JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 29 June 2012
Volume 10, Issue 26 (19 Articles)
- # 1 - A Troublesome Past: Chemodynamics of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6691 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 2 - An Ancient Metal-Poor Population in M32, and Halo Satellite Accretion in M31, Identified by RR Lyrae Stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6376 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 3 - Shedding Light on Lithium Evolution: The Globular Cluster Perspective
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6220 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 4 - The First Billion Years project - III: The impact of stellar radiation on the coevolution of Populations II and III
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.5824 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 5 - The Gaia-ESO Survey astrophysical calibration
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6291 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 6 - The Penn State-Torun Centre for Astronomy Planet Search stars. I. Spectroscopic analysis of 348 red giants
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6276 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 7 - The violent neutron star
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.5542 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 8 - Velocity-dependent energy gaps and dynamics of superfluid neutron stars
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6580 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 9 - Characterization of a Li-6 loaded liquid organic scintillator for fast neutron spectrometry and thermal neutron detection
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.4036 (cross-list from physics.ins-det) [pdf, other]
- # 10 - High-Precision Measurement of the 19Ne Half-Life and Implications for Right-Handed Weak Currents
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.5742 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 11 - Isomeric states close to doubly magic $^{132}$Sn studied with JYFLTRAP
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6236 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 12 - No evidence of an 11.16 MeV 2+ state in 12C
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.4217 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 13 - Unveiling the intruder deformed 0$^+_2$ state in $^{34}$Si
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6572 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 14 - Astrophysical analysis of the measurement of (alpha,gamma) and (alpha,n) cross sections of 169Tm
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6113 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 15 - On the Importance of the Equation of State for the Neutrino-Driven Supernova Explosion Mechanism
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.6101 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
- # 16 - Pairing and the Cooling of Neutron Stars
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 29 Jun
- arXiv:1206.5011 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
- # 17 - Physics: A shining life
- Nature - Volume: 486, Issue: 7404
- 439-564
- # 18 - Fiction: Ray Bradbury, an appreciation
- Nature - Volume: 486, Issue: 7404
- 439-564
- # 19 - Key Resonances in the 30P(p,γ)31S Gateway Reaction for the Production of Heavy Elements in ONe Novae
- Physical Review Letters - Volume: 108, Issue: 26
- 262502 [View PDF (429 kB)]