JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 20 May 2005
Volume 3, Issue 20 (29 Articles)
- # 1 - Bruno Pontecorvo: From slow neutrons to oscillating neutrino
- American Journal of Physics – Vol. 73, Issue 6 - May 2005
- Abstract Full Text: [ HTML Sectioned HTML PDF (339 kB) GZipped PS ] Order
- # 3 - Type Ia Supernovae: Simulations and Nucleosynthesis
- # 5 - Magnetars origin and progenitors with enhanced rotation
- # 6 - Pieces of the puzzle: Ancient substructure in the Galactic disk
- # 7 - HST/ACS observations of the old and metal-poor Sagittarius dwarf irregular galaxy
- # 8 - Early star formation in the Galaxy from beryllium and oxygen abundances
- # 9 - Testing CPT Symmetry with Supernova Neutrinos
- # 10 - Abundance Anomalies in NGC6752 - Do AGB Stars Have a Role?
- # 11 - Supernova Explosions in the Early Universe: Evolution of Radiative Remnants and the Halo Destruction Efficiency
- # 12 - The binary period and outburst behaviour of the SMC X-ray binary pulsar system SXP504
- # 13 - The UV, Optical, and IR Properties of SDSS Sources Detected by GALEX
- ArXiv- Astrophysics – May 2005
- astro-ph/0505334 [ abs , ps , pdf , other ]
- # 14 - Burst Neutrinos from Nitrogen Flash
- # 15 - Probing the Origins of Neutrino Mass with Supernova Data
- # 16 - Searching for gravitational waves from known pulsars
- # 17 - The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project II: Global Properties and the Luminosity Function of Field Blue Horizontal Branch Stars
- # 18 - Identification of the optical counterparts of high-mass X-ray binaries through optical photometry and spectroscopy
- # 19 - Deciphering the cosmic star formation history and the Nature of Type Ia Supernovae by Future Supernova Surveys
- # 20 - Density Dependence of the Symmetry energy and the Equation of State of Isospin Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
- # 21 - Testing the LMA solution with solar neutrinos independently of solar models
- # 22 - Confinement of supernova explosions in a collapsing cloud
- # 23 - Diffusive convective overshoot in core He-burning intermediate mass stars. I: the LMC metallicity
- # 24 - Supernova neutrinos can tell us the neutrino mass hierarchy independently of flux models
- # 25 - Can One Extract the Neutrino Oscillation Signature from the SuperKamiokande Experiment ? An Analysis of Neutrino Events Occurring outside the Detector
- # 26 - On the evolution of rapidly rotating massive white dwarfs towards supernovae or collapses
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Vol. 435 No.3 - May 2005
- Abstract , PDF file (892 KB) , PS file (322 KB)
- # 27 - Nucleosynthesis in strong magnetic fields at statistical equilibrium
- # 28 - CO self-shielding as the origin of oxygen isotope anomalies in the early solar nebula
- Nature – Vol. 435, No. 7040 – May 2005
- First paragraph , Full Text , PDF (235K) , Supplementary information
- # 29 - TeV mu Neutrinos from Young Neutron Stars
- Physical Review Letters – Vol. 94, No. 18 – May 2005
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (92 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 30 - Limits on Gravitational-Wave Emission from Selected Pulsars Using LIGO Data
- Physical Review Letters – Vol. 94, No. 18 – May 2005
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (646 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 31 - Neutron Stars Could Test Quantum Effect
- Science – Vol. 308, No. 5725 – May 2005 20 May 2005: 1103
- [Summary] [Full Text] [PDF]