Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics
Edited by
Honey Arora
, Michigan State University and
Fry Fang
, University of Notre Dame
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Chemical Evolution of R-process Elements in Stars (CERES): IV. An observational run-up of the third r-process peak with Hf, Os, Ir, and Pt
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 49 - article #2
Arthur Alencastro Puls
Jan Kuske
Camilla Juul Hansen
Linda Lombardo
Giorgio Visentin
Almudena Arcones
Raphaela Fernandes de Melo
Moritz Reichert
Piercarlo Bonifacio
Elisabetta Caffau
Stephan Fritzsche
Isomeric Population Transfer of the $^{229}mathrm{Th}$ Nucleus via Hyperfine Electronic Bridge
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 48 - article #27
Wu Wang
Fen Zou
Stephan Fritzsche,
Yong Li
Physical Review Letters
Characterization of the LUNA neutron detector array for the measurement of the 13C(a,n)16O reaction
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 46 - article #7
L. Csedreki
G. F. Ciani
J. Balibrea-Correa
A. Best
M. Aliotta
F. Barile
D. Bemmerer
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C. G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
F. Cavanna
T. Chillery
P. Colombetti
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
E. M. Fiore
A. Formicola
Zs. Fulop
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyurky
G. Imbriani
Z. Janas
M. Junker
I. Kochanek
M. Lugaro
P. Marigo
E. Masha
C. Mazzocchi
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F. R. Pantaleo
V. Paticchio
R. Perrino
D. Piatti
P. Prati
L. Schiavulli
K. Stockel
O. Straniero
T. Szucs
M. P. Takacs
F. Terrasi
S. Zavatarelli
Magnetic activity in close binary systems
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 44 - article #1
Zs. KH{o}v'ari
Retraction: Experimental study of the astrophysical $γ$-process reaction $^{124}mathrm{Xe}(α,γ)^{128}mathrm{Ba}$ [Phys. Rev. C <b>94</b>, 045801 (2016)]
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 44 - article #19
Z. Halász
E. Somorjai
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Elekes
Zs. Fülöp
T. Szücs
G. G. Kiss
N. T. Szegedi
T. Rauscher
J. Görres,
M. Wiescher
Physical Review C
First direct measurement of the 64.5 keV resonance strength in $^{17}$O(p,$gamma$)$^{18}$F reaction
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 32 - article #8
R. M. Gesu`e
G. F. Ciani
D. Piatti
A. Boeltzig
D. Rapagnani
M. Aliotta
C. Ananna
L. Barbieri
F. Barile
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
C. Broggini
C. G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
M. Campostrini
F. Casaburo
F. Cavanna
P. Colombetti
A. Compagnucci
P. Corvisiero
L. Csedreki
T. Davinson
G. M. De Gregorio
D. Dell'Aquila
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. F"ul"op
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gy"urky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
M. Lugaro
P. Marigo
J. Marsh
E. Masha
R. Menegazzo
D. Mercogliano
V. Paticchio
R. Perrino
P. Prati
V. Rigato
D. Robb
L. Schiavulli
R. S. Sidhu
J. Skowronski
O. Straniero
T. Sz"ucs
S. Zavatarelli
Elevated $p_{rm astro}$: increased significances with multi-messenger coincidences
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 28 - article #4
Dou{g}a Veske
Albert Zhang
Zsuzsa M'arka
Szabolcs M'arka
Low-energy $α$-nucleus optical potential studied via $(α,n)$ cross section measurements on Te isotopes
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 25 - article #24
Zs. Mátyus
Gy. Gyürky
P. Mohr
A. Angyal
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss
Ã. Tóth
T. Szücs,
Zs. Fülöp
Physical Review C
Low energy alpha-nucleus optical potential studied via (a,n) cross section measurements on Te isotopes
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 23 - article #19
Zs. M'atyus
Gy. Gy"urky
P. Mohr
A. Angyal
Z. Hal'asz
G. G. Kiss
'A T'oth
T. Sz"ucs
Zs. F"ul"op
High-precision spectroscopy of $^{20}$O benchmarking ab-initio calculations in light nuclei
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 21 - article #9
I. Zanon
E. Cl'ement
A. Goasduff
J. Men'endez
T. Miyagi
M. Assi'e
M. Ciema{l}a
F. Flavigny
A. Lemasson
A. Matta
D. Ramos
M. Rejmund
L. Achouri
D. Ackermann
D. Barrientos
D. Beaumel
G. Benzoni
A. J. Boston
H. C. Boston
S. Bottoni
A. Bracco
D. Brugnara
G. de France
N. de Sereville
F. Delaunay
P. Desesquelles
F. Didierjean
C. Domingo-Prato
J. Dudouet
J. Eberth
D. Fern'andez
C. Foug`eres
A. Gadea
F. Galtarossa
V. Girard-Alcindor
V. Gonzales
A. Gottardo
F. Hammache
L. J. Harkness-Brennan
H. Hess
D. S Judson
A. Jungclaus
A. Kac{s}kac{s}
Y. H. Kim
A. Kuc{s}ou{g}lu
M. Labiche
S. Leblond
C. Lenain
S. M. Lenzi
S. Leoni
H. Li
J. Ljungvall
J. Lois-Fuentes
A. Lopez-Martens
A. Maj
R. Menegazzo
D. Mengoni
C. Michelagnoli
B. Million
D. R. Napoli
J. Nyberg
G. Pasqualato
Zs. Podolyak
A. Pullia
B. Quintana
F. Recchia
D. Regueira-Castro
P. Reiter
K. Rezynkina
J. S. Rojo
M. D. Salsac
E. Sanchis
M. c{S}enyiu{g}it
M. Siciliano
D. Sohler
O. Stezowski
Ch. Theisen
A. Utepov
J. J. Valiente-Dob'on
D. Verney
M. Zielinska
First Exploration of Monopole-Driven Shell Evolution above the N = 126 shell closure: new Millisecond Isomers in 213Tl and 215Tl. (arXiv:2401.06428v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 3 - article #25
T.T. Yeung
A.I. Morales
J. Wu
M. Liu
C. Yuan
S. Nishimura
V. H. Phong
N. Fukuda
J.L. Tain
T. Davinson
K.P. Rykaczewski
R. Yokoyama
T. Isobe
M. Niikura
Zs. Podolyak
G. Alcala
A. Algora
J. Agramunt
C. Appleton
H. Baba
R. Caballero-Folch
P. Calvino
M.P. Carpenter
I. Dillmann
A. Estrade
T. Gao
C. Griffin
R. Grzywacz
O. Hall
Y. Hirayama
E. Ideguchi
G.G. Kiss
K. Kokubun
F.G. Kondev
R. Mizuno
M. Mukai
N. Nepal
M.N. Nurhafiza
S. Ohta
S.E.A. Orrigo
M. Pallas
J. Park
D. Rodriguez-Garcia
H. Sakurai
L. Sexton
Y. Shimizu
H. Suzuki
A. Sveiczer
H. Takeda
A. Tarifeno-Saldivia
A. Tolosa-Delgado
J.A. Victoria
Y.X. Watanabe
J.M. Yap
Measurement of the Isolated Nuclear Two-Photon Decay in $^{72}mathrm{Ge}$. (arXiv:2312.11313v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 49 - article #28
D. Freire-Fernández
W. Korten
R. J. Chen
S. Litvinov
Yu. A. Litvinov
M. S. Sanjari
H. Weick
F. C. Akinci
H. M. Albers
M. Armstrong
A. Banerjee
K. Blaum
C. Brandau
B. A. Brown
C. G. Bruno
J. J. Carroll
X. Chen
Ch. J. Chiara
M. L. Cortes
S. F. Dellmann
I. Dillmann
D. Dmytriiev
