JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 24 December 2004
Volume 2, Issue 51 (27 Articles)
- # 1 - Neutrino Phenomenology
- # 2 - Chemical Abundance Inhomogeneities in Globular Cluster Stars
- # 3 - Gamma-ray bursts: Potential sources of ultra high energy cosmic-rays
- # 4 - Cosmochemistry, cosmology and fundamental constants: High-resolution spectroscopy of damped Lyman-alpha systems
- # 5 - APS Neutrino Study: Report of the Neutrino Astrophysics and Cosmology Working Group
- # 6 - Fifty Years of IMF Variation: The Intermediate-Mass Stars
- # 7 - The Neutrino Emissivity of Strange Stars with Ultra Strong Magnetic Field
- # 8 - Nuclear Three-body Force Effect on a Kaon Condensate in Neutron Star Matter
- # 9 - Effect of Three-body Interaction on Phase Transition of Hot Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
- # 10 - Hot Nuclear Matter Equation of State with a Three-body Force
- # 11 - Nuclear Input for Core-collapse Models
- # 12 - Fitting theories of nuclear binding energies
- # 13 - Neutrinoless double beta decay and direct searches for neutrino mass
- # 14 - Nuclear matter symmetry energy from generalized polarizabilities: dependences on momentum, isospin, density and temperature
- # 15 - Cosmic Star Formation, Reionization, and Constraints on Global Chemical Evolution
- # 16 - Ejection of Supernova-enriched Gas from Dwarf Disk Galaxies
- # 17 - The Rise of the s -Process in the Galaxy
- Astrophysical Journal Vol 617, No 2 December 2004
- # 18 - Signature of Electron Capture in Iron-rich Ejecta of SN 2003du
- Astrophysical Journal Vol 617, No 2 December 2004
- # 19 - Long-Time Evolution of Magnetic Fields in Relativistic Gamma-Ray Burst Shocks
- # 20 - Equation of state of nuclear matter and neutron stars in a hadron mass scaling frame
- The European Phsical Journal A Vol 22, No 2 December 2004
- Abstract , PDF file (392 KB)
- # 21 - On helioseismic tests of basic physics
- # 22 - Magnetic fields and rotation in white dwarfs and neutron stars
- # 23 - Gravitational wave radiation from the coalescence of white dwarfs
- # 24 - Early Solar System: Shock fronts in Hawaii
- # 25 - Equation of state for neutron matter
- Nuclear Physics A Vol 747, Issue 2-4 December 2004
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2004.10.004
- # 26 - Towards a complete theory of gamma-ray bursts
- Physics Reports Vol 405, Issue 4 December 2004
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physrep.2004.09.008
- # 27 - Particle dark matter: evidence, candidates and constraints
- Physics Reports Vol 405, Issue 5-6 December 2004
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physrep.2004.08.031