JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 24 August 2012
Volume 10, Issue 34 (36 Articles)
- # 1 - Can R CrB stars form from the merger of two helium white dwarfs?
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.3907 [pdf, other]
- # 2 - Chandra grating spectroscopy of three hot white dwarfs
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4478 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 3 - Chemical evolution and the galactic habitable zone of M31 (the Andromeda Galaxy)
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4198 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 4 - Helium Ignition in the Cores of Low-Mass Stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.3870 [pdf, other]
- # 5 - Nucleosynthetic Layers in the Shocked Ejecta of Cassiopeia A
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4034 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 6 - Oxygen abundances in low- and high-alpha field halo stars and the discovery of two field stars born in globular clusters
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.3675 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 7 - PARSEC: stellar tracks and isochrones with the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4498 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 8 - Preparing Undergraduates for Research Careers: Using Astrobites in the Classroom
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4791 (cross-list from physics.ed-ph) [pdf]
- # 9 - Primordial Nucleosynthesis
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4748 (cross-list from nucl-ex) [pdf, ps, other]
- # 10 - Principal Component Analysis with Noisy and/or Missing Data
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4122 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 11 - Production of 9Be through alpha-fusion reaction of metal-poor cosmic ray and stellar flare
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4210 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 12 - Rotation, activity, and lithium abundance in cool binary stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.3741 [pdf, other]
- # 13 - Testing the deep-crustal heating model using quiescent neutron-star very-faint X-ray transients and the possibility of hybrid crusts in accreting neutron stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4273 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 14 - The 4MOST facility simulator: instrument and science optimisation
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4733 [pdf]
- # 15 - The age-metallicity relationship of the Large Magellanic Cloud field star population from wide-field Washington photometry
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.3899 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 16 - The First Galaxies: Assembly under Radiative Feedback from the First Stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.3698 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 17 - Wide-Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST) Final Report
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4012 [pdf]
- # 18 - Additional experimental evidence against a solar influence on nuclear decay rates
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4357 [pdf]
- # 19 - An effective Nuclear Model: from Nuclear Matter to Finite Nuclei
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4236 [pdf]
- # 20 - Coulomb forces in neutron star crusts
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4841 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 21 - Inconsistencies in the description of pairing effects in nuclear level densities
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4709 [pdf]
- # 22 - New applications of Renormalization Group methods to nuclear matter
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4297 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 23 - The Coulomb-Sturmian basis for the nuclear many-body problem
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 24 Aug
- arXiv:1208.4156 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 24 - Energy-dependent optical model potentials for α and deuteron with 12C
- Journal of Physics G - Volume: 39, Issue: 9
- Abstract References Full text PDF (815 KB) Enhanced article HTML
- # 25 - Half-lives of cluster radioactivity with a generalized liquid-drop model
- Journal of Physics G - Volume: 39, Issue: 9
- Abstract References Full text PDF (339 KB) Enhanced article HTML
- # 26 - High-accuracy mass spectrometry of fission products with Penning traps REVIEW ARTICLE
- Journal of Physics G - Volume: 39, Issue: 9
- Abstract References Full text PDF (2.95 MB) Enhanced article HTML
- # 27 - A new candidate for probing Population III nucleosynthesis with carbon-enhanced damped Lyα systems
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 425, Issue: 1
- AbstractFull Article (HTML)PDF(354K)ReferencesRequest Permissions
- # 28 - An ancient metal-poor population in M32, and halo satellite accretion in M31, identified by RR Lyrae stars
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 425, Issue: 2
- AbstractFull Article (HTML)PDF(2564K)ReferencesSupporting InformationRequest Permissions
- # 29 - Effect of collective neutrino oscillations on the neutrino mechanism of core-collapse supernovae
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 425, Issue: 2
- AbstractFull Article (HTML)PDF(431K)ReferencesRequest Permissions
- # 30 - The chemical composition of the post-asymptotic giant branch F supergiant CRL 2688
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 425, Issue: 2
- AbstractFull Article (HTML)PDF(580K)ReferencesRequest Permissions
- # 31 - The distribution of metals in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of dwarf disc galaxies
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 425, Issue: 2
- AbstractFull Article (HTML)PDF(2790K)ReferencesRequest Permissions
- # 32 - Correlated random sampling for multivariate normal and log-normal distributions
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A - Volume: 690, Issue: 21 October 2012
- | PDF (141 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles
- # 33 - Cluster decay half-lives of trans-lead nuclei within the Coulomb and proximity potential model
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume: 889, Issue: 1 September 2012
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- # 34 - Measurement of astrophysical S-factors and electron screening potentials for image reaction in ZrD2, TiD2 and TaD0.5 targets in the ultralow energy region using plasma accelerator
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume: 889, Issue: 1 September 2012
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- # 35 - Shear viscosity, bulk viscosity, and relaxation times of causal dissipative relativistic fluid-dynamics at finite temperature and chemical potential
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume: 889, Issue: 1 September 2012
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- # 36 - 22C charge radius prediction: Addendum and erratum to “Constraints on two-neutron separation energy in the Borromean 22C nucleus” [Phys. Lett. B 697 (1) (2011) 90–93]
- Physics Letters B - Volume: 715, Issue: 1–3
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