O. Forstner
H. Geissel
J. Glorius
A. Görgen
M. Górska
C. J. Griffin
A. Gumberidze
S. Harayama
R. Hess
N. Hubbard
K. E. Ide
Ph. R. John
R. Joseph
B. Jurado
D. Kalaydjieva
K. Kanika
F. G. Kondev
P. Koseoglou
G. Kosir
Ch. Kozhuharov
I. Kulikov
G. Leckenby
B. Lorenz
J. Marsh
A. Mistry
A. Ozawa
N. Pietralla
Zs. Podolyák
M. Polettini
M. Sguazzin
R. S. Sidhu
M. Steck
Th. Stöhlker
J. A. Swartz
J. Vesic
P. M. Walker
T. Yamaguchi
R. Zidarova
The Pre-explosion Environments and The Progenitor of SN 2023ixf from the Hobby Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX). (arXiv:2311.10400v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 45 - article #33
Chenxu Liu
Xinlei Chen
Xinzhong Er
Gregory R. Zeimann
Jozsef Vinko
J. Craig Wheeler
Erin Mentuch Cooper
Dustin Davis
Daniel J. Farrow
Karl Gebhardt
Helong Guo
Gary J. Hill
Lindsay House
Wolfram Kollatschny
Fanchuan Kong
Brajesh Kumar
Xiangkun Liu
Sarah Tuttle
Michael Endl
Parker Duke
William D. Cochran
Jinghua Zhang
Xiaowei Liu
First measurement of the low-energy direct capture in 20Ne(p, {gamma})21Na and improved energy and strength of the Ecm = 368 keV resonance. (arXiv:2311.04089v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 43 - article #14
E. Masha
L. Barbieri
J. Skowronski
M. Aliotta
C. Ananna
F. Barile
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C.G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
M. Campostrini
F. Casaburo
F. Cavanna
G.F. Ciani
A. Ciapponi
P. Colombetti
A. Compagnucci
P. Corvisiero
L. Csedreki
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
E.M. Fiore
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
J. José
M. Junker
M. Lugaro
P. Manoj
P. Marigo
R. Menegazzo
V. Paticchio
D. Piatti
P. Prati
D. Rapagnani
V. Rigato
D. Robb
L. Schiavulli
R.S. Sidhu
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
S. Zavatarelli
Light-yield response of liquid scintillators using 2--6 MeV tagged neutrons. (arXiv:2311.00725v1 [physics.ins-det])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 42 - article #5
N. Mauritzson
K.G. Fissum
J.R.M. Annand
H. Perrey
R. Al Jebali
A. Backis
R. Hall-Wilton
K. Kanaki
V. Maulerova-Subert
F. Messi
R.J.W. Frost
E. Rofors
J. Scherzinger
SN 2022oqm: A Multi-peaked Calcium-rich Transient from a White Dwarf Binary Progenitor System. (arXiv:2308.12991v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 35 - article #5
S. Karthik Yadavalli
V. Ashley Villar
Luca Izzo
Yossef Zenati
Ryan J. Foley
J. Craig Wheeler
Charlotte R. Angus
Dominik Bánhidi
Katie Auchettl
Barna Imre Bíró
Attila Bódi
Zsófia Bodola
Thomas de Boer
Kenneth C. Chambers
Ryan Chornock
David A. Coulter
István Csányi
Borbála Cseh
Srujan Dandu
Kyle W. Davis
Connor Braden Dickinson
Diego Farias
Christa Gall
Hua Gao
Wynn V. Jacobson-Galan
Nandita Khetan
Charles D. Kilpatrick
Réka Könyves-Tóth
Levente Kriskovics
Natalie LeBaron
Kayla Loertscher
X. K. Le Saux
Rafaella Margutti
Eugene A. Magnier
Peter McGill
Hao-Yu Miao
András Pál
Boróka H. Pál
Yen-Chen Pan
Collin A. Politsch
Conor L. Ransome
Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz
Armin Rest
Sofia Rest
et al.
(13 additional authors not shown)
New proton-capture rates on carbon isotopes and their impact on the astrophysical $^{12}mathrm{C}/{}^{13}mathrm{C}$ ratio. (arXiv:2308.16098v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 35 - article #11
J. Skowronski
A. Boeltzig
G. F. Ciani
L. Csedreki
D. Piatti
M. Aliotta
C. Ananna
F. Barile
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
C. Broggini
C. G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
M. Campostrini
F. Cavanna
P. Colombetti
A. Compagnucci
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
R. M. Gesuè
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
M. Lugaro
P. Marigo
E. Masha
R. Menegazzo
V. Paticchio
R. Perrino
P. Prati
D. Rapagnani
V. Rigato
L. Schiavulli
R. S. Sidhu
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
S. Zavatarelli
Experimental determination of the $^{3}mathrm{He}(α,γ)^{7}mathrm{Be}$ reaction cross section above the $^{7}mathrm{Be}$ proton separation threshold
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 32 - article #14
Ã. Tóth
T. Szücs
T. N. Szegedi
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss,
Zs. Fülöp
Physical Review C
The chemical evolution of the solar neighbourhood for planet-hosting stars. (arXiv:2307.12330v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 30 - article #2
Marco Pignatari
Thomas C. L. Trueman
Kate A. Womack
Brad K. Gibson
Benoit Côté
Diego Turrini
Christopher Sneden
Stephen J. Mojzsis
Richard J. Stancliffe
Paul Fong
Thomas V. Lawson
James D. Keegans
Kate Pilkington
Jean-Claude Passy
Timothy C. Beers
Maria Lugaro
Experimental determination of the $^3$He($alpha$,$gamma$)$^7$Be reaction cross section above the $^7$Be proton separation threshold. (arXiv:2307.10218v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 29 - article #12
Á. Tóth
T. Szücs
T. N. Szegedi
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss
Zs. Fülöp
The $gamma$-process nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernovae. I. A novel analysis of $gamma$-process yields in massive stars. (arXiv:2306.11409v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 25 - article #9
L. Roberti
M. Pignatari
A. Psaltis
A. Sieverding
P. Mohr
Zs. Fülöp
M. Lugaro
Initial 56Ni Masses in Type Ia Supernovae. (arXiv:2306.05820v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 24 - article #1
Zsófia Bora
József Vinkó
Réka Könyves-Tóth
133In: A Rosetta Stone for decays of r-process nuclei. (arXiv:2306.01842v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 23 - article #4
Z. Y. Xu
M. Madurga
R. Grzywacz
T. T. King
A. Algora
A. N. Andreyev
J. Benito
T. Berry
M. J. G. Borge
C. Costache
H. De Witte
A. Fijalkowska
L. M. Fraile
H. O. U. Fynbo
A. Gottardo
C. Halverson
L. J. Harkness-Brennan
J. Heideman
M. Huyse
A. Illana
Ł. Janiak
D. S. Judson
A. Korgul
T. Kurtukian-Nieto
I. Lazarus
R. Lică
R. Lozeva
N. Marginean
R. Marginean
C. Mazzocchi
C. Mihai
R. E. Mihai
A. I. Morales
R. D. Page
J. Pakarinen
M. Piersa-Siłkowska
Zs. Podolyák
P. Sarriguren
M. Singh
Ch. Sotty
M. Stepaniuk
O. Tengblad
A. Turturica
P. Van Duppen
V. Vedia
S. Viñals
N. Warr
R. Yokoyama
C. X. Yuan
How do supernova remnants cool? -- I. Morphology, optical emission lines, and shocks. (arXiv:2305.07652v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 20 - article #5
