JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 29 August 2003
Volume 1, Issue 7 (43 Articles)
- # 1 - Evidence for Flash Mixing in He-rich sdB Stars
- # 2 - The mass spectrum of metal-free Stars resulting from photodissociation feedback: A scenario for the formation of low-mass population III stars
- # 3 - Primordial Nucleosynthesis
- # 4 - How to SYN in seven easy steps
- # 5 - Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS02) experiment on the International Space Station (ISS)
- # 6 - A Search for Nitrogen Enriched Quasars in the Sloan EDR
- # 7 - The Most Likely Sources of High Energy Cosmic-Ray Electrons in Supernova Remnants
- # 8 - Chemical Evolution models of Local Group galaxies
- # 9 - Cross sections relevant to gamma-ray line emission in solar flares: 3He-induced reactions on $^{16}$O nuclei
- # 10 - Flash Mixing on the White Dwarf Cooling Curve: FUSE Observations of three He-rich sdB Stars
- # 11 - Shower Studies at around 10^18 eV with the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
- # 12 - Measuring and Understanding the Universe
- # 13 - The Case for Asymmetric Dust Around a C-Rich AGB star
- # 14 - First Star Signature in Infrared Background Anisotropies
- # 15 - The Breakout of Relativistic Jets from Massive Wolf-Rayet Stars
- # 16 - Nucleus-nucleus reaction cross-sections calculated for realistic nuclear matter distributions within the Glauber-Sitenko approach
- # 17 - Nuclear incompressibility using the density dependent M3Y effective interaction
- # 18 - Radii of weakly bound three-body systems: halo nuclei and molecules
- # 19 - Electron screening in the liquid-gas mixed phases of nuclear matter
- # 20 - Finite Formation Time in Electro-Disintegration of Few-Body Nuclei
- # 21 - The frequency of occurrence of novae hosting an ONe white dwarf
- Astronomy and Astrophysics , Vol. 407 No. 3
- Abstract , Full HTML, PDF file (185 KB) , PS file (69.7 KB)
- # 22 - Long term variability of Cygnus X-1 - I. X-ray spectral-temporal correlations in the hard state
- Astronomy and Astrophysics , Vol. 407 No. 3
- Abstract , Full HTML, PDF file (1.07 MB) , PS file (310 KB)
- # 23 - The Supernova Associated with GRB 030329
- # 24 - Have the Elusive Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae Been Discovered?
- # 25 - On the Origin of HE 0107-5240, the Most Iron-deficient Star Presently Known
- # 26 - Early reionization by the first galaxies
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Vol 344, Issue 1
- Abstract , Full Text Article
- # 27 - The quasar epoch and the stellar ages of early-type galaxies
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Vol 344, Issue 1
- Abstract , Full Text Article
- # 28 - A universal radio-X-ray correlation in low/hard state black hole binaries
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Vol 344, Issue 1
- Abstract , Full Text Article
- # 29 - Inertial modes of neutron stars with a superfluid core
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Vol 344, Issue 1
- Abstract , Full Text Article
- # 30 - Metallicity distribution on the galactic disk
- New Astronomy - Volume 8, Issue 8
- [Abstract] [Online Article] Full text supplied by [ScienceDirect] [Full text] (PDF 379.6 Kb) [Full text] (PS 365.1 Kb)
- # 31 - r -Process abundance universality and actinide cosmochronology
- New Astronomy - Volume 8, Issue 8
- [Abstract] [Online Article] Full text supplied by [ScienceDirect] [Full text] (PDF 261.7 Kb) [Full text] (PS 182 Kb)
- # 32 - Asymptotic normalization coefficients from proton transfer reactions and astrophysical S factors for the CNO 13 C(p, &small) 14 N radiative capture process
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume 725
- doi:10.1016/S0375-9474(03)01618-X
- # 33 - Erratum to: "Evolution and nucleosynthesis of massive stars and related nuclear uncertainties": [Nucl. Phys. A 719 (2003) 73c]
- Nuclear Physics A - Volume 725
- doi:10.1016/S0375-9474(03)01599-9
- # 34 - The neutrino mass window for baryogenesis
- Nuclear Physics B - Volume 665
- doi:10.1016/S0550-3213(03)00449-8
- # 35 - Large mixing angle solution to the solar neutrino problem and random matter density perturbations
- Physics Letters B - Volume 569, Issues 1-2
- doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2003.07.010
- # 36 - Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays in a structured and magnetized universe
- Physical Review D - Volume 68, Number 4
- Abstract/References Full Text: [ PDF (598 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 37 - The origin of the heavy elements: Recent progress in the understanding of the r-process
- Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics - Volume 50, Issue 1
- doi:10.1016/S0146-6410(02)00178-3
- # 38 - Nuclear weak-interaction processes in stars
- Reviews of Modern Physics - Volume 75, Number 3
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (3371 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 39 - Nobel Lecture: A half-century with solar neutrinos
- Reviews of Modern Physics - Volume 75, Number 3
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (2256 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 40 - Nobel Lecture: The dawn of x-ray astronomy
- Reviews of Modern Physics - Volume 75, Number 3
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (5561 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 41 - Nobel Lecture: Birth of neutrino astrophysics
- Reviews of Modern Physics - Volume 75, Number 3
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (3163 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 42 - Recent trends in the determination of nuclear masses
- Reviews of Modern Physics - Volume 75, Number 3
- Abstract Full Text: [ PDF (1057 kB) GZipped PS Order Document ]
- # 43 - Galaxy Disruption in a Halo of Dark Matter
- Science - Volume 301, Number 5637 10.1126/science.1089237 (Science Express Reports )
- [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Supporting Online Material]