JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 11 November 2022
Volume 20, Issue 44 (15 Articles)
- # 1 - Calibrating gamma-ray bursts by using Gaussian process with type Ia supernovae. (arXiv:2211.02473v1 [astro-ph.CO])
- # 2 - Can neutron star mergers alone explain the r-process enrichment of the Milky Way?. (arXiv:2211.04964v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 3 - Needle in a Bayes Stack: a Hierarchical Bayesian Method for Constraining the Neutron Star Equation of State with an Ensemble of Binary Neutron Star Post-merger Remnants. (arXiv:2211.05250v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 4 - Supernova remnants: Types and evolution. (arXiv:2211.02217v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 5 - Triple evolution: an important channel in the formation of type Ia supernovae. (arXiv:2211.04463v1 [astro-ph.SR])
- # 6 - Using Physics Informed Neural Networks for Supernova Radiative Transfer Simulation. (arXiv:2211.05219v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 7 - Determination of photo-nuclear cross section of $^{61}$Ni($gamma$,xp) reaction via surrogate ratio technique. (arXiv:2211.02393v1 [nucl-ex])
- # 8 - Fast Neutron Spectroscopy with a High-pressure Nitrogen-filled Large Volume Spherical Proportional Counter. (arXiv:2211.03897v1 [hep-ex])
- # 9 - Neutron Yield Calculation from ($alpha,n$) Reactions with SOURCES4. (arXiv:2211.02080v1 [nucl-ex])
- # 10 - Near-threshold resonances in 11C and the 10B(p,{alpha})7Be aneutronic reaction cross section. (arXiv:2211.02555v1 [nucl-th])
- # 11 - The evolution of CNO elements in galaxies
- # 12 - Bayesian estimation of the $S$ factor and thermonuclear reaction rate for $^{16}mathrm{O}(p,γ)^{17}mathrm{F}$
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.106.055802
- # 13 - Presolar silicon carbide grains of types Y and Z: their strontium and barium isotopic compositions and stellar origins
- # 14 - Probing nuclear observables via primordial nucleosynthesis
- # 15 - Stellar neutron capture reactions at low and high temperature