Ekaterina I. Makarenko
Stefanie Walch
Seamus D. Clarke
Daniel Seifried
Thorsten Naab
Pierre C. Nürnberger
Tim-Eric Rathjen
((1) I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 77, D-50937 Köln, Germany,
(2) Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan,
(3) Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany)
Cross section measurement of the 144Sm(alpha,n)147Gd reaction for studying the alpha-nucleus optical potential at astrophysical energies. (arXiv:2302.02697v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 6 - article #2
Gy. Gyürky
P. Mohr
A. Angyal
Z. Halász
G.G. Kiss
Zs. Mátyus
T.N. Szegedi
T. Szücs
Zs. Fülöp
Cross section measurement of the $^{144}mathrm{Sm}(α,n)^{147}mathrm{Gd}$ reaction for studying the $α$-nucleus optical potential at astrophysical energies
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 6 - article #14
Gy. Gyürky
P. Mohr
A. Angyal
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss
Zs. Mátyus
T. N. Szegedi
T. Szücs,
Zs. Fülöp
Physical Review C
Rapidly rotating neutron stars with realistic nuclear matter equation of state
Virtual Journal - Volume 20, Issue 51 - article #4
Balázs Kacskovics
Dániel Barta
Mátyás Vasúth
Astronomische Nachrichten - Volume: 0, Issue: 0
First direct limit on the 334 keV resonance strength in the $^{22}$Ne({alpha},{gamma})$^{26}$Mg reaction. (arXiv:2209.03051v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 20, Issue 35 - article #7
D. Piatti
E. Masha
M. Aliotta
J. Balibrea-Correa
F. Barile
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C. G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
F. Cavanna
T. Chillery
G. F. Ciani
A. Compagnucci
P. Corvisiero
L. Csedreki
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
E. M. Fiore
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
M. Lugaro
P. Marigo
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F. R. Pantaleo
V. Paticchio
R. Perrino
P. Prati
D. Rapagnani
L. Schiavulli
J. Skowronski
K. Stöckel
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
M. P. Takács
S. Zavatarelli
High-precision $^{144}mathrm{Sm}(α,α)^{144}mathrm{Sm}$ scattering at low energies and the rate of the $^{144}mathrm{Sm}(α,γ)^{148}mathrm{Gd}$ reaction
Virtual Journal - Volume 20, Issue 27 - article #9
G. G. Kiss
P. Mohr
Gy. Gyürky
T. Szücs
L. Csedreki
Z. Halász
Zs. Fülöp,
E. Somorjai
Physical Review C
Activation cross section measurement of the $^{14}mathrm{N}(p,γ)^{15}mathrm{O}$ astrophysical key reaction
Virtual Journal - Volume 20, Issue 5 - article #10
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss
T. Szücs,
Zs. Fülöp
Physical Review C
First application of mass measurement with the Rare-RI Ring reveals the solar r-process abundance trend at A=122 and A=123. (arXiv:2112.05312v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 51 - article #2
H. F. Li
S. Naimi
T. M. Sprouse
M. R. Mumpower
Y. Abe
Y. Yamaguchi
D. Nagae
F. Suzaki
M. Wakasugi
H. Arakawa
W.B. Dou
D. Hamakawa
S. Hosoi
Y. Inada
T. Kobayashi
M. Sakaue
Y. Yokoda
T. Yamaguchi
R. Kagesawa
D. Kamioka
M. Mukai
A. Ozawa
S. Ota
N. Kitamura
S. Masuoka
S. Michimasa
H. Baba
N. Fukuda
Y. Shimizu
H. Suzuki
H. Takeda
D.S. Ahn
M. Wang
C.Y. Fu
Q. Wang
Z. Ge
Yu. A. Litvinov
G. Lorusso
P. M. Walker
Zs. Podolyak
T. Uesaka
Observation of excited states in the neutron-rich nucleus $^{89}mathrm{Br}$
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 46 - article #10
B. M. Nyakó
J. Timár
M. Csatlós
Zs. Dombrádi
A. J. Krasznahorkay
I. Kuti
D. Sohler
T. G. Tornyi
M. CzerwiÅski
T. RzÄ ca-Urban
W. Urban
L. Atanasova
D. L. Balabanski
K. Sieja
A. Blanc
G. de France
M. Jentschel
U. Köster
P. Mutti
G. S. Simpson
T. Soldner,
C. A. Ur
Physical Review C
Direct measurement of the 13C({alpha},n)16O cross section into the s-process Gamow peak. (arXiv:2110.00303v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 41 - article #6
Gy. Gyurky
S .Zavatarelli
Measurement of the 91 Zr(p, γ ) 92 m Nb cross section motivated by type Ia supernova nucleosynthesis
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 38 - article #12
Gy Gyürky
Z Halász
G G Kiss
T Szücs
R Huszánk
Zs Török
Zs Fülöp
T Rauscher
C Travaglio
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Measurement of the 91Zr(p,gamma)92mNb cross section motivated by type Ia supernova nucleosynthesis. (arXiv:2108.10006v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 35 - article #4
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
G.G. Kiss
T. Szücs
R. Huszánk
Zs. Török
Zs. Fülöp
T. Rauscher
C. Travaglio
The 27Al(p,a)24Mg reaction at astrophysical energies studied by means of the Trojan Horse Method applied to the 2H(27Al,a24Mg)n reaction. (arXiv:2108.06145v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 34 - article #5
Sara Palmerini
Marco La Cognata
Fairouz Hammache
Luis Acosta
Rosa Alba
Vaclav Burjan
Efrain Chavez
Silvio Cherubini
Alexandra Cvetinovic
Giuseppe D'Agata
Nicolas De Sereville
Alessia Di Pietro
Pierpaolo Figuera
Zsolt Fullop
Karen De Los Rios
Giovanni Luca Guardo
Marisa Gulino
Seiya Hayakawa
Gabor Kiss
Marco La Commara
Livio Lamia
Concetta Maiolino Giulio Manicò
Catalin Matei
Marco Mazzocco
Jaromir Mrazek
Tina Parascandolo
Teodora Petruse
Dimitra Pierroutsakou
Rosario Gianluca Pizzone
Giuseppe Gabriele Rapisarsa
Stefano Romano
Domenico Santonocito
Maria Letizia Sergi
Roberta Spartà
Aurora Tumino
Hidetoshi Yamaguchi
Supernova Model Discrimination with Hyper-Kamiokande
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 30 - article #16
K. Abe
P. Adrich
H. Aihara
R. Akutsu
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Hyper-Kamiokande Collaboration
The Astrophysical Journal
Persistence of the ${Z=28}$ shell gap in ${A=75}$ isobars: Identification of a possible ${(1/2^-)}$ ${mu}$s isomer in ${^{75}}$Co and ${beta}$ decay to ${^{75}}$Ni. (arXiv:2101.06246v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 4 - article #12
S. Escrig
A. I. Morales
S. Nishimura
M. Niikura
A. Poves
Z. Y. Xu
G. Lorusso
F. Browne
P. Doornenbal
G. Gey
H.-S. Jung
Z. Li
P.-A. Söderström
T. Sumikama
J. Taprogge
Zs. Vajta
H. Watanabe
J. Wu
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H. Baba
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P. R. John
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A. Odahara
E. Şahin
H. Sakurai
H. Schaffner
