Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics
Edited by
Honey Arora
, Michigan State University and
Fry Fang
, University of Notre Dame
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Results 1 - 85 of 85
Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph Observations of Solar Analog Field Stars: Lithium Abundance and Activity
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 45 - article #8
Dan Lubin
Bradford P. Holden
Camille Stock
Carl Melis
David Tytler
Astronomical Journal
Neutron stars and the dense matter equation of state: from microscopic theory to macroscopic observations
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 29 - article #8
Katerina Chatziioannou
H. Thankful Cromartie
Stefano Gandolfi
Ingo Tews
David Radice
Andrew W. Steiner
Anna L. Watts
Latest Evolution of the X-Ray Remnant of SN 1987A: Beyond the Inner Ring
Virtual Journal - Volume 22, Issue 11 - article #8
Aravind P. Ravi
Sangwook Park
Svetozar A. Zhekov
Salvatore Orlando
Marco Miceli
Kari A. Frank
Patrick S. Broos
David N. Burrows
Stellar Abundance Maps of the Milky Way Disk
Virtual Journal - Volume 20, Issue 17 - article #12
Anna-Christina Eilers
David W. Hogg
Hans-Walter Rix
Melissa K. Ness
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
Szabolcs Mészáros
Christian Nitschelm
The Astrophysical Journal
Stellar Abundance Maps of the Milky Way Disk. (arXiv:2112.03295v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 50 - article #6
Anna-Christina Eilers
David W. Hogg
Hans-Walter Rix
Melissa K. Ness
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
Szabolcs Meszaros
Christian Nitschelm
Supernova neutrino signals based on long-term axisymmetric simulations. (arXiv:2102.11283v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 9 - article #6
Hiroki Nagakura
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Theory. (arXiv:2009.14157v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 40 - article #1
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
Structure of neutron stars in massive scalar-tensor gravity. (arXiv:2007.14429v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED)
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 34 - article #7
Roxana Rosca-Mead
Christopher J. Moore
Ulrich Sperhake
Michalis Agathos
Davide Gerosa
Core-collapse supernova neutrino emission and detection informed by state-of-the-art three-dimensional numerical models. (arXiv:2007.05000v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 18, Issue 29 - article #2
Hiroki Nagakura
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
David Radice
A systematic study of proto-neutron star convection in three-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations. (arXiv:1912.07615v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 51 - article #1
Hiroki Nagakura
Adam Burrows
David Radice
David Vartanyan
The Overarching Framework of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions as Revealed by 3D Fornax Simulations. (arXiv:1909.04152v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 37 - article #6
Adam Burrows
David Radice
David Vartanyan
Hiroki Nagakura
M. Aaron Skinner
Joshua Dolence
Detection prospects of core-collapse supernovae with supernova-optimized third-generation gravitational-wave detectors
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 35 - article #5
Varun Srivastava
Stefan Ballmer
Duncan A. Brown
Chaitanya Afle
Adam Burrows
David Radice,
David Vartanyan
Physical Review D
Tidal Interactions between Binary Stars Can Drive Lithium Production in Low-mass Red Giants
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 31 - article #7
Andrew R. Casey
Anna Y. Q. Ho
Melissa Ness
David W. Hogg
Hans-Walter Rix
George C. Angelou
Saskia Hekker
Christopher A. Tout
John C. Lattanzio
Amanda I. Karakas
Tyrone E. Woods
Adrian M. Price-Whelan,
Kevin C. Schlaufman
The Astrophysical Journal
Characterizing the Gravitational Wave Signal from Core-collapse Supernovae
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 18 - article #21
David Radice
Viktoriya Morozova
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan,
Hiroki Nagakura
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Three-Dimensional Supernova Explosion Simulations of 9-, 10-, 11-, 12-, and 13-M$_{odot}$ Stars. (arXiv:1902.00547v2 [astro-ph.SR] UPDATED)
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 8 - article #7
Adam Burrows
David Radice
David Vartanyan
Catching Element Formation In The Act. (arXiv:1902.02915v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 17, Issue 7 - article #2
Chris L. Fryer
Frank Timmes
Aimee L. Hungerford
Aaron Couture
Fred Adams
Wako Aoki
Almudena Arcones
David Arnett
Katie Auchettl
Melina Avila
Carles Badenes
Eddie Baron
Andreas Bauswein
John Beacom
Jeff Blackmon
Stephane Blondin
Peter Bloser
Steve Boggs
Alan Boss
Terri Brandt
Eduardo Bravo
Ed Brown
Peter Brown
Steve Bruenn. Carl Budtz-Jorgensen
Eric Burns
Alan Calder
Regina Caputo
Art Champagne
Roger Chevalier
Alessandro Chieffi
Kelly Chipps
David Cinabro
Ondrea Clarkson
Don Clayton
Alain Coc
Devin Connolly
Charlie Conroy
Benoit Cote
Sean Couch
Nicolas Dauphas
Richard James deBoer
Catherine Deibel
Pavel Denisenkov
Steve Desch
Luc Dessart
Roland Diehl
Carolyn Doherty
Inma Dominguez
Subo Dong
Vikram Dwarkadas
Doreen Fan
Brian Fields
Carl Fields
et al.
