JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 22 October 2021
Volume 19, Issue 43 (21 Articles)
- # 1 - A Force Explosion Condition for Spherically Symmetric Core-collapse Supernovae. (arXiv:2110.10173v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 2 - Core-collapse supernova simulations and the formation of neutron stars, hybrid stars, and black holes. (arXiv:2109.01508v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
- # 3 - Electron Captures and Stability of White Dwarfs. (arXiv:2110.11038v1 [astro-ph.SR])
- # 4 - First models of s process in AGB stars of solar metallicity for the stellar evolutionary code ATON with a novel stable explicit numerical solver. (arXiv:2110.08035v1 [astro-ph.SR])
- # 5 - Galactic Chemical Evolution of Radioactive Isotopes with an s-process Contribution. (arXiv:2110.11126v1 [astro-ph.GA])
- # 6 - Radioactive isotopes in the interstellar medium. (arXiv:2110.10207v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 7 - Spatially Resolved X-ray Study of Supernova Remnant G306.3$-$0.9 with Unusually High Calcium Abundance. (arXiv:2110.10181v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 8 - Constraints on the curvature of nuclear symmetry energy from recent astronomical data within the KIDS framework. (arXiv:2110.09802v1 [nucl-th])
- # 9 - Equation of state and composition of proto-neutron stars and merger remnants with hyperons. (arXiv:2109.01919v2 [nucl-th] UPDATED)
- # 10 - Probing dense matter physics with transiently-accreting neutron stars: the case of source MXB 1659-29. (arXiv:2110.11077v1 [nucl-th])
- # 11 - Quiescent luminosities of transiently accreting neutron stars with neutrino heating due to charged pion decay. (arXiv:2110.09729v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 12 - The relative supernovae contribution to the chemical enrichment history of Abell 1837
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 508, Issue: 3
- https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/508/3/3337/6403486?rss=1
- # 13 - A mysterious object is beaming radio waves into the Milky Way
- # 14 - A relic from a past merger event in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- Nature Astronomy
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-021-01493-y
- # 15 - An accreting white dwarf displaying fast transitional mode switching
- Nature Astronomy
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-021-01494-x
- # 16 - Astrophysical $S$ factor and rate of $^{7}mathrm{Be}(p,γ)^{8}mathrm{B}$ direct capture reaction in a potential model
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.104.045806
- # 17 - Where, when, and why: Occurrence of fast-pairwise collective neutrino oscillation in three-dimensional core-collapse supernova models
- Physical Review D
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.104.083025
- # 18 - Advancement of Photospheric Radius Expansion and Clocked Type-I X-Ray Burst Models with the New $^{22}mathrm{Mg}(α,p)^{25}mathrm{Al}$ Reaction Rate Determined at the Gamow Energy
- Physical Review Letters
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.172701
- # 19 - Urca Cooling in Neutron Star Crusts and Oceans: Effects of Nuclear Excitations
- Physical Review Letters
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.172702
- # 20 - The Relative Contribution to Heavy Metals Production from Binary Neutron Star Mergers and Neutron
Star–Black Hole Mergers
- The Astrophysical Journal Letters
- http://iopscience.iop.org/2041-8205/920/1/L3
- # 21 - Novel Model of an Ultra-stripped Supernova Progenitor of a Double Neutron Star
- The Astrophysical Journal Letters
- http://iopscience.iop.org/2041-8205/920/2/L36