I. G. Stefan
D. Suzuki
R. Taniuchi
V. Werner
D. Sohler
Swift X-ray Follow-Up Observations of Gravitational Wave and High-Energy Neutrino Coincident Signals. (arXiv:2011.01319v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 45 - article #7
Azadeh Keivani
Jamie A. Kennea
Phil A. Evans
Aaron Tohuvavohu
Riki Rapisura
Stefan Countryman
Imre Bartos
Zsuzsa Marka
Doga Veske
Szabolcs Marka
Derek B. Fox
Successful Prediction of Total $α$-Induced Reaction Cross Sections at Astrophysically Relevant Sub-Coulomb Energies Using a Novel Approach
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 27 - article #14
P. Mohr
Zs. Fülöp
Gy. Gyürky
G.âG. Kiss,
T. Szücs
Physical Review Letters
Successful prediction of total ?-induced reaction cross sections at astrophysically relevant sub-Coulomb energies using a novel approach
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 24 - article #7
P. Mohr
Zs. Fülöp
Gy. Gyürky
G. G. Kiss
T. Szücs
Novel Penning-trap techniques reveal isomeric states in $^{128}$In and $^{130}$In for the first time. (arXiv:2005.09398v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 21 - article #11
D.A. Nesterenko
A. Kankainen
J. Kostensalo
C.R. Nobs
A.M. Bruce
O. Beliuskina
L. Canete
T. Eronen
E.R. Gamba
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A. de Roubin
M. Rudigier
J. Suhonen
M. Vilén
V. Virtanen
J. Äystö
A glimpse inside δ Scuti stars
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 20 - article #7
József M. BenkÅ
Setup commissioning for an improved measurement of the D(p,gamma)3He cross section at Big Bang Nucleosynthesis energies. (arXiv:2005.00002v1 [physics.ins-det])
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 19 - article #11
V. Mossa
K. Stöckel
F. Cavanna
F. Ferraro
M. Aliotta
F. Barile
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C.G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
L. Csedreki
T. Chillery
G.F. Ciani
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
E.M. Fiore
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
G. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
I. Kochanek
M. Lugaro
L.E. Marcucci
P. Marigo
E. Masha
R. Menegazzo
F.R. Pantaleo
V. Paticchio
R. Perrino
D. Piatti
P. Prati
L. Schiavulli
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
M. P. Takács
D. Trezzi
S. Zavatarelli
G. Zorzi
A new approach to monitor 13C-targets degradation in situ for 13C(alpha,n)16O cross-section measurements at LUNA. (arXiv:2001.08744v1 [physics.ins-det])
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 5 - article #12
G.F. Ciani
L. Csedreki
J. Balibrea-Correa
A. Best
M. Aliotta
F. Barile D. Bemmerer
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C.G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
F. Cavanna
T. Chillery
P. Colombetti
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
A. Di Leva
L. Di Paolo
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
M. Fiore
A. Formicola
Zs. Fulop
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyurky
G. Imbriani
I. Kochanek
M. Lugaro
E. Masha
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
R. Perrino
P. Prati
L. Schiavulli
K. Stockel
O. Straniero
T. Szucs M.P.Takacs
D. Trezzi
S. Zavatarelli
Neutrino emission upper limits with maximum likelihood estimators for joint astrophysical neutrino searches with large sky localizations. (arXiv:2001.00566v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 1 - article #5
Doğa Veske
Zsuzsa Márka
Imre Bartos
Szabolcs Márka
Isotope harvesting at FRIB: additional opportunities for scientific discovery
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 34 - article #19
E Paige Abel
Mikael Avilov
Virginia Ayres
Eva Birnbaum
Georg Bollen
Greg Bonito
Todd Bredeweg
Hannah Clause
Aaron Couture
Joe DeVore
Matt Dietrich
Paul Ellison
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C Shaun Loveless
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J David Robertson
Nicholas Scielzo
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Gregory Severin
Dawn Shaughnessy
Jennifer Shusterman
Jaideep Singh
Mark Stoyer
Logan Sutherlin
Ate Visser
John Wilkinson
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Resonance strengths in the 14N(p,gamma)15O astrophysical key reaction measured with activation. (arXiv:1907.07446v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 29 - article #3
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
G.G. Kiss
T. Szücs
A. Csík
Zs. Török
R. Huszánk
M.G. Kohan
L. Wagner
Zs. Fülöp
High precision half-life measurement of $^{125}$Cs and $^{125}$Xe with {gamma}-spectroscopy. (arXiv:1905.01108v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 19 - article #14
T.N. Szegedi
G.G. Kiss
I. Öksüz
T. Szücs
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Elekes
E. Somorjai
Zs. Fülöp
Cross section of $^{3}mathrm{He}(α,γ)^{7}mathrm{Be}$ around the $^{7}mathrm{Be}$ proton separation threshold
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 19 - article #21
T. Szücs
G. G. Kiss
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
T. N. Szegedi,
Zs. Fülöp
Physical Review C
A Comprehensive Analysis of Spitzer Supernovae
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 17 - article #34
Tamás Szalai
Szanna ZsÃros
Ori D. Fox
OndÅej Pejcha,
Tomás Müller
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
Half-life measurement of 65Ga with gamma-spectroscopy. (arXiv:1903.10840v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 13 - article #8
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
G.G. Kiss
T. Szücs
Zs. Fülöp
The activation method for cross section measurements in nuclear astrophysics. (arXiv:1903.03339v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 11 - article #13
Gy. Gyürky
Zs. Fülöp
F. Käppeler
G.G. Kiss
A. Wallner
K2 Observations of SN 2018oh Reveal a Two-component Rising Light Curve for a Type Ia Supernova
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 52 - article #17
G. Dimitriadis
R. J. Foley
A. Rest
D. Kasen
A. L. Piro
A. Polin
D. O. Jones
A. Villar
G. Narayan
D. A. Coulter
C. D. Kilpatrick
Y. -C. Pan
C. Rojas-Bravo
O. D. Fox
S. W. Jha
P. E. Nugent
A. G. Riess
D. Scolnic
M. R. Drout
K2 Mission Team
G. Barentsen
J. Dotson
M. Gully-Santiago
C. Hedges
A. M. Cody
T. Barclay
S. Howell
P. Garnavich
B. E. Tucker
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S. Margheim