(166 additional authors not shown)
Characterizing the Gravitational Wave Signal from Core-Collapse Supernovae. (arXiv:1812.07703v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 51 - article #3
David Radice
Viktoriya Morozova
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
Hiroki Nagakura
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Multi-element abundance ratios. (arXiv:1810.12325v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 44 - article #3
David H. Weinberg
Jon A. Holtzman
Sten Hasselquist
Jonathan C. Bird
Jennifer A. Johnson
Matthew Shetrone
Jennifer Sobeck
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Roger E. Cohen
Katia Cunha
Garrett Ebelke
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Christian R. Hayes
Henrik Jonsson
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Viktor Malanushenko
Szabolcz Meszaros
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Kaike Pan
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
John C. Wilson
Olga Zamora
A Successful 3D Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Model. (arXiv:1809.05106v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 38 - article #4
David Vartanyan
Adam Burrows
David Radice
Aaron Skinner
Joshua Dolence
FRIB and the GW170817 Kilonova. (arXiv:1809.00703v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 36 - article #6
A. Aprahamian
R. Surman
A. Frebel
G.C. McLaughlin
A. Arcones
A.B. Balantekin
J. Barnes
Timothy C. Beers
Erika M. Holmbeck
Jinmi Yoon
Maxime Brodeur
T.M. Sprouse
Nicole Vassh
Jolie A. Cizewski
Jason A. Clark
Benoit Cote
Sean M. Couch
M. Eichler
Jonathan Engel
Rana Ezzeddine
George M. Fuller
Samuel A. Giuliani
Robert Grzywacz
Sophia Han
C.J. Horowitz
Anu Kankainen
Oleg Korobkin
A.A. Kwiatkowski
J.E. Lawler
Jonas Lippuner
Elena Litvinova
G.J. Mathews
M.R. Mumpower
S. Naimi
W. Nazarewicz
Evan O'Connor
Brian W. O'Shea
Albino Perego
G. Perdikakis
David Radice
Sherwood Richers
Luke F. Roberts
Caroline Robin
Ian U. Roederer
Daniel M. Siegel
Nicolas Schunck
A. Spyrou
Yong-Lin Zhu
Fornax: a Flexible Code for Multiphysics Astrophysical Simulations. (arXiv:1806.07390v1 [astro-ph.IM])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 25 - article #9
M. Aaron Skinner
Joshua C. Dolence
Adam Burrows
David Radice
David Vartanyan
MESAS: Measuring the Emission of Stellar Atmospheres at Submm/mm wavelengths. (arXiv:1804.10206v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 18 - article #1
Jacob Aaron White
Jason Aufdenberg
Aaron Boley
Peter Hauschildt
A. Meredith Hughes
Brenda Matthews
David J. Wilner
The NANOGrav 11-year Data Set: High-precision Timing of 45 Millisecond Pulsars
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 15 - article #36
Zaven Arzoumanian
Adam Brazier
Sarah Burke-Spolaor
Sydney Chamberlin
Shami Chatterjee
Brian Christy
James M. Cordes
Neil J. Cornish
Fronefield Crawford
H. Thankful Cromartie
Kathryn Crowter
Megan E. DeCesar
Paul B. Demorest
Timothy Dolch
Justin A. Ellis
Robert D. Ferdman
Elizabeth C. Ferrara
Emmanuel Fonseca
Nathan Garver-Daniels
Peter A. Gentile
Daniel Halmrast
E. A. Huerta
Fredrick A. Jenet
Cody Jessup
Glenn Jones
Megan L. Jones
David L. Kaplan
Michael T. Lam
T. Joseph W. Lazio
Lina Levin
Andrea Lommen
Duncan R. Lorimer
Jing Luo
Ryan S. Lynch
Dustin Madison
Allison M. Matthews
Maura A. McLaughlin
Sean T. McWilliams
Chiara Mingarelli
Cherry Ng
David J. Nice
Timothy T. Pennucci
Scott M. Ransom
Paul S. Ray
Xavier Siemens
Joseph Simon
Renée Spiewak
Ingrid H. Stairs
Daniel R. Stinebring
Kevin Stovall
Joseph K. Swiggum
Stephen R. Taylor
Michele Vallisneri
Rutger van Haasteren
Sarah J. Vigeland
Weiwei Zhu,
The NANOGrav Collaboration
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
Neutrino Signals of Core-Collapse Supernovae in Underground Detectors. (arXiv:1804.00689v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 14 - article #2
Shaquann Seadrow
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
David Radice
M. Aaron Skinner
The gravitational wave signal from core-collapse supernovae. (arXiv:1801.01914v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 2 - article #13
Viktoriya Morozova
David Radice
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
Long-Lived Inverse Chirp Signals from Core-Collapse in Massive Scalar-Tensor Gravity
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 47 - article #28
Ulrich Sperhake
Christopher J. Moore
Roxana Rosca
Michalis Agathos
Davide Gerosa,
Christian D. Ott
Physical Review Letters
Electron-capture and Low-mass Iron-core-collapse Supernovae: New Neutrino-radiation-hydrodynamics Simulations
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 46 - article #30
David Radice
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
M. Aaron Skinner,
Joshua C. Dolence
The Astrophysical Journal
Adding the s-Process Element Cerium to the APOGEE Survey: Identification and Characterization of Ce ii Lines in the H-band Spectral Window
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 31 - article #21
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Sten Hasselquist
Diogo Souto
Matthew D. Shetrone
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Peter Frinchaboy
D. Anibal GarcÃÂa-Hernández
Jon Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Henrik Jőnsson
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
David Nidever
Mark Pinsonneault
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jennifer Sobeck
Michael F. Skrutskie
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski,
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
The Astrophysical Journal
Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 26 - article #17
Michael R. Blanton
Matthew A. Bershady
Bela Abolfathi
Franco D. Albareti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Javier Alonso-GarcÃÂa
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett Andrews
Erik Aquino-OrtÃÂz
Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca
Maria Argudo-Fernández
Eric Armengaud
Eric Aubourg
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Stephen Bailey
Kathleen A. Barger
Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros
Curtis Bartosz
Dominic Bates
Falk Baumgarten
Julian Bautista
Rachael Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Francesco Belfiore
Chad F. Bender
Andreas A. Berlind
Mariangela Bernardi
Florian Beutler
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael Blomqvist
Adam S. Bolton
Médéric Boquien
Jura Borissova
Remco van den Bosch
Jo Bovy
William N. Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
Adam J. Burgasser
Etienne Burtin
Nicolás G. Busca
Michele Cappellari
Maria Leticia Delgado Carigi
Joleen K. Carlberg
Aurelio Carnero Rosell
Ricardo Carrera
Nancy J. Chanover
Brian Cherinka
Edmond Cheung
Yilen Gómez Maqueo Chew
Cristina Chiappini
Peter Doohyun Choi
Drew Chojnowski
Chia-Hsun Chuang
Haeun Chung
Rafael Fernando Cirolini
Nicolas Clerc
Roger E. Cohen
Johan Comparat
Luiz da Costa
Marie-Claude Cousinou
Kevin Covey
Jeffrey D. Crane
Rupert A. C. Croft
Irene Cruz-Gonzalez
Daniel Garrido Cuadra
Katia Cunha
Guillermo J. Damke
Jeremy Darling
Roger Davies
Kyle Dawson
Axel de la Macorra
Flavia Dell’Agli
Nathan De Lee
Timothée Delubac
Francesco Di Mille
Aleks Diamond-Stanic
Mariana Cano-DÃÂaz
John Donor
Juan José Downes
Niv Drory
Hélion du Mas des Bourboux
Christopher J. Duckworth
Tom Dwelly
Jamie Dyer
Garrett Ebelke
Arthur D. Eigenbrot
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Eric Emsellem
Mike Eracleous
Stephanie Escoffier
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Emma Fernández-Alvar
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
Diane K. Feuillet
Alexis Finoguenov
Scott W. Fleming
Andreu Font-Ribera
Alexander Fredrickson
Gordon Freischlad
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Carla E. Fuentes
LluÃÂs Galbany
R. Garcia-Dias
D. A. GarcÃÂa-Hernández
Patrick Gaulme
Doug Geisler
Joseph D. Gelfand
Héctor Gil-MarÃÂn
Bruce A. Gillespie
Daniel Goddard
Violeta Gonzalez-Perez
Kathleen Grabowski
Paul J. Green
Catherine J. Grier
James E. Gunn
Hong Guo
Julien Guy
Alex Hagen
ChangHoon Hahn
Matthew Hall
Paul Harding
Sten Hasselquist
Suzanne L. Hawley
Fred Hearty
Jonay I. Gonzalez Hernández
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann
Jon A. Holtzman
Parker H. Holzer
Joseph Huehnerhoff
Timothy A. Hutchinson
Ho Seong Hwang
Héctor J. Ibarra-Medel
Gabriele da Silva Ilha
Inese I. Ivans
KeShawn Ivory
Kelly Jackson
Trey W. Jensen
Jennifer A. Johnson
Amy Jones
Henrik Jönsson
Eric Jullo
Vikrant Kamble
Karen Kinemuchi
David Kirkby
Francisco-Shu Kitaura
Mark Klaene
Gillian R. Knapp
Jean-Paul Kneib
Juna A. Kollmeier
Ivan Lacerna
Richard R. Lane
Dustin Lang
David R. Law
Daniel Lazarz
Youngbae Lee
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Fu-Heng Liang
Cheng Li
Hongyu Li
Jianhui Lian
Marcos Lima
Lihwai Lin
Yen-Ting Lin
Sara Bertran de Lis
Chao Liu
Miguel Angel C. de Icaza Lizaola
Dan Long
Sara Lucatello
Britt Lundgren
Nicholas K. MacDonald
Alice Deconto Machado
Chelsea L. MacLeod
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio Antonio Geimba Maia
Roberto Maiolino
Steven R. Majewski
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Arturo Manchado
Shude Mao
Claudia Maraston
Rui Marques-Chaves
Thomas Masseron
Karen L. Masters
Cameron K. McBride
Richard M. McDermid
Brianne McGrath
Ian D. McGreer
Nicolás Medina Peña
Matthew Melendez
Andrea Merloni
Michael R. Merrifield
Szabolcs Meszaros
Andres Meza
Ivan Minchev
Dante Minniti
Takamitsu Miyaji
Surhud More
John Mulchaey
Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Demitri Muna
Ricardo R. Munoz
Adam D. Myers
Preethi Nair
Kirpal Nandra
Janaina Correa do Nascimento
Alenka Negrete
Melissa Ness
Jeffrey A. Newman
Robert C. Nichol
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Pierros Ntelis
Julia E. O’Connell
Ryan J. Oelkers
Audrey Oravetz
Daniel Oravetz
Zach Pace
Nelson Padilla
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Pedro Alonso Palicio
Kaike Pan
John K. Parejko
Taniya Parikh
Isabelle Pâris
Changbom Park
Alim Y. Patten
Sebastien Peirani
Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez
Samantha Penny
Will J. Percival
Ismael Perez-Fournon
Patrick Petitjean
Matthew M. Pieri
Marc Pinsonneault
Alice Pisani
Radosław Poleski
Francisco Prada
Abhishek Prakash
Anna Bárbara de Andrade Queiroz
M. Jordan Raddick
Anand Raichoor
Sandro Barboza Rembold
Hannah Richstein
Rogemar A. Riffel
Rogério Riffel
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
Constance M. Rockosi
Sergio RodrÃÂguez-Torres
A. Roman-Lopes
Carlos Román-Zúñiga
Margarita Rosado
Ashley J. Ross
Graziano Rossi
John Ruan
Rossana Ruggeri
Eli S. Rykoff
Salvador Salazar-Albornoz
Mara Salvato
Ariel G. Sánchez
D. S. Aguado
José R. Sánchez-Gallego
Felipe A. Santana
BasÃÂlio Xavier Santiago
Conor Sayres
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jaderson da Silva Schimoia
Edward F. Schlafly
David J. Schlegel
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
William J. Schuster
Axel Schwope
Hee-Jong Seo
Zhengyi Shao
Shiyin Shen
Matthew Shetrone
Michael Shull
Joshua D. Simon
Danielle Skinner
M. F. Skrutskie
Anže Slosar
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Flavia Sobreira
Garrett Somers
Diogo Souto
David V. Stark
Keivan Stassun
Fritz Stauffer
Matthias Steinmetz
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann
Alina Streblyanska
Guy S. Stringfellow
Genaro Suárez
Jing Sun
Nao Suzuki
Laszlo Szigeti
Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp
Baitian Tang
Charling Tao
Jamie Tayar
Mita Tembe
Johanna Teske
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Benjamin A. Thompson
Jeremy L. Tinker
Patricia Tissera
Rita Tojeiro
Hector Hernandez Toledo
Sylvain de la Torre
Christy Tremonti
Nicholas W. Troup
Octavio Valenzuela
Inma Martinez Valpuesta
Jaime Vargas-González
Mariana Vargas-Magaña
Jose Alberto Vazquez
Sandro Villanova
M. Vivek
Nicole Vogt
David Wake
Rene Walterbos
Yuting Wang
Benjamin Alan Weaver
Anne-Marie Weijmans
David H. Weinberg
Kyle B. Westfall
David G. Whelan
Vivienne Wild
John Wilson
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Dominika Wylezalek
Ting Xiao
Renbin Yan
Meng Yang
Jason E. Ybarra
Christophe Yèche
Nadia Zakamska
Olga Zamora
Pauline Zarrouk
Gail Zasowski
Kai Zhang
Gong-Bo Zhao
Zheng Zheng
Zheng Zheng
Xu Zhou
Zhi-Min Zhou
Guangtun B. Zhu
Manuela Zoccali,
Hu Zou
The Astronomical Journal
The Populations of Carina. I. Decoding the Color–Magnitude Diagram
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 26 - article #28
John E. Norris
David Yong
Kim A. Venn
Aaron Dotter
Luca Casagrande,
Gerard Gilmore
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
The Populations of Carina. II. Chemical Enrichment
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 26 - article #29
John E. Norris
David Yong
Kim A. Venn
Gerard Gilmore
Luca Casagrande,
Aaron Dotter
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
The age-metallicity structure of the Milky Way disk. (arXiv:1706.00018v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 22 - article #11
J. Ted Mackereth
Jo Bovy
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Gail Zasowski
Katia Cunha
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Ana E. Garcia Perez
Michael R. Hayden
Jon Holtzman
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Meszaros
David L. Nidever
Marc Pinsonneault
Matthew D. Shetrone
The Populations of Carina. II. Chemical Enrichment. (arXiv:1705.09023v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 21 - article #10
John E. Norris
David Yong
Kim A. Venn
Gerard Gilmore
Luca Casagrande
Aaron Dotter
Masses and Ages for 230,000 LAMOST Giants, via Their Carbon and Nitrogen Abundances
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 21 - article #26
Anna Y. Q. Ho
Hans-Walter Rix
Melissa K. Ness
David W. Hogg
Chao Liu,
Yuan-Sen Ting
The Astrophysical Journal
Electron-Capture and Low-Mass Iron-Core-Collapse Supernovae: New Neutrino-Radiation-Hydrodynamics Simulations. (arXiv:1702.03927v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 7 - article #4
David Radice
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
M. Aaron Skinner
Joshua C. Dolence
The Distribution of Radioactive 44Ti in Cassiopeia A
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 53 - article #20
Brian W. Grefenstette
Chris L. Fryer
Fiona A. Harrison
Steven E. Boggs
Tracey DeLaney
J. Martin Laming
Stephen P. Reynolds
David M. Alexander
Didier Barret
Finn E. Christensen
William W. Craig
Karl Forster
Paolo Giommi
Charles J. Hailey
Alan Hornstrup
Takao Kitaguchi
J. E. Koglin
Laura Lopez
Peter H. Mao
Kristin K. Madsen
Hiromasa Miyasaka
Kaya Mori
Matteo Perri
Michael J. Pivovaroff
Simonetta Puccetti
Vikram Rana
Daniel Stern
Niels J. Westergaard
Daniel R. Wik
William W. Zhang,
Andreas Zoglauer
The Astrophysical Journal
The distribution of radioactive $^{44}$Ti in Cassiopeia A. (arXiv:1612.02774v1 [astro-ph.HE])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 50 - article #11
Brian W. Grefenstette
Chris L. Fryer
Fiona A. Harrison
Steven E. Boggs
Tracey DeLaney
J. Martin Laming
Stephen P. Reynolds
David M. Alexander
Didier Barret
Finn E. Christensen
William W. Craig
Karl Forster
Paolo Giommi
Charles J. Hailey
Alan Hornstrup
Takao Kitaguchi
J. E. Koglin
Laura Lopez
Peter H. Mao
Kristin K. Madsen
Hiromasa Miyasaka
Kaya Mori
Matteo Perri
Michael J. Pivovaroff
Simonetta Puccetti
Vikram Rana
Daniel Stern
Niels J. Westergaard
Daniel R. Wik
William W. Zhang
Andreas Zoglauer
Inflow, Outflow, Yields, and Stellar Population Mixing in Chemical Evolution Models. (arXiv:1604.08613v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 49 - article #8
Brett H. Andrews
David H. Weinberg
Ralph Schönrich
Jennifer A. Johnson
Crucial Physical Dependencies of the Core-Collapse Supernova Mechanism. (arXiv:1611.05859v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 47 - article #3
Adam Burrows
David Vartanyan
Joshua C. Dolence
M. Aaron Skinner
David Radice
The NANOGrav Nine-year Data Set: Mass and Geometric Measurements of Binary Millisecond Pulsars. (arXiv:1603.00545v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED)
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 41 - article #16
Emmanuel Fonseca
Timothy T. Pennucci
Justin A. Ellis
Ingrid H. Stairs
David J. Nice
Scott M. Ransom
Paul B. Demorest
Zaven Arzoumanian
Kathryn Crowter
Timothy Dolch
Robert D. Ferdman
Marjorie E. Gonzalez
Glenn Jones
Megan L. Jones
Michael T. Lam
Lina Levin
Maura A. McLaughlin
Kevin Stovall
Joseph K. Swiggum
Weiwei Zhu
The RAVE-on catalog of stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances for chemo-dynamic studies in the Gaia era. (arXiv:1609.02914v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 38 - article #14
Andrew R. Casey
Keith Hawkins
David W. Hogg
Melissa Ness
Hans Walter-Rix
Georges Kordopatis
Andrea Kunder
Matthias Steinmetz
Sergey Koposov
Harry Enke
Jason Sanders
Gerry Gilmore
Kenneth C. Freeman
Luca Casagrande
Gal Matijevič
George Seabroke
Olivier Bienaymé
Joss Bland-Hawthorn
Brad K. Gibson
Eva K. Grebel
Amina Helmi
Ulisse Munari
Julio F. Navarro
Warren Reid
Arnaud Siebert
Rosemary Wyse
Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru Telescope: Overview, recent progress, and future perspectives. (arXiv:1608.01075v1 [astro-ph.IM])
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 32 - article #11
Naoyuki Tamura
Naruhisa Takato
Atsushi Shimono
Yuki Moritani
Kiyoto Yabe
Yuki Ishizuka
Akitoshi Ueda
Yukiko Kamata
Hrand Aghazarian
Stephane Arnouts
Gabriel Barban
Robert H. Barkhouser
Renato C. Borges
David F. Braun
Michael A. Carr
Pierre-Yves Chabaud
Yin-Chang Chang
Hsin-Yo Chen
Masashi Chiba
Richard C. Y. Chou
You-Hua Chu
Judith G. Cohen
Rodrigo P. de Almeida
Antonio C. de Oliveira
Ligia S. de Oliveira
Richard G. Dekany
Kjetil Dohlen
Jesulino B. dos Santos
Leandro H. dos Santos
Richard S. Ellis
Maximilian Fabricius
Didier Ferrand
Decio Ferreira
Mirek Golebiowski
Jenny E. Greene
Johannes Gross
James E. Gunn
Randolph Hammond
Albert Harding
Murdock Hart
Timothy M. Heckman
Christopher M. Hirata
Paul Ho
Stephen C. Hope
Larry Hovland
Shu-Fu Hsu
Yen-Shan Hu
et al.
(53 additional authors not shown)
Holographic quark matter and neutron stars
Virtual Journal - Volume 14, Issue 11 - article #8
Carlos Hoyos
David Rodríguez Fernández
Niko Jokela
Aleksi Vuorinen - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 11 Mar
(cross-list from hep-ph) [
The NANOGrav Nine-year Data Set: Astrometric Measurements of 37 Millisecond Pulsars
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 36 - article #25
Allison M. Matthews
David J. Nice
Emmanuel Fonseca
Zaven Arzoumanian
Kathryn Crowter
Paul B. Demorest
Timothy Dolch
Justin A. Ellis
Robert D. Ferdman
Marjorie E. Gonzalez
Glenn Jones
Megan L. Jones
Michael T. Lam
Lina Levin
Maura A. McLaughlin
Timothy T. Pennucci
Scott M. Ransom
Ingrid H. Stairs
Kevin Stovall
Joseph K. Swiggum
Weiwei Zhu - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 2 Oct
Neutron response function characterization of
He scintillation detectors
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 24 - article #28
Ryan P. Kelley
Lucas M. Rolison
Jason M. Lewis
David Murer
Thomas N. Massey
Andreas Enqvist
Kelly A. Jordan
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A - Volume: 793, Issue: 1 September 2015
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Nucleosynthesis in a Primordial Supernova: Carbon and Oxygen Abundances in SMSS J031300.36–670839.3
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 24 - article #35
Michael S. Bessell
Remo Collet
Stefan C. Keller
Anna Frebel
Alexander Heger
Andrew R. Casey
Thomas Masseron
Martin Asplund
Heather R. Jacobson
Karin Lind
Anna F. Marino
John E. Norris
David Yong
Gary Da Costa
Conrad Chan
Zazralt Magic
Brian Schmidt
Patrick Tisserand
The Astrophysical Journal Letters - Volume: 806, Issue: 1
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Nucleosynthesis in a Primordial Supernova: Carbon and Oxygen Abundances in SMSS J031300.36-670839.31
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 19 - article #14
Michael Bessell
Remo Collett
Stefan Keller
Anna Frebel
Alexander Heger
Andrew Casey
Thomas Masseron
Martin Asplund
Heather Jacobsen
Karin Lind
Anna Marino
John Norris
David Yong
Gary Da Costa
Conrad Chan
Zazralt Magic
Brian Schmidt
Patrick Tisserand - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 15 May
The APOGEE Spectroscopic Survey of
Planet Hosts: Feasibility, Efficiency, and First Results
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 14 - article #25
Scott W. Fleming
Suvrath Mahadevan
Rohit Deshpande
Chad F. Bender
Ryan C. Terrien
Robert C. Marchwinski
Ji Wang
Arpita Roy
Keivan G. Stassun
Carlos Allende Prieto
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Eric Agol
Hasan Ak
Fabienne A. Bastien
Dmitry Bizyaev
Justin R. Crepp
Eric B. Ford
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Domingo AnÃÂbal GarcÃÂa-Hernández
Ana Elia GarcÃÂa Pérez
B. Scott Gaudi
Jian Ge
Fred Hearty
Bo Ma
Steve R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
David L. Nidever
Kaike Pan
Joshua Pepper
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
John C. Wilson
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 149, Issue: 4
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The Cannon: A data-driven approach to stellar label determination
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 5 - article #9
Melissa Ness
David W. Hogg
Hans-Walter Rix
Anna Ho
Gail Zasowski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 6 Feb
Measurement and analysis of the Am-243 neutron capture cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 25 - article #38
n_TOF Collaboration: E. Mendoza
D. Cano-Ott
C. Guerrero
E. Berthoumieux
U. Abbondanno
G. Aerts
F. Alvarez-Velarde
S. Andriamonje
J. Andrzejewski
P. Assimakopoulos
L. Audouin
G. Badurek
J. Balibrea
P. Baumann
F. Becvar
F. Belloni
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M. Calviani
R. Capote
C. Carrapico
A. Carrillo de Albornoz
P. Cennini
V. Chepel
E. Chiaveri
N. Colonna
G. Cortes
A. Couture
J. Cox
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S. David
I. Dillmann
R. Dolfini
C. Domingo-Pardo
W. Dridi
I. Duran
C. Eleftheriadis
L. Ferrant
A. Ferrari
R. Ferreira-Marques
L. Fitzpatrick
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K. Fujii
W. Furman
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F. Gramegna
E. Griesmayer
F. Gunsing
B. Haas
R. Haight
M. Heil
A. Herrera-Martinez
M. Igashira
S. Isaev
E. Jericha
F. Kappeler
Y. Kadi
et al.
(73 additional authors not shown) - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2014, Issue: 5 Dec
Bayesian Analysis for Stellar Evolution with Nine Parameters (BASE-9): User's Manual
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 24 - article #16
Ted von Hippel
Elliot Robinson
Elizabeth Jeffery
Rachel Wagner-Kaiser
Steven DeGennaro
Nathan Stein
David Stenning
William H. Jefferys
David van Dyk - Astrophysics - Volume: 2014, Issue: 21 Nov
APF - The Lick Observatory Automated Planet Finder
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 9 - article #2
Steven S. Vogt
Matthew Radovan
Robert Kibrick
R. Paul Butler
Barry Alcott
Steve Allen
Pamela Arriagada
Mike Bolte
Jennifer Burt
Jerry Cabak
Kostas Chloros
David Cowley
William Deich
Brian Dupraw
Wayne Earthman
Harland Epps
Sandra Faber
Debra Fischer
Elinor Gates
David Hilyard
Brad Holden
Ken Johnston
Sandy Keiser
Dick Kanto
Myra Katsuki
Lee Laiterman
Kyle Lanclos
Greg Laughlin
Jeff Lewis
Chris Lockwood
Paul Lynam
Geoffrey Marcy
Maureen McLean
Joe Miller
Tony Misch
Michael Peck
Terry Pfister
Andrew Phillips
Eugenio Rivera
Dale Sandford
Mike Saylor
Richard Stover
Matthew Thompson
Bernie Walp
James Ward
John Wareham
Mingzhi Wei
Chris Wright - Astrophysics - Volume: 2014, Issue: 28 Feb
The dominant epoch of star formation in the Milky Way formed the thick disc
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 2 - article #13
Owain N. Snaith
Misha Haywood
Paola Di Matteo
Matthew D. Lehnert
Francoise Combes
David Katz
Ana Gomez - Astrophysics - Volume: 2014, Issue: 10 Jan
Enzo: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics
Virtual Journal - Volume 11, Issue 28 - article #6
The Enzo Collaboration: Greg L. Bryan
Michael L. Norman
Brian W. O'Shea
Tom Abel
John H. Wise
Matthew J. Turk
Daniel R. Reynolds
David C. Collins
Peng Wang
Samuel W. Skillman
Britton Smith
Robert P. Harkness
James Bordner
Ji-hoon Kim
Michael Kuhlen
Hao Xu
Nathan Goldbaum
Cameron Hummels
Alexei G. Kritsuk
Elizabeth Tasker
Stephen Skory
Christine M. Simpson
Oliver Hahn
Jeffrey S. Oishi
Geoffrey C So
Fen Zhao
Renyue Cen
Yuan Li - Astrophysics - Volume: 2013, Issue: 12 Jul
Magnesium Isotope Ratios in omega Centauri Red Giants
Virtual Journal - Volume 11, Issue 14 - article #7
G S Da Costa
John E Norris
David Yong - Astrophysics - Volume: 2013, Issue: 5 Apr
The Most Metal-poor Stars. IV. The Two Populations with [Fe/H] lesssim –3.0
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 52 - article #53
John E. Norris
David Yong
M. S. Bessell
N. Christlieb
M. Asplund
Gerard Gilmore
Rosemary F. G. Wyse
Timothy C. Beers
P. S. Barklem
Anna Frebel
S. G. Ryan
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 762, Issue: 1
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The Ninth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 52 - article #61
Christopher P. Ahn
Rachael Alexandroff
Carlos Allende Prieto
Scott F. Anderson
Timothy Anderton
Brett H. Andrews
Éric Aubourg
Stephen Bailey
Eduardo Balbinot
Rory Barnes
Julian Bautista
Timothy C. Beers
Alessandra Beifiori
Andreas A. Berlind
Vaishali Bhardwaj
Dmitry Bizyaev
Cullen H. Blake
Michael R. Blanton
Michael Blomqvist
John J. Bochanski
Adam S. Bolton
Arnaud Borde
Jo Bovy
W. N. Brandt
J. Brinkmann
Peter J. Brown
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
N. G. Busca
William Carithers
Aurelio R. Carnero
Michael A. Carr
Dana I. Casetti-Dinescu
Yanmei Chen
Cristina Chiappini
Johan Comparat
Natalia Connolly
Justin R. Crepp
Stefano Cristiani
Rupert A. C. Croft
Antonio J. Cuesta
Luiz N. da Costa
James R. A. Davenport
Kyle S. Dawson
Roland de Putter
Nathan De Lee
Timothée Delubac
Saurav Dhital
Anne Ealet
Garrett L. Ebelke
Edward M. Edmondson
Daniel J. Eisenstein
S. Escoffier
Massimiliano Esposito
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Bruno FemenÃÂa Castellá
Emma Fernández Alvar
Leticia D. Ferreira
N. Filiz Ak
Hayley Finley
Scott W. Fleming
Andreu Font-Ribera
Peter M. Frinchaboy
D. A. GarcÃÂa-Hernández
A. E. GarcÃÂa Pérez
Jian Ge
R. Génova-Santos
Bruce A. Gillespie
Léo Girardi
Jonay I. González Hernández
Eva K. Grebel
James E. Gunn
Hong Guo
Daryl Haggard
Jean-Christophe Hamilton
David W. Harris
Suzanne L. Hawley
Frederick R. Hearty
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Jon A. Holtzman
Klaus Honscheid
J. Huehnerhoff
Inese I. Ivans
Željko Ivezić
Heather R. Jacobson
Linhua Jiang
Jonas Johansson
Jennifer A. Johnson
Guinevere Kauffmann
David Kirkby
Jessica A. Kirkpatrick
Mark A. Klaene
Gillian R. Knapp
Jean-Paul Kneib
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Alexie Leauthaud
Khee-Gan Lee
Young Sun Lee
Daniel C. Long
Craig P. Loomis
Sara Lucatello
Britt Lundgren
Robert H. Lupton
Bo Ma
Zhibo Ma
Nicholas MacDonald
Claude E. Mack
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio A. G. Maia
Steven R. Majewski
Martin Makler
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
A. Manchado
Rachel Mandelbaum
Marc Manera
Claudia Maraston
Daniel Margala
Sarah L. Martell
Cameron K. McBride
Ian D. McGreer
Richard G. McMahon
Brice Ménard
Sz. Meszaros
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Francesco Montesano
Heather L. Morrison
Demitri Muna
Jeffrey A. Munn
Hitoshi Murayama
Adam D. Myers
A. F. Neto
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Robert C. Nichol
David L. Nidever
Pasquier Noterdaeme
Sebastián E. Nuza
Ricardo L. C. Ogando
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Daniel J. Oravetz
Russell Owen
Nikhil Padmanabhan
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Kaike Pan
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Prachi Parihar
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Petchara Pattarakijwanich
Joshua Pepper
Will J. Percival
Ismael Pérez-Fournon
Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols
Patrick Petitjean
Janine Pforr
Matthew M. Pieri
Marc H. Pinsonneault
G. F. Porto de Mello
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M. Jordan Raddick
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James Rich
Gordon T. Richards
Annie C. Robin
Helio J. Rocha-Pinto
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Graziano Rossi
J. A. Rubiño-Martin
Lado Samushia
J. Sanchez Almeida
Ariel G. Sánchez
BasÃÂlio Santiago
Conor Sayres
David J. Schlegel
Katharine J. Schlesinger
Sarah J. Schmidt
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
Axel D. Schwope
C. G. Scóccola
Uros Seljak
Erin Sheldon
Yue Shen
Yiping Shu
Jennifer Simmerer
Audrey E. Simmons
Ramin A. Skibba
M. F. Skrutskie
A. Slosar
Flavia Sobreira
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Keivan G. Stassun
Oliver Steele
Matthias Steinmetz
Michael A. Strauss
Alina Streblyanska
Nao Suzuki
Molly E. C. Swanson
Tomer Tal
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Benjamin A. Thompson
Jeremy L. Tinker
Rita Tojeiro
Christy A. Tremonti
M. Vargas Magaña
Licia Verde
Matteo Viel
Shailendra K. Vikas
Nicole P. Vogt
David A. Wake
Ji Wang
Benjamin A. Weaver
David H. Weinberg
Benjamin J. Weiner
Andrew A. West
Martin White
John C. Wilson
John P. Wisniewski
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Brian Yanny
Christophe Yèche
Donald G. York
O. Zamora
Gail Zasowski
Idit Zehavi
Gong-Bo Zhao
Zheng Zheng
Guangtun Zhu
Joel C. Zinn
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 203, Issue: 2
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The Most Metal-Poor Stars. IV. The Two Populations With [Fe/H] < -3.0
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 46 - article #11
John E. Norris
David Yong
M. S. Bessell
N. Christlieb
M. Asplund
Gerard Gilmore
Rosemary F.G. Wyse
Timothy C. Beers
P. S. Barklem
Anna Frebel
S. G. Ryan - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 16 Nov
A spectrograph instrument concept for the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) on Subaru Telescope
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 41 - article #1
Sébastien Vives
David Le Mignant
Fabrice Madec
Marc Jaquet
Eric Prieto
Laurent Martin
Olivier Le Fèvre
James Gunn
Michael Carr
Stephen Smee
Robert Barkhouser
Hajime Sugai
Naoyuki Tamura - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 12 Oct
The Milky Way's circular velocity curve between 4 and 14 kpc from APOGEE data
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 36 - article #18
Jo Bovy
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Dmitry Bizyaev
Luiz N. da Costa
Katia Cunha
Garrett L. Ebelke
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Ana Elia García Pérez
Léo Girardi
Fred R. Hearty
David W. Hogg
Jon Holtzman
Marcio A. G. Maia
Steven R. Majewski
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Szabolcs Mészáros
David L. Nidever
Robert W. O'Connell
Christine O'Donnell
Audrey Oravetz
Kaike Pan
Helio J. Rocha-Pinto
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
Michael Skrutskie
Verne V. Smith
David H. Weinberg
John C. Wilson
Gail Zasowski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 7 Sep
Testing models of triggered star formation: theory and observation
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 32 - article #15
Thomas J. Haworth
Tim J. Harries
David M. Acreman - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 10 Aug
X-raying the Beating Heart of a Newborn Star: Rotational Modulation of High-energy Radiation from V1647 Ori
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 27 - article #19
Kenji Hamaguchi
Nicolas Grosso
Joel H. Kastner
David A. Weintraub
Michael Richmond
Robert Petre
William K. Teets
David Principe - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 6 Jul
Systematic analysis of symmetry energy effects in the neutron star crust properties
Virtual Journal - Volume 10, Issue 25 - article #31
Sebastian Kubis
David Edwin Alvarez-Castillo - Nuclear Theory - Volume: 2012, Issue: 22 Jun
(cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [
Evidence for Type Ia Supernova Diversity from Ultraviolet Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 43 - article #8
Xiaofeng Wang
Lifan Wang
Alexei V. Filippenko
Greg Aldering
Pierre Antilogus
David Arnett
Dietrich Baade
Eddie Baron
Brian J. Barris
Stefano Benetti
Patrice Bouchet
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Ramon Canal
Enrico Cappellaro
Raymond Carlberg
Elisa di Carlo
Peter Challis
Arlin Crotts
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Dennis Jack
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Claes Fransson
Avishay Gal-Yam
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Gerson Goldhaber
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Dan Kasen
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Markus Kromer
Brian C. Lee
Bruno Leibundgut
Eric J. Lentz
Douglas C. Leonard
Walter H. G. Lewin
Weidong Li
et al.
(48 additional authors not shown) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 28 Oct
Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory - Preliminary Design Report
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 32 - article #16
Kevin T. Lesko
Steven Acheson
Jose Alonso
Paul Bauer
Yuen-Dat Chan
William Chinowsky
Steve Dangermond
Jason A. Detwiler
Syd De Vries
Richard DiGennaro
Elizabeth Exter
Felix B. Fernandez
Elizabeth L. Freer
Murdock G. D. Gilchriese
Azriel Goldschmidt
Ben Grammann
William Griffing
Bill Harlan
Wick C. Haxton
Michael Headley
Jaret Heise
Zbigniew Hladysz
Dianna Jacobs
Michael Johnson
Richard Kadel
Robert Kaufman
Greg King
Robert Lanou
Alberto Lemut
Zoltan Ligeti
Steve Marks
Ryan D. Martin
John Matthesen
Brendan Matthew
Warren Matthews
Randall McConnell
William McElroy
Deborah Meyer
Margaret Norris
David Plate
Kem E. Robinson
William Roggenthen
Rohit Salve
Ben Sayler
John Scheetz
Jim Tarpinian
David Taylor
David Vardiman
Ron Wheeler
Joshua Willhite
et al.
(1 additional author not shown) - Nuclear Experiment - Volume: 2011, Issue: 12 Aug
(cross-list from hep-ex) [
CNO and F abundances in the barium star HD 123396
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 29 - article #4
Alan Alves-Brito
Amanda Karakas
David Yong
Jorge Meléndez
Sergio Vásquez - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 22 Jul
Observations and Orbital Analysis of the Giant White Dwarf Binary System HR 5692
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 23 - article #14
Robert P. Stefanik
Guillermo Torres
David W. Latham
Wayne Landsman
Nathaniel Craig
James Murrett
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 141, Issue: 5
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The Kepler Cluster Study: Stellar Rotation in NGC6811
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 16 - article #7
Søren Meibom
Sydney A. Barnes
David W. Latham
Natalie Batalha
William J. Borucki
David G. Koch
Gibor Basri
Lucianne M. Walkowicz
Kenneth A. Janes
Jon Jenkins
Jeffrey Van Cleve
Michael R. Haas
Stephen T. Bryson
Andrea K. Dupree
Gabor Furesz
Andrew H. Szentgyorgyi
Lars A. Buchhave
Bruce D. Clarke
Joseph D. Twicken
Elisa V. Quintana - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 22 Apr
The Eighth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Data from SDSS-III
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 13 - article #56
Hiroaki Aihara
Carlos Allende Prieto
Deokkeun An
Scott F. Anderson
Éric Aubourg
Eduardo Balbinot
Timothy C. Beers
Andreas A. Berlind
Steven J. Bickerton
Dmitry Bizyaev
Michael R. Blanton
John J. Bochanski
Adam S. Bolton
Jo Bovy
W. N. Brandt
J. Brinkmann
Peter J. Brown
Joel R. Brownstein
Nicolas G. Busca
Heather Campbell
Michael A. Carr
Yanmei Chen
Cristina Chiappini
Johan Comparat
Natalia Connolly
Marina Cortes
Rupert A. C. Croft
Antonio J. Cuesta
Luiz N. da Costa
James R. A. Davenport
Kyle Dawson
Saurav Dhital
Anne Ealet
Garrett L. Ebelke
Edward M. Edmondson
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Stephanie Escoffier
Massimiliano Esposito
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Bruno FemenÃÂa Castellá
Andreu Font-Ribera
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Jian Ge
Bruce A. Gillespie
G. Gilmore
Jonay I. González Hernández
J. Richard Gott
Andrew Gould
Eva K. Grebel
James E. Gunn
Jean-Christophe Hamilton
Paul Harding
David W. Harris
Suzanne L. Hawley
Frederick R. Hearty
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Jon A. Holtzman
Klaus Honscheid
Naohisa Inada
Inese I. Ivans
Linhua Jiang
Jennifer A. Johnson
Cathy Jordan
Wendell P. Jordan
Eyal A. Kazin
David Kirkby
Mark A. Klaene
G. R. Knapp
Jean-Paul Kneib
C. S. Kochanek
Lars Koesterke
Juna A. Kollmeier
Richard G. Kron
Hubert Lampeitl
Dustin Lang
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Young Sun Lee
Yen-Ting Lin
Daniel C. Long
Craig P. Loomis
Sara Lucatello
Britt Lundgren
Robert H. Lupton
Zhibo Ma
Nicholas MacDonald
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio A. G. Maia
Martin Makler
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Rachel Mandelbaum
Claudia Maraston
Daniel Margala
Karen L. Masters
Cameron K. McBride
Peregrine M. McGehee
Ian D. McGreer
Brice Ménard
Jordi Miralda-Escudé
Heather L. Morrison
F. Mullally
Demitri Muna
Jeffrey A. Munn
Hitoshi Murayama
Adam D. Myers
Tracy Naugle
Angelo Fausti Neto
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Robert C. Nichol
Robert W. O'Connell
Ricardo L. C. Ogando
Matthew D. Olmstead
Daniel J. Oravetz
Nikhil Padmanabhan
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Kaike Pan
Parul Pandey
Isabelle Pâris
Will J. Percival
Patrick Petitjean
Robert Pfaffenberger
Janine Pforr
Stefanie Phleps
Christophe Pichon
Matthew M. Pieri
Francisco Prada
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
M. Jordan Raddick
Beatriz H. F. Ramos
Céline Reylé
James Rich
Gordon T. Richards
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
Helio J. Rocha-Pinto
Constance M. Rockosi
Natalie A. Roe
Emmanuel Rollinde
Ashley J. Ross
Nicholas P. Ross
Bruno M. Rossetto
Ariel G. Sánchez
Conor Sayres
David J. Schlegel
Katharine J. Schlesinger
Sarah J. Schmidt
Donald P. Schneider
Erin Sheldon
Yiping Shu
Jennifer Simmerer
Audrey E. Simmons
Thirupathi Sivarani
Stephanie A. Snedden
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Matthias Steinmetz
Michael A. Strauss
Alexander S. Szalay
Masayuki Tanaka
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Jeremy L. Tinker
Benjamin M. Tofflemire
Rita Tojeiro
Christy A. Tremonti
Jan Vandenberg
M. Vargas Magaña
Licia Verde
Nicole P. Vogt
David A. Wake
Ji Wang
Benjamin A. Weaver
David H. Weinberg
Martin White
Simon D. M. White
Brian Yanny
Naoki Yasuda
Christophe Yeche
Idit Zehavi
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 193, Issue: 2
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KOI-126: A Triply-Eclipsing Hierarchical Triple with Two Low-Mass Stars
Virtual Journal - Volume 9, Issue 5 - article #5
Joshua A. Carter
Daniel C. Fabrycky
Darin Ragozzine
Matthew J. Holman
Samuel N. Quinn
David W. Latham
Lars A. Buchhave
Jeffrey Van Cleve
William D. Cochran
Miles T. Cote
Michael Endl
Eric B. Ford
Michael R. Haas
Jon M. Jenkins
David G. Koch
Jie Li
Jack J. Lissauer
Phillip J. MacQueen
Christopher K. Middour
Jerome A. Orosz
Jason F. Rowe
Jason H. Steffen
William F. Welsh - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 4 Feb
The Fibre Multi-Object Spectrograph (FMOS) for Subaru Telescope
Virtual Journal - Volume 8, Issue 25 - article #10
Masahiko Kimura
Toshinori Maihara
Fumihide Iwamuro
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Philip Tait
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Hanshin Lee
Ian J. Lewis
Tim R. Froud
Ian A. Tosh
Guy F. Woodhouse
Colin Blackburn
Nigel Dipper
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Ray Sharples
David J. Robertson - Astrophysics - Volume: 2010, Issue: 18 Jun
Boo-1137—an Extremely Metal-Poor Star in the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Boötes I
Virtual Journal - Volume 8, Issue 7 - article #30
<em >John E. Norris
David Yong
Gerard Gilmore
Rosemary F. G. Wyse</em>
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 711, Issue: 1
Boo-1137 - An Extremely Metal-Poor Star in the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Boötes I
Virtual Journal - Volume 7, Issue 49 - article #8
John E. Norris
David Yong
Gerard Gilmore
Rosemary F. G. Wyse - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 4 Dec
LSST Science Book, Version 2.0
Virtual Journal - Volume 7, Issue 49 - article #14
LSST Science Collaborations: Paul A. Abell
Julius Allison
Scott F. Anderson
John R. Andrew
J. Roger P. Angel
Lee Armus
David Arnett
S. J. Asztalos
Tim S. Axelrod
Stephen Bailey
D. R. Ballantyne
Justin R. Bankert
Wayne A. Barkhouse
Jeffrey D. Barr
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Adam J. Burgasser
James H. Burge
David L. Burke
Phillip A. Cargile
Srinivasan Chandrasekharan
George Chartas
Steven R. Chesley
You-Hua Chu
David Cinabro
Mark W. Claire
Charles F. Claver
Douglas Clowe
et al.
