JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 26 November 2004
Volume 2, Issue 47 (32 Articles)
- # 1 - Rotating massive stars: Pre-SN models and stellar yields at solar metallicity
- # 2 - The distributed burning regime in Type Ia supernova models
- # 3 - GRBs and the 511 keV emission of the Galactic bulge
- # 4 - Metal Abundances in Hot DA White Dwarfs
- # 5 - Chemical Evolution of Late-type Dwarf Galaxies - The windy starburst dwarfs NGC 1569 and NGC 1705
- # 6 - Space telescope Imaging Spectrograph ultraviolet spectra of LMC planetary nebulae. A study of carbon abundances and stellar evolution
- # 7 - Outer Versus Inner Halo Globular Clusters: NGC 7492 Abundances
- # 8 - Cooling of Neutron Stars with Color Superconducting Quark Cores
- # 9 - Solar Neutrinos: A Popular Account
- # 10 - Population synthesis as a probe of neutron star thermal evolution
- # 11 - The Chemical Properties of Milky Way and M31 Globular Clusters: II. Stellar Population Model Predictions
- # 12 - Grist: Grid-based Data Mining for Astronomy
- # 13 - New theory of screening for 3D and 2D electron gases
- # 14 - Li, Be, B and Cosmic Rays in the Galaxy
- # 15 - High velocity features in the spectra of the Type Ia SN 1999ee: a property of the explosion or evidence of circumstellar interaction?
- # 16 - Probing the Type Ia environment with Light Echoes
- # 17 - A Hot Water Bottle for Aging Neutron Stars
- # 18 - The Number of Supernovae from Primordial Stars in the Universe
- # 19 - Nuclear structure of the exotic mass region along the rp process path
- # 20 - Cosmic ray strangelets
- # 21 - Measurement of the Neutron Lifetime by Counting Trapped Protons in a Cold Neutron Beam
- # 22 - Lead abundance in the uranium star CS 31082-001
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol 428, No 1 November 2004
- Abstract , Full HTML , PDF file (187 KB) , PS file (227 KB) , References
- # 23 - Enhanced mass transfer during dwarf nova outbursts by irradiation of the secondary?
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol 428, No 2 November 2004
- Abstract , PDF file (143 KB) , PS file (219 KB)
- # 24 - Disk or halo white dwarfs? - Kinematic analysis of high proper motion surveys
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol 428, No 2 November 2004
- Abstract , PDF file (1.04 MB) , PS file (251 KB)
- # 25 - The late-time light curve of the type Ia supernova 2000cx
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol 428, No 2 November 2004
- Abstract , PDF file (830 KB) , PS file (798 KB)
- # 26 - A low upper-limit on the lithium isotope ratio in HD140283
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol 428, No 2 November 2004
- Abstract , PDF file (244 KB) , PS file (82.1 KB)
- # 27 - Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of M4
- # 28 - Minimal Cooling of Neutron Stars: A New Paradigm
- # 29 - Evolution and Yields of Extremely Metal-poor Intermediate-Mass Stars
- Astrophysical Journal Supplement Vol 155, No 2 November 2004
- # 30 - Science searches shift up a gear as Google starts Scholar engine
- # 31 - An improved solar neutron telescope installed at a very high altitude in Mιxico
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods A Vol 535, Issue 3 - November 2004
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2004.06.148
- # 32 - Nuclear vorticity and the low-energy nuclear response: towards the neutron drip line
- Physics Letters B Vol 604, Issues 3-4 November 2004
- http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2004.10.053