JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 4 May 2012
Volume 10, Issue 18 (49 Articles)
- # 1 - Exploring the Morphology of RAVE Stellar Spectra
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1204.6502 [pdf, other]
- # 2 - EzGal: A Flexible Interface for Stellar Population Synthesis Models
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0009 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 3 - Fully Digital: Policy and Process Implications for the AAS
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1204.6716 [pdf]
- # 4 - Scars of Intense Accretion Episodes at Metal-Rich White Dwarfs
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0004 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 5 - Sensitivity of astrophysical reaction rates to nuclear uncertainties
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0685 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 6 - The boron-to-carbon abundance ratio and Galactic propagation of cosmic radiation
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1204.6188 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 7 - The Production Rate of SN Ia Events in Globular Clusters
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0588 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 8 - The transition mass-loss rate: Calibrating the role of line-driven winds in massive star evolution
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0394 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 9 - Comment on "First Observation of Ground State Dineutron Decay: 16Be"
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1204.5946 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 10 - Discovery of Isotopes of the Transuranium Elements with 93 <= Z <= 98
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1204.5959 [pdf, other]
- # 11 - Light Sterile Neutrinos: A White Paper
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1204.5379 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, other]
- # 12 - BCS-pairing and nuclear vibrations
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0078 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 13 - Beyond mean-field calculation for pairing correlation
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0577 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 14 - Effective shell-model hamiltonians from realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials within a perturbative approach
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0383 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 15 - Pressure Corrections to the Equation of State in the Nuclear Mean Field
- arXiv.org - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 4 May
- arXiv:1205.0431 [pdf, ps, other]
- # 16 - Publish and be damned
- Nature-Physics - Volume: 8, Issue: 5
- Full Text - Publish and be damned | PDF (46 KB) - Publish and be damned
- # 17 - The Orsay Universal Plunger System
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A - Volume: 679, Issue: 1 July 2012
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PDF (776 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles
- # 18 - New results on mass measurements of stored neutron-rich nuclides in the element range from Pt to U with the FRS-ESR facility at image
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume: 882, Issue: 15 May 2012
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PDF (505 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles
- # 19 - Nuclear structure of 130–136Ce in IBM and DPPQ model
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume: 882, Issue: 15 May 2012
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PDF (335 K) | Related articles | Related reference work articles
- # 20 - Properties of the lowest 1/2+, T=3/2 states in A=11 nuclei
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044304 [View PDF (222 kB)]
- # 21 - Multi-intruder structures in 34P
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044305 [View PDF (439 kB)]
- # 22 - Proton pygmy dipole resonances in 17,18Ne: Collective versus noncollective excitations
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044307 [View PDF (543 kB)]
- # 23 - Formations of loose clusters in an unbound region of 12Be
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044308 [View PDF (604 kB)]
- # 24 - B(E2) values in 12Be and core excitation
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044309 [View PDF (132 kB)]
- # 25 - Highly charged ions in Penning traps: A new tool for resolving low-lying isomeric states
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044311 [View PDF (538 kB)]
- # 26 - One-neutron removal reactions on Al isotopes around the N = 20 shell closure
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044312 [View PDF (594 kB)]
- # 27 - Neutron capture cross sections of 184,189,190,192Os and the decays of 185Os,190Osm, 191Os, and 193Os
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044319 [View PDF (798 kB)]
- # 28 - Breaking of N=8 magicity in 13Be
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044320 [View PDF (1,066 kB)]
- # 29 - Structure of the Sr-Zr isotopes near and at the magic N=50 shell from g-factor and lifetime measurements in 4088Zr and 84,86,3888Sr
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044322 [View PDF (553 kB)]
- # 30 - Effect of nuclear deformation on α-decay half-lives
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044324 [View PDF (251 kB)]
- # 31 - New states in 18Na and 19Mg observed in the two-proton decay of 19Mg
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044325 [View PDF (793 kB)]
- # 32 - Cross-section measurement of 9Be(γ,n)8Be and implications for α+α+n→9Be in the r process
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044605 [View PDF (883 kB)]
- # 33 - Resonance neutron-capture cross sections of stable magnesium isotopes and their astrophysical implications
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044615 [View PDF (2,166 kB)]
- # 34 - Measurement and resonance analysis of the 237Np neutron capture cross section
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 044616 [View PDF (3,131 kB)]
- # 35 - Experimental study of resonant states in 27P via elastic scattering of 26Si+p
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045802 [View PDF (450 kB)]
- # 36 - Spin change of a proto-neutron star by the emission of neutrinos
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045803 [View PDF (440 kB)]
- # 37 - Measurement of elastic 12C + α scattering: Above the proton separation energy
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045804 [View PDF (934 kB)]
- # 38 - Mass measurements near the r-process path using the Canadian Penning Trap mass spectrometer
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045805 [View PDF (1,128 kB)]
- # 39 - Shell-model studies of the rp reaction 35Ar(p,γ)36K
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045806 [View PDF (262 kB)]
- # 40 - Determination of the 3He+α→7Be asymptotic normalization coefficients, the nuclear vertex constants, and their application for the extrapolation of the 3He(α,γ)7Be astrophysical S factors to the solar energy region
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045807 [View PDF (618 kB)]
- # 41 - Nuclear symmetry energy and the r-mode instability of neutron stars
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045808 [View PDF (471 kB)]
- # 42 - 26Si excited states via one-neutron removal from a 27Si radioactive ion beam
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045809 [View PDF (503 kB)]
- # 43 - New measurement of the astrophysically important 40Ca(α,γ)44Ti reaction
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 045810 [View PDF (784 kB)]
- # 44 - Impact of new β-decay half-lives on r-process nucleosynthesis
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 048801 [View PDF (262 kB)]
- # 45 - Publisher's Note: Systematic study of (n,p) reaction cross sections from the reaction threshold to 20 MeV [Phys. Rev. C 85, 024624 (2012)]
- Physical Review C - Volume: 85, Issue: 4
- 049903(E) [View PDF (31 kB)]
- # 46 - Probing the neutrino mass hierarchy with the rise time of a supernova burst
- Physical Review D - Volume: 85, Issue: 8
- 085031 [View PDF (597 kB)]
- # 47 - Quadrupole Collectivity beyond N=28: Intermediate-Energy Coulomb Excitation of 47,48Ar
- Physical Review Letters - Volume: 108, Issue: 18
- 182501 [View PDF (483 kB)] See accompanying Physics Viewpoint
- # 48 - Measurement of the cross section for the reaction 20Ne(n,α)17O in the neutron-energy between 4 and 7 MeV
- Physics of Atomic Nuclei - Volume: 75, Issue: 4
- Download PDF (567.8 KB)
- # 49 - Nuclear matter equation of state and three-body forces
- Physics of Atomic Nuclei - Volume: 75, Issue: 4
- Download PDF (545.2 KB)