A. Tsantiri (1, 2, 3), A. Palmisano-Kyle (1, 2, 3), A. Spyrou (1, 2, 3), P. Mohr (4), H. C. Berg (1, 2, 3), P. A. DeYoung (5), A. C. Dombos (1, 2, 3), P. Gastis (6, 3), E. C. Good (2, 3), C. M. Harris (1, 2, 3), S. N. Liddick (7, 2, 3), S. M. Lyons (1, 2, 3), O. Olivas-Gomez (8), G. Owens-Fryar (1, 2, 3), J. Pereira (1, 2, 3), A. L. Richard (1, 2, 3), A. Simon (8), M. K. Smith (1, 2), R. G. T. Zegers (1, 2, 3) ((1) Department of Physics, Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA, (2) Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA, (3) Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics - Center for the Evolution of the Elements, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA, (4) Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki), H-4001 Debrecen, Hungary, (5) Physics Department, Hope College, Holland, MI 49423, USA, (6) Department of Physics, Central Michigan University, Mt Pleasant, MI 48859, USA, (7) Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA, (8) Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA)