Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics
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, Michigan State University and
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, University of Notre Dame
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Results 1 - 39 of 39
A chemodynamical analysis of bright metal-poor stars from the HESP-GOMPA survey -- Indications of a non-prevailing site for light r-process elements
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 9 - article #1
Avrajit Bandyopadhyay
Timothy C Beers
Rana Ezzeddine
Thirupathi Sivarani
Prasanta K Nayak
Jeewan C Pandey
Pallavi Saraf
Antony Susmitha
Chemodynamic analysis of four $r$-process enhanced stars observed with GTC. (arXiv:2308.05097v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 32 - article #3
Pallavi Saraf
Thirupathi Sivarani
Decoding the compositions of four bright $r$-process-enhanced stars. (arXiv:2307.10762v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 21, Issue 29 - article #2
Pallavi Saraf
Carlos Allende Prieto
Thirupathi Sivarani
Avrajit Bandyopadhyay
Timothy C. Beers
A. Susmitha
Abundance Analysis of New r -process-enhanced Stars from the HESP–GOMPA Survey
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 32 - article #17
Avrajit Bandyopadhyay
Thirupathi Sivarani,
Timothy C. Beers
The Astrophysical Journal
Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor Stars in SDSS/SEGUE. I. Carbon Abundance Estimation and Frequency of CEMP Stars
Virtual Journal - Volume 11, Issue 42 - article #2
Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Thomas Masseron
Bertrand Plez
Constance M. Rockosi
Jennifer Sobeck
Brian Yanny
Sara Lucatello
Thirupathi Sivarani
Vinicius M. Placco
Daniela Carollo - Astrophysics - Volume: 2013, Issue: 18 Oct
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars from SDSS/SEGUE: I. Atmospheric Parameters and Chemical Compositions
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 41 - article #3
Wako Aoki
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Satoshi Honda
Hiroko Ito
Masahide Takada-Hidai
Anna Frebel
Takuma Suda
Masatuki Y. Fujimoto
Daniela Carollo
Thirupathi Sivarani - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 12 Oct
The Case for the Dual Halo of the Milky Way
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 15 - article #42
Timothy C. Beers
Daniela Carollo
Željko IveziÄ
Deokkeun An
Masashi Chiba
John E. Norris
Ken C. Freeman
Young Sun Lee
Jeffrey A. Munn
Paola Re Fiorentin
Thirupathi Sivarani
Ronald Wilhelm
Brian Yanny
Donald G. York
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 746, Issue: 1
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Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor Stars in the Inner and Outer Halo Components of the Milky Way
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 2 - article #33
Daniela Carollo
Timothy C. Beers
Jo Bovy
Thirupathi Sivarani
John E. Norris
Ken C. Freeman
Wako Aoki
Young Sun Lee
Catherine R. Kennedy
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 744, Issue: 2
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Searches for Metal-Poor Stars from the Hamburg/ESO Survey using the CH G-band
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 38 - article #18
Vinicius M. Placco
Catherine R. Kennedy
Timothy C. Beers
Norbert Christlieb
Silvia Rossi
Thirupathi Sivarani
Young Sun Lee
Dieter Reimers
Lutz Wisotzki - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 23 Sep
SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 37 - article #30
Daniel J. Eisenstein
David H. Weinberg
Eric Agol
Hiroaki Aihara
Carlos Allende Prieto
Scott F. Anderson
James A. Arns
Ãric Aubourg
Stephen Bailey
Eduardo Balbinot
Robert Barkhouser
Timothy C. Beers
Andreas A. Berlind
Steven J. Bickerton
Dmitry Bizyaev
Michael R. Blanton
John J. Bochanski
Adam S. Bolton
Casey T. Bosman
Jo Bovy
W. N. Brandt
Ben Breslauer
Howard J. Brewington
J. Brinkmann
Peter J. Brown