A. Zenteno
Kepler spacecraft team
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Las Cumbres Observatory
G. Hosseinzadeh
D. A. Howell
I. Arcavi
D. Hiramatsu
J. Burke
S. Valenti
J. L. Tonry
L. Denneau
A. N. Heinze
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S. C. Williams
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C. P. Gutiérrez
I. Hook
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M. Smith
University of Arizona
D. J. Sand
J. E. Andrews
N. Smith,
C. Bilinski
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Direct capture cross section and the $E_p$ = 71 and 105 keV resonances in the $^{22}$Ne($p,gamma$)$^{23}$Na reaction. (arXiv:1810.01628v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 40 - article #13
F. Ferraro
M. P. Takács
D. Piatti
F. Cavanna
R. Depalo
M. Aliotta
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C. G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
T. Chillery
G. F. Ciani
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
G. D'Erasmo
A. DiLeva
Z. Elekes
E. M. Fiore
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
A. Karakas
I. Kochanek
M. Lugaro
P. Marigo
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F. R. Pantaleo
V. Paticchio
R. Perrino
P. Prati
L. Schiavulli
K. Stöckel
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
D. Trezzi
S. Zavatarelli
When binaries keep track of recent nucleosynthesis: The Zr - Nb pair in extrinsic stars as an s-process diagnostic. (arXiv:1807.06332v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 29 - article #20
D. Karinkuzhi
S. Van Eck
A. Jorissen
S. Goriely
L. Siess
T. Merle
A. Escorza
(1, 2),
M. Van der Swaelmen
H.M.J. Boffin
T. Masseron
S. Shetye
B. Plez
((1). Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, University of Brussels, ULB, Campus Plaine C.P. 226, Boulevard du Triomphe, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium.
(2) Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D, 3001 Leuven, Belgium.
(3) ESO, Karl Schwarzschild Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching bei Munchen, Germany.
(4) Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
(5) Departamento de Astrofisica, Universidad de La Laguna, E-38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
(6) Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier, Universite Montpellier, CNRS, 34095, Montpellier Cedex 05, France.)
Effect of beam energy straggling on resonant yield in thin gas targets: The cases $^{22}$Ne(p,{gamma})$^{23}$Na and $^{14}$N(p,{gamma})$^{15}$O. (arXiv:1806.11501v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 27 - article #25
D. Bemmerer
F. Cavanna
R. Depalo
M. Aliotta
M. Anders
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C. Bruno
A. Caciolli
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F.R. Pantaleo
P. Prati
D.A. Scott
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
M.P. Takács
D. Trezzi
(LUNA collaboration)
Optical Observations of the Young Type Ic Supernova SN 2014L in M99. (arXiv:1806.08477v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 26 - article #13
Jujia Zhang
Xiaofeng Wang
József Vinkó
J. Craig Wheeler
Liang Chang
Yi Yang
Lifan Wang
Qian Zhai
Liming Rui
Jun Mo
Tianmeng Zhang
Yu Zhang
Jianguo Wang
Jirong Mao
Chuanjun Wang
Weimin Yi
Yuxin Xin
Wenxiong Li
Baoli Lun
Kaixing Lu
Hanna Sai
Xiangming Zheng
Xiliang Zhang
Xu Zhou
Jinming Bai
Investigation of $α$-induced reactions on Sb isotopes relevant to the astrophysical $γ$ process
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 16 - article #15
Z. Korkulu
N. Ãzkan
G. G. Kiss
T. Szücs
Gy. Gyürky
Zs. Fülöp
R. T. Güray
Z. Halász
T. Rauscher
E. Somorjai
Zs. Török,
C. Yalçın
Physical Review C
Investigation of $alpha$-induced reactions on Sb isotopes relevant to the astrophysical $gamma$-process. (arXiv:1803.07791v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 12 - article #13
Z. Korkulu
N. Özkan
G. G. Kiss
T. Szücs
Gy. Gyürky
Zs. Fülöp
R. T. Güray
Z. Halász
T. Rauscher
E. Somorjai
Zs. Török
C. Yalçın
Nuclear physics uncertainties of the astrophysical gamma-process studied through the 64Zn(p,alpha)61Cu and 64Zn(p,gamma)65Ga reactions. (arXiv:1802.02802v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 6 - article #22
Gy. Gyürky
Zs. Fülöp
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss
T. Szücs
Cross section of α-induced reactions on iridium isotopes obtained from thick target yield measurement for the astrophysical γ process
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 52 - article #28
T. Szücs
G.G. Kiss
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Halász
Zs. Fülöp
T. Rauscher¤tActivity=feed&usageType=outward&
Cross section of $alpha$-induced reactions on iridium isotopes obtained from thick target yield measurement for the astrophysical $gamma$ process. (arXiv:1711.11271v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 48 - article #16
T. Szücs
G. G. Kiss
Gy. Gyürky
Zs. Fülöp
Z. Halász
T. Rauscher
12C/13C isotopic ratios in red-giant stars of the open cluster NGC 6791. (arXiv:1711.08183v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 47 - article #1
Szabolcs Mészáros
Verne V. Smith
Katia Cunha
Nadège Lagarde
Corinne Charbonnel
Matthew Shetrone
Marc Pinsonneault
Carlos Allende Prieto
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
József Kovács
Sandro Villanova
GRB170817A/GW170817 is not a short gamma-ray burst, most likely an intermediate one. (arXiv:1710.11509v1 [astro-ph.CO])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 44 - article #5
I. Horvath
B.G. Toth
J. Hakkila
L.V. Toth
I.I. Racz
L.G. Balazs
S. Pinter
Z. Bagoly
Proton capture reaction cross section measurements on $^{162}mathrm{Er}$ as a probe of statistical model calculations
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 41 - article #25
N. Ãzkan
R. T. Güray
C. Yalçın
W. P. Tan
A. Aprahamian
M. Beard
R. J. deBoer
S. Almaraz-Calderon
S. Falahat
J. Görres
Q. Li
A. Sauerwein
K. Sonnabend
M. Wiescher
Zs. Fülöp
Gy. Gyürky
E. Somorjai,
J. Greene
Physical Review C
Seasonal Modulation of the 7Be Solar Neutrino Rate in Borexino
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 17 - article #17
M. Agostini
K. Altenmüller
S. Appel
V. Atroshchenko
D. Basilico
G. Bellini
J. Benziger
D. Bick
G. Bonfini
L. Borodikhina
D. Bravo
B. Caccianiga
F. Calaprice
A. Caminata
S. Caprioli
