JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 5 January 2018
Volume 16, Issue 1 (13 Articles)
- # 1 - Behavior of Abundances in Chemically Peculiar Dwarf and Subgiant A-Type Stars: HD 23193 and HD 170920. (arXiv:1801.00492v1 [astro-ph.SR])
- # 2 - Direct Measurement of Astrophysically Important Resonances in $^{38}mathrm{K}(p, gamma){}^{39}mathrm{Ca}$. (arXiv:1801.00845v1 [nucl-ex])
- # 3 - Evidence for Sub-Chandrasekhar Mass Type Ia Supernovae from an Extensive Survey of Radiative Transfer Models. (arXiv:1801.00789v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 4 - Gray Radiation Hydrodynamics with the FLASH Code for Astrophysical Applications. (arXiv:1712.10091v1 [astro-ph.SR])
- # 5 - On Cooling of Neutron Stars With Stiff Equation of State Including Hyperons. (arXiv:1801.00040v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 6 - Rapid neutrino cooling in the neutron star MXB 1659-29. (arXiv:1801.00041v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 7 - 12C/13C isotopic ratios in red-giant stars of the open cluster NGC 6791
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 474, Issue: 4
- https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/474/4/4810/4655200?rss=1
- # 8 - Chemical study of the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 5927
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 474, Issue: 4
- https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/474/4/4541/4628061?rss=1
- # 9 - Towards asteroseismology of core-collapse supernovae with gravitational-wave observations – I. Cowling approximation
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 474, Issue: 4
- https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/474/4/5272/4668424?rss=1
- # 10 - Astrophysical $S$ factor of the $^{14}mathrm{N}(p,γ)^{15}mathrm{O}$ reaction at 0.4–1.3 MeV
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.97.015801
- # 11 - First measurement of $^{30}mathrm{S}+α$ resonant elastic scattering for the $^{30}mathrm{S}(α,p)$ reaction rate
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.97.015802
- # 12 - Imprints of neutrino-pair flavor conversions on nucleosynthesis in ejecta from neutron-star merger remnants
- Physical Review D
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.96.123015
- # 13 - Rotation-supported Neutrino-driven Supernova Explosions in Three Dimensions and the Critical
Luminosity Condition
- The Astrophysical Journal
- http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/852/1/28