JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 7 October 2005
Volume 3, Issue 40 (35 Articles)
- # 1 - Discovery of the short gamma-ray burst GRB 050709
- # 2 - Axisymmetric simulations of magneto--rotational core collapse: dynamics and gravitational wave signal
- # 3 - How good are RR Lyrae and Cepheids really as Distance Indicators? The observational approach
- # 4 - On the non-occurrence of Type I X-ray bursts from the Black Hole Candidates
- # 5 - Calibrating M dwarf metallicities using molecular indices
- # 6 - The Evolution of Barium and Europium in Local Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
- # 7 - On the Origin of Sulfur
- # 8 - Chemical analysis of carbon stars in the Local Group: I. The Small Magellanic Cloud and the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy
- # 9 - Li6 in the early Galaxy: energetics, evolution and stellar depletion
- # 10 - Properties of Stars in the Subaru Deep Field
- # 11 - The Frequency of Carbon Stars Among Extremely Metal-Poor Stars
- # 12 - Observed Metallicity Dependence of Winds from WR stars
- # 13 - Gamma--Ray Bursts associated with Supernovae: A systematic analysis of BATSE GRB candidates
- # 14 - Mutual Friction in Superfluid Neutron Stars
- # 15 - Galactic Stellar Populations
- # 16 - Gamma Ray Bursts and the transition to Quark Matter in Compact Stars
- # 17 - Direct Urca neutrino rate in colour superconducting quark matter
- # 18 - Solar mass-varying neutrino oscillations
- # 19 - Double neutron/proton ratio of nucleon emissions in isotopic reaction systems as a robust probe of nuclear symmetry energy
- # 20 - Solar mass-varying neutrino oscillations
- # 21 - Particle Acceleration in Gamma-Ray Burst Jets
- # 22 - Burst Neutrinos from the Nitrogen Flash
- # 23 - Electron screening in d(d, p)t for deuterated metals: temperature effects
- Journal of Physics G Vol. 31, No. 11 October 2005
- Abstract, References Full text: Acrobat PDF (385 KB)
- # 24 - 0+ states of the 12C nucleus: the Faddeev calculation in configuration space
- Journal of Physics G Vol. 31, No. 11 October 2005
- Abstract, References Full text: Acrobat PDF (396 KB)
- # 25 - Astrophysics: Short-burst sources
- Nature Vol. 437 No. 7060 October 2005
- Full Text, PDF (368K)
- # 26 - Obituary: Hermann Bondi (1919−2005)
- Nature Vol. 437 No. 7060 October 2005
- Full Text, PDF (134K)
- # 27 - The afterglow of GRB 050709 and the nature of the short-hard gamma-ray bursts
- Nature Vol. 437 No. 7060 October 2005
- Abstract, Full Text, PDF (328K)
- # 28 - A short gamma-ray burst apparently associated with an elliptical galaxy at redshift z = 0.225
- Nature Vol. 437 No. 7060 October 2005
- First paragraph, Full Text, PDF (296K)
- # 29 - Discovery of the short gamma-ray burst GRB 050709
- Nature Vol. 437 No. 7060 October 2005
- First paragraph, Full Text, PDF (319K)
- # 30 - The optical afterglow of the short gamma-ray burst GRB 050709 p859
- Nature Vol. 437 No. 7060 October 2005
- First paragraph, Full Text, PDF (298K)
- # 31 - Extracting information on the 0νββ decays from the 2νββ decays
- Nuclear Physics A Vol. 761, Issues 3-4 October 2005
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (188 K)
- # 32 - The entrainment matrix of a superfluid neutronproton mixture at a finite temperature
- Nuclear Physics A Vol. 761, Issues 3-4 October 2005
- Abstract, Abstract + References, PDF (160 K)
- # 33 - How to observe 8B solar neutrinos in liquid scintillator detectors
- Physics Letters B Vol. 627, Issues 1-4 October 2005
- SummaryPlus, Full Text + Links, PDF (182 K)
- # 34 - Probing the Interior of Neutron Stars with Gravitational Waves
- Physical Review Letters Vol. 95, No. 15 October 2005
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (211 kB) GZipped PS ]
- # 35 - Short Gamma Ray Bursts: Mystery Solved Bursts: Mystery Solved
- Science Vol. 310 No. 5745 October 2005
- [Summary] [Full Text] [PDF]