 - Testing Deconfinement at High Isospin Density
- # 11 - Signature of Temporary Burning Front Stalling from a Non-Photospheric Radius Expansion Double-peaked Burst
- # 12 - A New Method to Calibrate the Magnitudes of Type Ia Supernovae at Maximum Light
- # 13 - Determination of the Hubble constant, the intrinsic scatter of luminosities of Type Ia SNe, and evidence for non-standard dust in other galaxies
- # 14 - Yields of Population III Supernovae and the Abundance Patterns of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars
- # 15 - Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae: Circumstellar Interaction, Rotation, and Steady Hydrogen Burning
- # 16 - First Light
- # 17 - What can we learn from long term monitoring of X-ray bursters?
- # 18 - Thermal Stability of White Dwarfs Accreting Hydrogen-rich Matter and Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae
- # 19 - Reply to "Comment on `Symmetry energy and the isospin dependent equation of state' "
- # 20 - Spurious Shell Closures in the Relativistic Mean Field Model
- # 21 - Physical Origin of Density Dependent Force of the Skyrme Type within the Quark Meson Coupling Model
- # 22 - Chemical abundances of 32 mildly metal-poor stars
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 449, Issue 1 - March, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (205 KB), PS file (67.7 KB), References
- # 23 - Age estimations of M 31 globular clusters from their spectral energy distributions
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 449, Issue 1 - March, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (602 KB), PS file (645 KB), References
- # 24 - Two-phase X-ray burst from GX 3+1 observed by INTEGRAL
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 449, Issue 1 - March, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (160 KB), PS file (274 KB), References
- # 25 - X-ray emission from radiative shocks in type II supernovae
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 449, Issue 1 - March, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (821 KB), PS file (305 KB), References
- # 26 - New evolutionary calculations for the born again scenario
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 449, Issue 1 - March, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (695 KB), PS file (596 KB), References
- # 27 - VLT-UVES analysis of two giants in the bulge metal-poor globular cluster HP-1 - Analysis of two giants in HP-1
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume 449, Issue 1 - March, 2006
- Abstract, Full HTML, PDF file (1.77 MB), PS file (3.48 MB), References
- # 28 - Wiki ware could harness the Internet for science
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7082
- Full Text, PDF (119K)
- # 29 - Comet chasers get mineral shock
- Nature - Volume 440, Issue 7082
- Full Text, PDF (234K)
- # 30 - The nuclear matter stability in a non-local chiral quark model
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume 769
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (260 K)
- # 31 - Investigation of the reaction at REX-ISOLDE
- Physics Letters B - Volume 635 Issue 1
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (175 K)
- # 32 - Supernova Neutrino Nucleosynthesis of Light Elements with Neutrino Oscillations
- Physics Review Letters - Vol.96, Issue 9 - 7 March 2006
- 091101 Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (238 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 33 - COSMOLOGY: Magnet Experiment Appears to Drain Life From Stars
- # 34 - SPACE SCIENCE: A Space Race to the Bottom Line
- # 35 - NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Researchers Raise New Doubts About 'Bubble Fusion' Reports