Joel R. Brownstein
Dan Burger
Nicolas G. Busca
Heather Campbell
Phillip A. Cargile
William C. Carithers
Joleen K. Carlberg
Michael A. Carr
Liang Chang
Yanmei Chen
Cristina Chiappini
Johan Comparat
Natalia Connolly
Marina Cortes
Rupert A. C. Croft
Katia Cunha
Luiz N. da Costa
James R. A. Davenport
Kyle Dawson
Nathan De Lee
Gustavo F. Porto de Mello
Fernando de Simoni
Janice Dean
Saurav Dhital
Anne Ealet
Garrett L. Ebelke
Edward M. Edmondson
Jacob M. Eiting
Stephanie Escoffier
Massimiliano Esposito
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Bruno FemenÃa Castellá
Leticia Dutra Ferreira
Greg Fitzgerald
Scott W. Fleming
Andreu Font-Ribera
Eric B. Ford
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Ana Elia GarcÃa Pérez
B. Scott Gaudi
Jian Ge
Luan Ghezzi
Bruce A. Gillespie
G. Gilmore
Léo Girardi
J. Richard Gott
Andrew Gould
Eva K. Grebel
James E. Gunn
Jean-Christophe Hamilton
Paul Harding
David W. Harris
Suzanne L. Hawley
Frederick R. Hearty
Joseph F. Hennawi
Jonay I. González Hernández
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Jon A. Holtzman
Klaus Honscheid
Naohisa Inada
Inese I. Ivans
Linhua Jiang
Peng Jiang
Jennifer A. Johnson
Cathy Jordan
Wendell P. Jordan
Guinevere Kauffmann
Eyal Kazin
David Kirkby
Mark A. Klaene
G. R. Knapp
Jean-Paul Kneib
C. S. Kochanek
Lars Koesterke
Juna A. Kollmeier
Richard G. Kron
Hubert Lampeitl
Dustin Lang
James E. Lawler
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Brian L. Lee
Young Sun Lee
Jarron M. Leisenring
Yen-Ting Lin
Jian Liu
Daniel C. Long
Craig P. Loomis
Sara Lucatello
Britt Lundgren
Robert H. Lupton
Bo Ma
Zhibo Ma
Nicholas MacDonald
Claude Mack
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio A. G. Maia
Steven R. Majewski
Martin Makler
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Rachel Mandelbaum
Claudia Maraston
Daniel Margala
Paul Maseman
Karen L. Masters
Cameron K. McBride
Patrick McDonald
Ian D. McGreer
Richard G. McMahon
Olga Mena Requejo
Brice Ménard
Jordi Miralda-Escudé
Heather L. Morrison
Fergal Mullally
Demitri Muna
Hitoshi Murayama
Adam D. Myers
Tracy Naugle
Angelo Fausti Neto
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Robert C. Nichol
David L. Nidever
Robert W. O'Connell
Ricardo L. C. Ogando
Matthew D. Olmstead
Daniel J. Oravetz
Nikhil Padmanabhan
Martin Paegert
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Kaike Pan
Parul Pandey
John K. Parejko
Isabelle Pâris
Paulo Pellegrini
Joshua Pepper
Will J. Percival
Patrick Petitjean
Robert Pfaffenberger
Janine Pforr
Stefanie Phleps
Christophe Pichon
Matthew M. Pieri
Francisco Prada
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
M. Jordan Raddick
Beatriz H. F. Ramos
I. Neill Reid
Celine Reyle
James Rich
Gordon T. Richards
George H. Rieke
Marcia J. Rieke
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
Helio J. Rocha-Pinto
Constance M. Rockosi
Natalie A. Roe
Emmanuel Rollinde
Ashley J. Ross
Nicholas P. Ross
Bruno Rossetto
Ariel G. Sánchez
Basilio Santiago
Conor Sayres
Ricardo Schiavon
David J. Schlegel
Katharine J. Schlesinger
Sarah J. Schmidt
Donald P. Schneider
Kris Sellgren
Alaina Shelden
Erin Sheldon
Matthew Shetrone
Yiping Shu
John D. Silverman
Jennifer Simmerer
Audrey E. Simmons
Thirupathi Sivarani
M. F. Skrutskie
Anže Slosar
Stephen Smee
Verne V. Smith
Stephanie A. Snedden
Keivan G. Stassun
Oliver Steele
Matthias Steinmetz
Mark H. Stockett
Todd Stollberg
Michael A. Strauss
Alexander S. Szalay
Masayuki Tanaka
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Jeremy L. Tinker
Benjamin M. Tofflemire
Rita Tojeiro
Christy A. Tremonti
Mariana Vargas Magaña
Licia Verde
Nicole P. Vogt
David A. Wake
Xiaoke Wan
Ji Wang
Benjamin A. Weaver
Martin White
Simon D. M. White
John C. Wilson
John P. Wisniewski
W. Michael Wood-Vasey
Brian Yanny
Naoki Yasuda
Christophe Yèche
Donald G. York
Erick Young
Gail Zasowski
Idit Zehavi
Bo Zhao
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 142, Issue: 3