M. Carlini
P. Cavalcante
A. Chepurnov
K. Choi
D. DâAngelo
S. Davini
A. Derbin
X.F. Ding
L. Di Noto
I. Drachnev
K. Fomenko
D. Franco
F. Froborg
F. Gabriele
C. Galbiati
C. Ghiano
M. Giammarchi
M. Goeger-Neff
A. Goretti
M. Gromov
C. Hagner
T. Houdy
E. Hungerford
Aldo Ianni
Andrea Ianni
A. Jany
D. Jeschke
V. Kobychev
D. Korablev
G. Korga
D. Kryn
M. Laubenstein
B. Lehnert
E. Litvinovich
F. Lombardi
P. Lombardi
L. Ludhova
G. Lukyanchenko
I. Machulin
S. Manecki
G. Manuzio
S. Marcocci
J. Martyn
E. Meroni
M. Meyer
L. Miramonti
M. Misiaszek
M. Montuschi
V. Muratova
B. Neumair
L. Oberauer
B. Opitz
F. Ortica
M. Pallavicini
L. Papp
A. Pocar
G. Ranucci
A. Razeto
A. Re
A. Romani
R. Roncin
N. Rossi
S. Schönert
D. Semenov
P. Shakina
M. Skorokhvatov
O. Smirnov
A. Sotnikov
L.F.F. Stokes
Y. Suvorov
R. Tartaglia
G. Testera
J. Thurn
M. Toropova
E. Unzhakov
A. Vishneva
R.B. Vogelaar
F. von Feilitzsch
H. Wang
S. Weinz
M. Wojcik
M. Wurm
Z. Yokley
O. Zaimidoroga
S. Zavatarelli
K. Zuber
G. Zuzel¤tActivity=feed&usageType=outward&
Cross section measurement of the astrophysically important ^{17} O(p,γ) ^{18} F reaction in a wide energy range
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 13 - article #12
Gy. Gyürky
A. Ornelas
Zs. Fülöp
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss
T. Szücs
R. Huszánk
I. Hornyák
I. Rajta,
I. Vajda
Physical Review C
Cross section measurement of the astrophysically important 17O(p,gamma)18F reaction in a wide energy range. (arXiv:1703.03184v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 10 - article #2
Gy. Gyürky
A. Ornelas
Zs. Fülöp
Z. Halász
G.G. Kiss
T. Szücs
R. Huszánk
I. Hornyák
I. Rajta
I. Vajda
An Arabic report about supernova SN 1006 by Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 9 - article #20
R. Neuhäuser
C. Ehrig-Eggert
P. Kunitzsch
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Possible pair-instability supernovae at solar metallicity from magnetic stellar progenitors
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 9 - article #22
Cyril Georgy
Georges Meynet
Sylvia Ekström
Gregg A. Wade
Véronique Petit
Zsolt Keszthelyi
Raphael Hirschi
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Possible pair-instability supernovae at solar metallicity from magnetic stellar progenitors. (arXiv:1702.02340v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 6 - article #8
Cyril Georgy
Georges Meynet
Sylvia Ekström
Gregg A. Wade
Véronique Petit
Zsolt Keszthelyi
Raphael Hirschi
Big Bang 6Li nucleosynthesis studied deep underground (LUNA collaboration)
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 4 - article #27
D. Trezzi
M. Anders
M. Aliotta
A. Bellini
D. Bemmerer
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C.G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
F. Cavanna
P. Corvisiero
H. Costantini
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
Z. Elekes
M. Erhard
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülop
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
M. Junker
A. Lemut
M. Marta
C. Mazzocchi
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F. Pantaleo
P. Prati
C. Rossi Alvarez
D.A. Scott
E. Somorjai
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
M. Takacs¤tActivity=feed&usageType=outward&
Statistical model analysis of α-induced reaction cross sections of ^{64} Zn at low energies
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 4 - article #32
P. Mohr
Gy. Gyürky,
Zs. Fülöp
Physical Review C
$beta$-decay half-lives and $beta$-delayed neutron emission probabilities for several isotopes of Au, Hg, Tl, Pb and Bi, beyond N=126. (arXiv:1701.03845v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 3 - article #18
Statistical model analysis of $alpha$-induced reaction cross sections of $^{64}$Zn at low energies. (arXiv:1701.02290v1 [nucl-th])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 2 - article #18
P. Mohr
Gy. Gyürky
Zs. Fülöp
α scattering and α-induced reaction cross sections of ^{64} Zn at low energies
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 49 - article #22
A. Ornelas
P. Mohr
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Elekes
Zs. Fülöp
Z. Halász
G. G. Kiss
E. Somorjai
T. Szücs
M. P. Takács
D. Galaviz
R. T. Güray
Z. Korkulu
N. Ãzkan,
C. Yalçın
Physical Review C
$^{22}$Ne and $^{23}$Na ejecta from intermediate-mass stars: The impact of the new LUNA rate for $^{22}$Ne(p,$gamma$)$^{23}$Na. (arXiv:1611.07742v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 48 - article #2
A. Slemer
P. Marigo
D. Piatti
M. Aliotta
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
A. Bressan
C. Broggini
A. Caciolli
F. Cavanna
G.F. Ciani
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. F"
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
G. Gy"
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F.R. Pantaleo
P. Prati
O. Straniero
T. Sz"
M.P. Tak'
D. Trezzi
((1) University of Padova, Italy,
(2) INFN of Padova, Italy,
(3) SUPA, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
(4) Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany,
(5) University of Napoli "Federico II", INFN, Italy,
(6) Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy,
(7) SISSA, Trieste, Italy,
(8) University of Genova, INFN, Italy,
(9) Institute for Nuclear Research
(MTA ATOMKI), Hungary,
(10) INFN, LNGS, Italy,
(11) University ofTorino, INFN, Italy,
(12) University of Milano, INFN, Italy,
(13) INFN, Sezione di Roma La Sapienza, Italy,
(14) University of Bari, INFN, Italy,
(15) INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, Italy)
The impact of the revised $^{17}$O$(p,alpha)^{14}$N reaction rate on $^{17}$O stellar abundances and yields. (arXiv:1611.00632v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 45 - article #8
O. Straniero
M. Aliotta
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
D. Bemmerer
C. Broggini
A. Caciolli
F. Cavanna
G.F. Ciani
P. Corvisiero
S. Cristallo
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
G. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F.R. Pantaleo
D. Piatti
L. Piersanti
P. Prati
E. Samorjai
F. Strieder
T. Szucs
M.P. Takács
D. Trezzi
$alpha$-scattering and $alpha$-induced reaction cross sections of $^{64}$Zn at low energies. (arXiv:1611.00927v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 45 - article #10
A. Ornelas
P. Mohr
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Elekes
Zs. Fülöp
Z. Halász
G.G. Kiss
E. Somorjai
T. Szücs
M. P. Takács
D. Galaviz
R. T. Güray
Z. Korkulu
N. Özkan
C. Yalçın
Borexino’s search for low-energy neutrino and antineutrino signals correlated with gamma-ray bursts
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 45 - article #13
M. Agostini
K. Altenmüller
S. Appel
V. Atroshchenko
G. Bellini
J. Benziger
D. Bick
G. Bonfini
D. Bravo
B. Caccianiga
F. Calaprice
A. Caminata
M. Carlini
P. Cavalcante
A. Chepurnov
K. Choi
D. DâAngelo
S. Davini
H. de Kerret
A. Derbin
L. Di Noto
I. Drachnev
A. Etenko
K. Fomenko
D. Franco
F. Gabriele
C. Galbiati
C. Ghiano
M. Giammarchi
M. Goeger-Neff
A. Goretti
M. Gromov
C. Hagner
E. Hungerford
Aldo Ianni
Andrea Ianni
A. Jany
K. Jedrzejczak
D. Jeschke
V. Kobychev
D. Korablev
G. Korga
D. Kryn
M. Laubenstein
B. Lehnert
E. Litvinovich
F. Lombardi
P. Lombardi
L. Ludhova
G. Lukyanchenko
I. Machulin
S. Manecki
W. Maneschg
G. Manuzio
S. Marcocci
E. Meroni
M. Meyer
L. Miramonti
M. Misiaszek
M. Montuschi
P. Mosteiro
V. Muratova
B. Neumair
L. Oberauer
M. Obolensky
F. Ortica
M. Pallavicini
L. Papp
A. Pocar
G. Ranucci
A. Razeto
A. Re
A. Romani
R. Roncin
N. Rossi
S. Schönert
D. Semenov
M. Skorokhvatov
O. Smirnov
A. Sotnikov
S. Sukhotin
Y. Suvorov
R. Tartaglia
G. Testera
J. Thurn
M. Toropova
E. Unzhakov
A. Vishneva
R.B. Vogelaar
F. von Feilitzsch
H. Wang
S. Weinz
J. Winter
M. Wojcik
M. Wurm
Z. Yokley
O. Zaimidoroga
S. Zavatarelli
K. Zuber
G. Zuzel¤tActivity=feed&usageType=outward&
Experimental study of the astrophysical γ-process reaction ^{124} Xe(α,γ) ^{128} Ba
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 42 - article #25
Z. Halász
E. Somorjai
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Elekes
Zs. Fülöp
T. Szücs
G. G. Kiss
N. T. Szegedi
T. Rauscher
J. Görres,
M. Wiescher
Physical Review C
Direct measurement of low-energy $^{22}$Ne(p,$gamma$)$^{23}$Na resonances. (arXiv:1610.00925v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 41 - article #2
R. Depalo
F. Cavanna
M. Aliotta
M. Anders
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
C. Broggini
C.G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
G. F. Ciani
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F. R. Pantaleo
D. Piatti
P. Prati
O. Straniero
T. Szücs
M. P. Takács
D. Trezzi
Improved Direct Measurement of the 64.5 keV Resonance Strength in the 17O(p,a)14N Reaction at LUNA. (arXiv:1610.00483v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 41 - article #19
C.G. Bruno
D.A. Scott
M. Aliotta
A. Formicola
A. Best
A. Boeltzig
D. Bemmerer
C. Broggini
A. Caciolli
F. Cavanna
G.F. Ciani
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
R. Depalo
A. Di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
Zs. Fueloep
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyurky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F.R. Pantaleo
D. Piatti
P. Prati
E. Somorjai
O. Straniero
F. Strieder
T. Szucks
M.P. Takacs
D. Trezzi
(LUNA Collaboration)
Experimental study of the astrophysical gamma-process reaction 124Xe(alpha,gamma)128Ba. (arXiv:1609.05612v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 39 - article #7
Z. Halász
E. Somorjai
Gy. Gyürky
Z. Elekes
Zs. Fülöp
T. Szücs
G.G. Kiss
N. Szegedi
T. Rauscher
J. Görres
M. Wiescher
Total Absorption Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of 87Br, 88Br and 94Rb Beta-Delayed Neutron Emitters. (arXiv:1609.06128v1 [nucl-ex])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 39 - article #18
E. Valencia
J. L. Tain
A. Algora
J. Agramunt
B. Rubio
S. Rice
W. Gelletly
P. Regan
A.-A. Zakari-Issoufou
M. Fallot
A. Porta
J. Rissanen
T. Eronen
J. Aysto
L. Batist
M. Bowry
V. M. Bui
R. Caballero-Folch
D. Cano-Ott
V.-V. Elomaa
E. Estevez
G. F. Farrelly
A. R. Garcia
B. Gomez-Hornillos
V. Gorlychev
J. Hakala
M.D. Jordan
A. Jokinen
V. S. Kolhinen
F. G. Kondev
T. Martinez
E. Mendoza
I. Moore
H. Penttila
Zs. Podolyak
M. Reponen
V. Sonnenschein
A. A. Sonzogni
Impact of the first-forbidden $β$ decay on the production of $A sim 195$ r-process peak
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 12 - article #5
Nobuya Nishimura
Zsolt Podolyák
Dong-Liang Fang
Toshio Suzuki - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 18 Mar
Origin of the p-process radionuclides 92Nb and 146Sm in the early Solar System and inferences on the birth of the Sun
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 5 - article #10
Maria Lugaro
Marco Pignatari
Ulrich Ott
Kai Zuber
Claudia Travaglio
Gyorgy Gyurky
Zsolt Fulop - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 29 Jan
Three new low-energy resonances in the $^{22}$Ne(p,$γ$)$^{23}$Na reaction
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 4 - article #18
F. Cavanna
R. Depalo
M. Aliotta
M. Anders
D. Bemmerer
A. Best
A. Böltzig
C. Broggini
C.G. Bruno
A. Caciolli
P. Corvisiero
T. Davinson
A. di Leva
Z. Elekes
F. Ferraro
A. Formicola
Zs. Fülöp
G. Gervino
A. Guglielmetti
C. Gustavino
Gy. Gyürky
G. Imbriani
M. Junker
R. Menegazzo
V. Mossa
F. R. Pantaleo
P. Prati
D. A. Scott
E. Somorjai
O. Straniero
F. Strieder
T. Szücs
M. P. Takács
D. Trezzi - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 22 Jan
(cross-list from nucl-ex) [
Underground nuclear astrophysics: why and how
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 2 - article #15
A. Best
A. Caciolli
Zs. Fülöp
Gy. Gyürky
M. Laubenstein
E. Napolitani
V. Rigato
V. Roca
T. Szücs - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2016, Issue: 8 Jan
First measurement of several $β$-delayed neutron emitting isotopes beyond N=126
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 41 - article #22
R. Caballero-Folch
C. Domingo-Pardo
J. Agramunt
A. Algora
F. Ameil
A. Arcones
Y. Ayyad
J. Benlliure
I.N. Borzov
M. Bowry
F. Calvino
D. Cano-Ott
G. Cortés
T. Davinson
I. Dillmann
A. Estrade
A. Evdokimov
T. Faestermann
F. Farinon
D. Galaviz
A.R. García
H. Geissel
W. Gelletly
R. Gernhäuser
M.B. Gómez-Hornillos
C. Guerrero
M. Heil
C. Hinke
R. Knöbel
I. Kojouharov
J. Kurcewicz
N. Kurz
Y. Litvinov
L. Maier
J. Marganiec
T. Marketin
M. Marta
T. Martínez
G. Martínez-Pinedo
F. Montes
I. Mukha
D.R. Napoli
C. Nociforo
C. Paradela
S. Pietri
Zs. Podolyák
A. Prochazka
S. Rice
A. Riego
B. Rubio
H. Schaffner
Ch. Scheidenberger
K. Smith
E. Sokol
K. Steiger
B. Sun
J.L. Taín
M. Takechi
D. Testov
H. Weick
et al.