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The [Fe/H], [C/Fe], and [α/Fe] Distributions of the Boötes I Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 37 - article #45
David K. Lai
Young Sun Lee
Michael Bolte
Sara Lucatello
Timothy C. Beers
Jennifer A. Johnson
Thirupathi Sivarani
Constance M. Rockosi
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 738, Issue: 1
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The [Fe/H], [C/Fe], and [alpha/Fe] distributions of the Bootes I Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 24 - article #12
David K. Lai
Young Sun Lee
Michael Bolte
Sara Lucatello
Timothy C. Beers
Jennifer A. Johnson
Thirupathi Sivarani
Constance M. Rockosi - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 17 Jun
The Case for the Dual Halo of the Milky Way
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 15 - article #8
Timothy C. Beers
Daniela Carollo
Zeljko Ivezic
Deokkeun An
Masashi Chiba
John E. Norris
Ken C. Freeman
Young Sun Lee
Jeffrey A. Munn
Paola Re Fiorentin
Thirupathi Sivarani
Ronald Wilhelm
Brian Yanny
Donald G. York
((1) Michigan State Univ.,
(2) Australian National Univ.,
(3) Univ. of Washington,
(4) Ehwa Womans Univ., Korea,
(5) Tohoku Univ., Japan,
(6) USNO,
(7) Torino Observatory, Italy,
(8) Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore,
(9) Univ. of Kentucky,
(10) FermiLab,
(11) Univ. of Chicago) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 15 Apr
The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-III
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 13 - article #56
Hiroaki Aihara
Carlos Allende Prieto
Deokkeun An
Scott F. Anderson
Ãric Aubourg
Eduardo Balbinot
Timothy C. Beers
Andreas A. Berlind
Steven J. Bickerton
Dmitry Bizyaev
Michael R. Blanton
John J. Bochanski
Adam S. Bolton
Jo Bovy
W. N. Brandt
J. Brinkmann
Peter J. Brown
Joel R. Brownstein
Nicolas G. Busca
Heather Campbell
Michael A. Carr
Yanmei Chen
Cristina Chiappini
Johan Comparat
Natalia Connolly
Marina Cortes
Rupert A. C. Croft
Antonio J. Cuesta
Luiz N. da Costa
James R. A. Davenport
Kyle Dawson
Saurav Dhital
Anne Ealet
Garrett L. Ebelke
Edward M. Edmondson
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Stephanie Escoffier
Massimiliano Esposito
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Bruno FemenÃa Castellá
Andreu Font-Ribera
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Jian Ge
Bruce A. Gillespie
G. Gilmore
Jonay I. González Hernández
J. Richard Gott
Andrew Gould
Eva K. Grebel
James E. Gunn
Jean-Christophe Hamilton
Paul Harding
David W. Harris
Suzanne L. Hawley
Frederick R. Hearty
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Jon A. Holtzman
Klaus Honscheid
Naohisa Inada
Inese I. Ivans
Linhua Jiang
Jennifer A. Johnson
Cathy Jordan
Wendell P. Jordan
Eyal A. Kazin
David Kirkby
Mark A. Klaene
G. R. Knapp
Jean-Paul Kneib
C. S. Kochanek
Lars Koesterke
Juna A. Kollmeier
Richard G. Kron
Hubert Lampeitl
Dustin Lang
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Young Sun Lee
Yen-Ting Lin
Daniel C. Long
Craig P. Loomis
Sara Lucatello
Britt Lundgren
Robert H. Lupton
Zhibo Ma
Nicholas MacDonald
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio A. G. Maia
Martin Makler
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Rachel Mandelbaum
Claudia Maraston
Daniel Margala
Karen L. Masters
Cameron K. McBride
Peregrine M. McGehee
Ian D. McGreer
Brice Ménard
Jordi Miralda-Escudé
Heather L. Morrison
F. Mullally
Demitri Muna
Jeffrey A. Munn
Hitoshi Murayama
Adam D. Myers
Tracy Naugle
Angelo Fausti Neto
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Robert C. Nichol
Robert W. O'Connell
Ricardo L. C. Ogando
Matthew D. Olmstead
Daniel J. Oravetz
Nikhil Padmanabhan
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Kaike Pan
Parul Pandey
Isabelle Pâris
Will J. Percival
Patrick Petitjean
Robert Pfaffenberger
Janine Pforr
Stefanie Phleps
Christophe Pichon
Matthew M. Pieri
Francisco Prada
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
M. Jordan Raddick
Beatriz H. F. Ramos
Céline Reylé
James Rich
Gordon T. Richards
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
Helio J. Rocha-Pinto
Constance M. Rockosi
Natalie A. Roe
Emmanuel Rollinde
Ashley J. Ross
Nicholas P. Ross
Bruno M. Rossetto
Ariel G. Sánchez
Conor Sayres
David J. Schlegel
Katharine J. Schlesinger
Sarah J. Schmidt
Donald P. Schneider
Erin Sheldon
Yiping Shu
Jennifer Simmerer
Audrey E. Simmons
Thirupathi Sivarani
Stephanie A. Snedden
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Matthias Steinmetz
Michael A. Strauss
Alexander S. Szalay
Masayuki Tanaka
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Jeremy L. Tinker
Benjamin M. Tofflemire
Rita Tojeiro
Christy A. Tremonti
Jan Vandenberg
M. Vargas Magaña
Licia Verde
Nicole P. Vogt
David A. Wake
Ji Wang
Benjamin A. Weaver
David H. Weinberg
Martin White
Simon D. M. White
Brian Yanny
Naoki Yasuda
Christophe Yeche
Idit Zehavi
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 193, Issue: 2
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The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. IV. Validation with an Extended Sample of Galactic Globular and Open Clusters
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 7 - article #24
Jason P. Smolinski
Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Deokkeun An
Steven J. Bickerton
Jennifer A. Johnson
Craig P. Loomis
Constance M. Rockosi
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Yanny
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 141, Issue: 3
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The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. V. Estimation of Alpha-element Abundance Ratios from Low-resolution SDSS/SEGUE Stellar Spectra
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 7 - article #25
Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Carlos Allende Prieto
David K. Lai
Constance M. Rockosi
Heather L. Morrison
Jennifer A. Johnson
Deokkeun An
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Yanny
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 141, Issue: 3
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[O/Fe] Estimates for Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor Stars from Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 7 - article #28
Catherine R. Kennedy
Thirupathi Sivarani
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Vinicius M. Placco
Silvia Rossi
Norbert Christlieb
Falk Herwig
Bertrand Plez
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 141, Issue: 3
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MARVELS-1b: A Short-period, Brown Dwarf Desert Candidate from the SDSS-III Marvels Planet Search
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 4 - article #28
Brian L. Lee
Jian Ge
Scott W. Fleming
Keivan G. Stassun
B. Scott Gaudi
Rory Barnes
Suvrath Mahadevan
Jason D. Eastman
Jason Wright
Robert J. Siverd
Bruce Gary
Luan Ghezzi
Chris Laws
John P. Wisniewski
G. F. Porto de Mello
Ricardo L. C. Ogando
Marcio A. G. Maia
Luiz Nicolaci da Costa
Thirupathi Sivarani
Joshua Pepper
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Leslie Hebb
Nathan De Lee
Ji Wang
Xiaoke Wan
Bo Zhao
Liang Chang
John Groot
Frank Varosi
Fred Hearty
Kevin Hanna
J. C. van Eyken
Stephen R. Kane
Eric Agol
Dmitry Bizyaev
John J. Bochanski
Howard Brewington
Zhiping Chen
Erin Costello
Liming Dou
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Adam Fletcher
Eric B. Ford
Pengcheng Guo
Jon A. Holtzman
Peng Jiang
R. French Leger
Jian Liu
Daniel C. Long
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Mohit Malik
Daniel Oravetz
Kaike Pan
Pais Rohan
Donald P. Schneider
Alaina Shelden
Stephanie A. Snedden
Audrey Simmons
B. A. Weaver
David H. Weinberg
Ji-Wei Xie
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 728, Issue: 1
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[O/Fe] Estimates for Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars from Near-IR Spectroscopy