(5 additional authors not shown) - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2015, Issue: 6 Nov
A decay total absorption spectrometer for DESPEC at FAIR
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 39 - article #44
J.L. Tain
A. Algora
J. Agramunt
V. Guadilla
M.D. Jordan
A. Montaner-Pizá
B. Rubio
E. Valencia
D. Cano-Ott
W. Gelletly
T. Martinez
E. Mendoza
Zs. Podolyák
P. Regan
J. Simpson
A.J. Smith
J. Strachan
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A - Volume: 803, Issue: 11 December 2015
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The early phases of the Type Iax supernova SN 2011ay
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 34 - article #29
Tamás Szalai
József Vinkó
Krisztián Sárneczky
Katalin Takáts
József M. BenkÅ
János Kelemen
Zoltán Kuli
Jeffrey M. Silverman
G. Howie Marion
J. Craig Wheeler
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 453, Issue: 2
Full Text (HTML)
Full Text (PDF)
An ERC Starting Grant project on p-process nucleosynthesis concluded
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 33 - article #25
Gy Gyürky
Z Halász
T Szücs
G G Kiss
Zs Fülöp - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2015, Issue: 11 Sep
Shapes of the $^{192,190}$Pb ground states from beta decay studies using the total absorption technique
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 27 - article #21
M. E. Estevez Aguado
A. Algora
J. Agramunt
B. Rubio
J. L. Tain
D. Jordan
L. M. Fraile
W. Gelletly
A. Frank
M. Csatlos
Zs. Dombradi
A. Krasznahorkay
E. Nacher
P. Sarriguren
M. J. G. Borge
J. A. Briz
O. Tengblad
F. Molina
O. Moreno
M. Kowalska
V. N. Fedosseev
B. A. Mash
D. V. Fedorov
P. L. Molkanov
A. N. Andreyev
M. D. Seliverstov
K. Burkard
W. Huller - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2015, Issue: 28 Jul
First Measurement of the $^{96}$Ru(p,$γ$)$^{97}$Rh Cross Section for the p-Process with a Storage Ring
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 26 - article #18
Bo Mei
Thomas Aumann
Shawn Bishop
Klaus Blaum
Konstanze Boretzky
Fritz Bosch
Carsten Brandau
Harald Bräuning
Thomas Davinson
Iris Dillmann
Christina Dimopoulou
Olga Ershova
Zsolt Fülöp
Hans Geissel
Jan Glorius
György Gyürky
Michael Heil
Franz Käppeler
Aleksandra Kelic-Heil
Christophor Kozhuharov
Christoph Langer
Tudi Le Bleis
Yuri Litvinov
Gavin Lotay
Justyna Marganiec
Gottfried Münzenberg
Fritz Nolden
Nikolaos Petridis
Ralf Plag
Ulrich Popp
Ganna Rastrepina
Björn Riese
Catherine Rigollet
Christoph Scheidenberger
Haik Simon
Kerstin Sonnabend
Markus Steck
Thomas Stöhlke
Tamás Szücs
Klaus Sümmerer
Günter Weber
Helmut Weick
Danyal Winters
Natalya Winters
Philip Woods
et al.
(1 additional author not shown) - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2015, Issue: 23 Jul
Determination of gamma-ray widths in $^{15}$N using nuclear resonance fluorescence
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 24 - article #18
T. Szücs
D. Bemmerer
A. Caciolli
Zs. Fülöp
R. Massarczyk
C. Michelagnoli
T. P. Reinhardt
R. Schwengner
M. P. Takács
C. A. Ur
A. Wagner
L. Wagner - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2015, Issue: 26 Jun
Enhanced Gamma-Ray Emission from Neutron Unbound States Populated in Beta Decay
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 20 - article #21
J. L. Tain
E. Valencia
A. Algora
J. Agramunt
B. Rubio
S. Rice
W. Gelletly
P. Regan
A.-A. Zakari-Issoufou
M. Fallot
A. Porta
J. Rissanen
T. Eronen
J. Aysto
L. Batist
M. Bowry
V. M. Bui
R. Caballero-Folch
D. Cano-Ott
V.-V. Elomaa
E. Estevez
G. F. Farrelly
A. R. Garcia
B. Gomez-Hornillos
V. Gorlychev
J. Hakala
M.D. Jordan
A. Jokinen
V. S. Kolhinen
F. G. Kondev
T. Martinez
E. Mendoza
I. Moore
H. Penttila
Zs. Podolyak
M. Reponen
V. Sonnenschein
A. A. Sonzogni - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2015, Issue: 21 May
Measurements of $^{152}$Gd(p,$γ$)$^{153}$Tb and $^{152}$Gd(p,n)$^{152}$Tb reaction cross sections for the astrophysical $γ$ process
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 18 - article #15
R. T. Güray
N. Özkan
C. Yalçın
T. Rauscher
Gy. Gyürky
J. Farkas
Zs. Fülöp
Z. Halász
E. Somorjai - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2015, Issue: 8 May
Measurement of (
) reaction cross sections of erbium isotopes for testing astrophysical rate predictions
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 16 - article #38
G G Kiss
T Szücs
T Rauscher
Zs Török
L Csedreki
Zs Fülöp
Gy Gyürky
Z Halász
Journal of Physics G - Volume: 42, Issue: 5
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