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 2 - article #10
Catherine R. Kennedy
Thirupathi Sivarani
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Vinicius M. Placco
Silvia Rossi
Norbert Christlieb
Falk Herwig
Bertrand Plez - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 14 Jan
The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. V. Estimation of Alpha-Element Abundance Ratios From Low-Resolution SDSS/SEGUE Stellar Spectra
Virtual Journal - Volume 8, Issue 42 - article #17
Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Carlos Allende Prieto
David K. Lai
Constance M. Rockosi
Heather L. Morrison
Jennifer A. Johnson
Deokkeun An
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Yanny - Astrophysics - Volume: 2010, Issue: 15 Oct
The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. IV. Validation with an Extended Sample of Galactic Globular and Open Clusters
Virtual Journal - Volume 8, Issue 33 - article #11
Jason P Smolinski
Timothy C Beers
Young Sun Lee
Deokkeun An
Steven J Bickerton
Jennifer A Johnson
Craig P Loomis
Constance M Rockosi
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Yanny - Astrophysics - Volume: 2010, Issue: 13 Aug
A Search for Unrecognized Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars in the Galaxy
Virtual Journal - Volume 8, Issue 7 - article #19
<em >Vinicius M. Placco
Catherine R. Kennedy
Silvia Rossi
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Norbert Christlieb
Thirupathi Sivarani
Dieter Reimers
Lutz Wisotzki</em>
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 139, Issue: 3
A Search for Unrecognized Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars in the Galaxy
Virtual Journal - Volume 8, Issue 3 - article #2
Vinicius M. Placco
Catherine R. Kennedy
Silvia Rossi
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Norbert Christlieb
Thirupathi Sivarani
Dieter Reimers
Lutz Wisotzki - Astrophysics - Volume: 2010, Issue: 15 Jan
Mapping the Galactic Halo. VIII. Quantifying Substructure
Virtual Journal - Volume 7, Issue 22 - article #31
<em >Else Starkenburg
Amina Helmi
Heather L. Morrison
Paul Harding
Hugo van Woerden
Mario Mateo
Edward W. Olszewski
Thirupathi Sivarani
John E. Norris
Kenneth C. Freeman
Stephen A. Shectman
R. C. Dohm-Palmer
Lucy Frey
Dan Oravetz</em>
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 698, Issue: 1
The Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Virtual Journal - Volume 7, Issue 21 - article #27
Kevork N. Abazajian
Jennifer K. Adelman-McCarthy
Marcel A. Agüeros
Sahar S. Allam
Carlos Allende Prieto
Deokkeun An
Kurt S. J. Anderson
Scott F. Anderson
James Annis
Neta A. Bahcall
C. A. L. Bailer-Jones
J. C. Barentine
Bruce A. Bassett
Andrew C. Becker
Timothy C. Beers
Eric F. Bell
Vasily Belokurov
Andreas A. Berlind
Eileen F. Berman
Mariangela Bernardi
Steven J. Bickerton
Dmitry Bizyaev
John P. Blakeslee
Michael R. Blanton
John J. Bochanski
William N. Boroski
Howard J. Brewington
Jarle Brinchmann
J. Brinkmann
Robert J. Brunner
Tamás Budavári
Larry N. Carey
Samuel Carliles
Michael A. Carr
Francisco J. Castander
David Cinabro
A. J. Connolly
István Csabai
Carlos E. Cunha
Paul C. Czarapata
James R. A. Davenport
Ernst de Haas
Ben Dilday
Mamoru Doi
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Michael L. Evans
N. W. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Scott D. Friedman
Joshua A. Frieman
Masataka Fukugita
Boris T. Gänsicke
Evalyn Gates
Bruce Gillespie
G. Gilmore
Belinda Gonzalez
Carlos F. Gonzalez
Eva K. Grebel
James E. Gunn
Zsuzsanna Györy
Patrick B. Hall
Paul Harding
Frederick H. Harris
Michael Harvanek
Suzanne L. Hawley
Jeffrey J. E. Hayes
Timothy M. Heckman
John S. Hendry
Gregory S. Hennessy
Robert B. Hindsley
J. Hoblitt
Craig J. Hogan
David W. Hogg
Jon A. Holtzman
Joseph B. Hyde
Shin-ichi Ichikawa
Takashi Ichikawa
Myungshin Im
Željko Ivezić
Sebastian Jester
Linhua Jiang
Jennifer A. Johnson
Anders M. Jorgensen
Mario Jurić
Stephen M. Kent
R. Kessler
S. J. Kleinman
G. R. Knapp
Kohki Konishi
Richard G. Kron
Jurek Krzesinski
Nikolay Kuropatkin
Hubert Lampeitl
Svetlana Lebedeva
Myung Gyoon Lee
Young Sun Lee
R. French Leger
Sébastien Lépine
Nolan Li
Marcos Lima
Huan Lin
Daniel C. Long
Craig P. Loomis
Jon Loveday
Robert H. Lupton
Eugene Magnier
Olena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Rachel Mandelbaum
Bruce Margon
John P. Marriner
David Martínez-Delgado
Takahiko Matsubara
Peregrine M. McGehee
Timothy A. McKay
Avery Meiksin
Heather L. Morrison
Fergal Mullally
Jeffrey A. Munn
Tara Murphy
Thomas Nash
Ada Nebot
Eric H. Neilsen
Heidi Jo Newberg
Peter R. Newman
Robert C. Nichol
Tom Nicinski
Maria Nieto-Santisteban
Atsuko Nitta
Sadanori Okamura
Daniel J. Oravetz
Jeremiah P. Ostriker
Russell Owen
Nikhil Padmanabhan
Kaike Pan
Changbom Park
George Pauls
John Peoples
Will J. Percival
Jeffrey R. Pier
Adrian C. Pope
Dimitri Pourbaix
Paul A. Price
Norbert Purger
Thomas Quinn
M. Jordan Raddick
Paola Re Fiorentin
Gordon T. Richards
Michael W. Richmond
Adam G. Riess
Hans-Walter Rix
Constance M. Rockosi
Masao Sako
David J. Schlegel
Donald P. Schneider
Ralf-Dieter Scholz
Matthias R. Schreiber
Axel D. Schwope
Branimir Sesar
Erin Sheldon
Kazu Shimasaku
Valena C. Sibley
A. E. Simmons
Thirupathi Sivarani
J. Allyn Smith
Martin C. Smith
Vernesa Smolčić
Stephanie A. Snedden
Albert Stebbins
Matthias Steinmetz
Chris Stoughton
Michael A. Strauss
Mark SubbaRao
Yasushi Suto
Alexander S. Szalay
István Szapudi
Paula Szkody
Masayuki Tanaka
Max Tegmark
Luis F. A. Teodoro
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Christy A. Tremonti
Douglas L. Tucker
Alan Uomoto
Daniel E. Vanden Berk
Jan Vandenberg
S. Vidrih
Michael S. Vogeley
Wolfgang Voges
Nicole P. Vogt
Yogesh Wadadekar
Shannon Watters
David H. Weinberg
Andrew A. West
Simon D. M. White
Brian C. Wilhite
Alainna C. Wonders
Brian Yanny
D. R. Yocum
Donald G. York
Idit Zehavi
Stefano Zibetti
Daniel B. Zucker
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 182, Issue: 2
Mapping the Galactic Halo VIII: Quantifying substructure
Virtual Journal - Volume 7, Issue 12 - article #7
Else Starkenburg
Amina Helmi
Heather L. Morrison
Paul Harding
Hugo van Woerden
Mario Mateo
Edward W. Olszewski
Thirupathi Sivarani
John E. Norris
Kenneth C. Freeman
Stephen A. Shectman
R.C. Dohm-Palmer
Lucy Frey
Dan Oravetz - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 20 Mar
Carbon Abundances of Three Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars from High-Resolution Gemini-S/bHROS Spectra of the λ8727 [C I] Line
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 47 - article #12
<em >Simon C. Schuler
Steven J. Margheim
Thirupathi Sivarani
Martin Asplund
Verne V. Smith
Katia Cunha
Timothy C. Beers</em>
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 136, Issue: 6
The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. I. Description and Comparison of Individual Methods
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 42 - article #13
<em >Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Thirupathi Sivarani
Carlos Allende Prieto
Lars Koesterke
Ronald Wilhelm
Paola Re Fiorentin
Coryn A. L. Bailer-Jones
John E. Norris
Constance M. Rockosi
Brian Yanny
Heidi J. Newberg
Kevin R. Covey
Hao-Tong Zhang
A.-Li Luo</em>
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 136, Issue: 5
The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. II. Validation with Galactic Globular and Open Clusters
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 42 - article #14
<em >Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Thirupathi Sivarani
Jennifer A. Johnson
Deokkeun An
Ronald Wilhelm
Carlos Allende Prieto
Lars Koesterke
Paola Re Fiorentin
Coryn A. L. Bailer-Jones
John E. Norris
Brian Yanny
Constance Rockosi
Heidi J. Newberg
Kyle M. Cudworth
Kaike Pan</em>
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 136, Issue: 5
The SEGUE Stellar Parameter Pipeline. III. Comparison with High-Resolution Spectroscopy of SDSS/SEGUE Field Stars
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 42 - article #15
<em >Carlos Allende Prieto
Thirupathi Sivarani
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Lars Koesterke
Matthew Shetrone
Christopher Sneden
David L. Lambert
Ronald Wilhelm
Constance M. Rockosi
David K. Lai
Brian Yanny
Inese I. Ivans
Jennifer A. Johnson
Wako Aoki
Coryn A. L. Bailer-Jones
Paola Re Fiorentin</em>
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 136, Issue: 5
The Milky Way Tomography with SDSS. II. Stellar Metallicity
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 35 - article #27
Željko Ivezić
Branimir Sesar
Mario Jurić
Nicholas Bond
Julianne Dalcanton
Constance M. Rockosi
Brian Yanny
Heidi J. Newberg
Timothy C. Beers
Carlos Allende Prieto
Ron Wilhelm
Young Sun Lee
Thirupathi Sivarani
John E. Norris
Coryn A. L. Bailer-Jones
Paola Re Fiorentin
David Schlegel
Alan Uomoto
Robert H. Lupton
Gillian R. Knapp
James E. Gunn
Kevin R. Covey
J. Allyn Smith
Gajus Miknaitis
Mamoru Doi
Masayuki Tanaka
Masataka Fukugita
Steve Kent
Douglas Finkbeiner
Jeffrey A. Munn
Jeffrey R. Pier
Tom Quinn
Suzanne Hawley
Scott Anderson
Furea Kiuchi
Alex Chen
James Bushong
Harkirat Sohi
Daryl Haggard
Amy Kimball
John Barentine
Howard Brewington
Mike Harvanek
Scott Kleinman
Jurek Krzesinski
Dan Long
Atsuko Nitta
Stephanie Snedden
Brian Lee
Hugh Harris
Jonathan Brinkmann
Donald P. Schneider
Donald G. York
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 684, Issue: 1
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Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars. III. Main-Sequence Turnoff Stars from the SDSS SEGUE Sample
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 18 - article #27
Wako Aoki
Timothy C. Beers
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Marsteller
Young Sun Lee
Satoshi Honda
John E. Norris
Sean G. Ryan
Daniela Carollo
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 678, Issue: 2
Full Text
PDF Version (1131 kB)
The Milky Way Tomography with SDSS: II. Stellar Metallicity
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 17 - article #7
Zeljko Ivezic
Branimir Sesar
Mario Juric
Nicholas Bond
Julianne Dalcanton
Constance M. Rockosi
Brian Yanny
Heidi J. Newberg
Timothy C. Beers
Carlos Allende Prieto
Ron Wilhelm
Young Sun Lee
Thirupathi Sivarani
John E. Norris
Coryn A.L. Bailer-Jones
Paola Re Fiorentin
David Schlegel
Alan Uomoto
Robert H. Lupton
Gillian R. Knapp
James E. Gunn
Kevin R. Covey
J. Allyn Smith
Gajus Miknaitis
Mamoru Doi
Masayuki Tanaka
Masataka Fukugita
Steve Kent
Douglas Finkbeiner
Jeffrey A. Munn
Jeffrey R. Pier
Tom Quinn
Suzanne Hawley
Scott Anderson
Furea Kiuchi
Alex Chen
James Bushong
Harkirat Sohi
Daryl Haggard
Amy Kimball
John Barentine
Howard Brewington
Mike Harvanek
Scott Kleinman
Jurek Krzesinski
Dan Long
Atsuko Nitta
Stephanie Snedden
Brian Lee
Hugh Harris
et al
(2 additional authors not shown) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 24 Apr
The Sixth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 13 - article #23
Jennifer K. Adelman‐McCarthy
Marcel A. Agüeros
Sahar S. Allam
Carlos Allende Prieto
Kurt S.J. Anderson
Scott F. Anderson
James Annis
Neta A. Bahcall
C. A. L. Bailer‐Jones
Ivan K. Baldry
J. C. Barentine
Bruce A. Bassett
Andrew C. Becker
Timothy C. Beers
Eric F. Bell
Andreas A. Berlind
Mariangela Bernardi
Michael R. Blanton
John J. Bochanski
William N. Boroski
Jarle Brinchmann
J. Brinkmann
Robert J. Brunner
Tamás Budavári
Samuel Carliles
Michael A. Carr
Francisco J. Castander
David Cinabro
R. J. Cool
Kevin R. Covey
István Csabai
Carlos E. Cunha
James R. A. Davenport
Ben Dilday
Mamoru Doi
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Douglas P. Finkbeiner
Scott D. Friedman
Joshua A. Frieman
Masataka Fukugita
Boris T. Gänsicke
Evalyn Gates
Bruce Gillespie
Karl Glazebrook
Jim Gray
Eva K. Grebel
James E. Gunn
Vijay K. Gurbani
Patrick B. Hall
Paul Harding
Michael Harvanek
Suzanne L. Hawley
Jeffrey Hayes
Timothy M. Heckman
John S. Hendry
Robert B. Hindsley
Christopher M. Hirata
Craig J. Hogan
David W. Hogg
Joseph B. Hyde
Shin‐ichi Ichikawa
Željko Ivezić
Sebastian Jester
Jennifer A. Johnson
Anders M. Jorgensen
Mario Jurić
Stephen M. Kent
R. Kessler
S. J. Kleinman
G. R. Knapp
Richard G. Kron
Jurek Krzesinski
Nikolay Kuropatkin
Donald Q. Lamb
Hubert Lampeitl
Svetlana Lebedeva
Young Sun Lee
R. French Leger
Sébastien Lépine
Marcos Lima
Huan Lin
Daniel C. Long
Craig P. Loomis
Jon Loveday
Robert H. Lupton
Olena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Rachel Mandelbaum
Bruce Margon
John P. Marriner
David Martínez‐Delgado
Takahiko Matsubara
Peregrine M. McGehee
Timothy A. McKay
Avery Meiksin
Heather L. Morrison
Jeffrey A. Munn
Reiko Nakajima
Eric H. Neilsen
Heidi Jo Newberg
Robert C. Nichol
Tom Nicinski
Maria Nieto‐Santisteban
Atsuko Nitta
Sadanori Okamura
Russell Owen
Hiroaki Oyaizu
Nikhil Padmanabhan
Kaike Pan
Changbom Park
John Peoples
Jeffrey R. Pier
Adrian C. Pope
Norbert Purger
M. Jordan Raddick
Paola Re Fiorentin
Gordon T. Richards
Michael W. Richmond
Adam G. Riess
Hans‐Walter Rix
Constance M. Rockosi
Masao Sako
David J. Schlegel
Donald P. Schneider
Matthias R. Schreiber
Axel D. Schwope
Branimir Sesar
Erin Sheldon
Kazu Shimasaku
Thirupathi Sivarani
J. Allyn Smith
Stephanie A. Snedden
Matthias Steinmetz
Michael A. Strauss
Mark SubbaRao
Yasushi Suto
Alexander S. Szalay
István Szapudi
Paula Szkody
Max Tegmark
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Christy A. Tremonti
Douglas L. Tucker
Alan Uomoto
Daniel E. Vanden Berk
Jan Vandenberg
S. Vidrih
Michael S. Vogeley
Wolfgang Voges
Nicole P. Vogt
Yogesh Wadadekar
David H. Weinberg
Andrew A. West
Simon D. M. White
Brian C. Wilhite
Brian Yanny
D. R. Yocum
Donald G. York
Idit Zehavi
Daniel B. Zucker
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 175, Issue: 2
Full Text
PDF Version (3580 kB)
Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars. III. Main-Sequence Turn-Off Stars from the SDSS/SEGUE Sample
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 5 - article #2
Wako Aoki
Timothy C. Beers
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Marsteller
Young Sun Lee
Satoshi Honda
John E. Norris
Sean G. Ryan
Daniela Carollo - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 31 Jan
Two stellar components in the halo of the Milky Way
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 2 - article #41
Daniela Carollo
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Masashi Chiba
John E. Norris
Ronald Wilhelm
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Marsteller
Jeffrey A. Munn
Coryn A. L. Bailer-Jones
Paola Re Fiorentin &
Donald G. York
Nature - Volume: 451, Issue: 7175
Full Text
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Two stellar components in the halo of the Milky Way
Virtual Journal - Volume 5, Issue 50 - article #17
Daniela Carollo
Timothy C. Beers
Young Sun Lee
Masashi Chiba
John E. Norris
Ronald Wilhelm
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Marsteller
Jeffrey A. Munn
Coryn A. L. Bailer-Jones
Paola Re Fiorentin &
Donald G. York
Nature - Volume: 450, Issue: 7172
Full Text
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Supplementary information
Virtual Journal - Volume 5, Issue 8 - article #60
Timothy C. Beers
Thirupathi Sivarani
Brian Marsteller
YoungSun Lee
S. Rossi
B. Plez
Astronomical Journal - Volume 133, Issue 3
Full Text with Enhancements
(2104 kB)
The Frequency of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars in the Galaxy from the HERES sample
Virtual Journal - Volume 4, Issue 39 - article #9
Sara Lucatello
Timothy Beers
Norbert Christlieb
(Hamburger Sternewarte and Uppsala University),
Paul Barklem
(Uppsala Univesity),
Silvia Rossi
(Universidade de Sao Paulo),
Brian Marsteller
Thirupathi Sivarani
Young Sun Lee
ArXiv - Astrophysics
astro-ph/0609730 [
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