(201 additional authors not shown) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 4 Dec
Boo-1137 - An Extremely Metal-Poor Star in the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Boötes I
Virtual Journal - Volume 7, Issue 48 - article #3
John E. Norris
David Yong
Gerard Gilmore
Rosemary F. G. Wyse - Astrophysics - Volume: 2009, Issue: 26 Nov
The Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Virtual Journal - Volume 7, Issue 21 - article #27
Kevork N. Abazajian
Jennifer K. Adelman-McCarthy
Marcel A. Agüeros
Sahar S. Allam
Carlos Allende Prieto
Deokkeun An
Kurt S. J. Anderson
Scott F. Anderson
James Annis
Neta A. Bahcall
C. A. L. Bailer-Jones
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Andrew C. Becker
Timothy C. Beers
Eric F. Bell
Vasily Belokurov
Andreas A. Berlind
Eileen F. Berman
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Larry N. Carey
Samuel Carliles
Michael A. Carr
Francisco J. Castander
David Cinabro
A. J. Connolly
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Carlos E. Cunha
Paul C. Czarapata
James R. A. Davenport
Ernst de Haas
Ben Dilday
Mamoru Doi
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Michael L. Evans
N. W. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Scott D. Friedman
Joshua A. Frieman
Masataka Fukugita
Boris T. Gänsicke
Evalyn Gates
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Carlos F. Gonzalez
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Kohki Konishi
Richard G. Kron
Jurek Krzesinski
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Hubert Lampeitl
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Myung Gyoon Lee
Young Sun Lee
R. French Leger
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David Martínez-Delgado
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Peregrine M. McGehee
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Ada Nebot
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Kaike Pan
Changbom Park
George Pauls
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Will J. Percival
Jeffrey R. Pier
Adrian C. Pope
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Paul A. Price
Norbert Purger
Thomas Quinn
M. Jordan Raddick
Paola Re Fiorentin
Gordon T. Richards
Michael W. Richmond
Adam G. Riess
Hans-Walter Rix
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Masao Sako
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Donald P. Schneider
Ralf-Dieter Scholz
Matthias R. Schreiber
Axel D. Schwope
Branimir Sesar
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Valena C. Sibley
A. E. Simmons
Thirupathi Sivarani
J. Allyn Smith
Martin C. Smith
Vernesa Smolčić
Stephanie A. Snedden
Albert Stebbins
Matthias Steinmetz
Chris Stoughton
Michael A. Strauss
Mark SubbaRao
Yasushi Suto
Alexander S. Szalay
István Szapudi
Paula Szkody
Masayuki Tanaka
Max Tegmark
Luis F. A. Teodoro
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Christy A. Tremonti
Douglas L. Tucker
Alan Uomoto
Daniel E. Vanden Berk
Jan Vandenberg
S. Vidrih
Michael S. Vogeley
Wolfgang Voges
Nicole P. Vogt
Yogesh Wadadekar
Shannon Watters
David H. Weinberg
Andrew A. West
Simon D. M. White
Brian C. Wilhite
Alainna C. Wonders
Brian Yanny
D. R. Yocum
Donald G. York
Idit Zehavi
Stefano Zibetti
Daniel B. Zucker
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 182, Issue: 2
A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of the Metal-Poor, Pulsating, Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Binary HD 46703
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 38 - article #21
<em >Bruce J. Hrivnak
Hans Van Winckel
Maarten Reyniers
David Bohlender
Christoffel Waelkens
Wenxian Lu</em>
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 136, Issue: 4
A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of the Metal-Poor, Pulsating, Post-AGB Binary HD 46703
Virtual Journal - Volume 6, Issue 30 - article #1
Bruce J. Hrivnak
Hans Van Winckel
Maarten Reyniers
David Bohlender
Christoffel Waelkens
Wenxian Lu - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 24 Jul
Comet 81P/Wild 2 Under a Microscope
Virtual Journal - Volume 4, Issue 50 - article #20
Don Brownlee
Peter Tsou
Jérôme Aléon
Conel M. O'D. Alexander
Tohru Araki
Sasa Bajt
Giuseppe A. Baratta
Ron Bastien
Phil Bland
Pierre Bleuet
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Bernard Marty
Graciela Matrajt
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Keiko Messenger
Scott Messenger
Takashi Mikouchi
Smail Mostefaoui
Tomoki Nakamura
T. Nakano
M. Newville
Larry R. Nittler
Ichiro Ohnishi
Kazumasa Ohsumi
Kyoko Okudaira
Dimitri A. Papanastassiou
Russ Palma
Maria E. Palumbo
Robert O. Pepin
David Perkins
Murielle Perronnet
P. Pianetta
William Rao
Frans J. M. Rietmeijer
François Robert
D. Rost
Alessandra Rotundi
Robert Ryan
Scott A. Sandford
Craig S. Schwandt
Thomas H. See
Dennis Schlutter
J. Sheffield-Parker
Alexandre Simionovici
Steven Simon
I. Sitnitsky
Christopher J. Snead
Maegan K. Spencer
Frank J. Stadermann
Andrew Steele
Thomas Stephan
Rhonda Stroud
Jean Susini
S. R. Sutton
Y. Suzuki
Mitra Taheri
Susan Taylor
Nick Teslich
Kazu Tomeoka
Naotaka Tomioka
Alice Toppani
Josep M. Trigo-RodrÃguez
David Troadec
Akira Tsuchiyama
Anthony J. Tuzzolino
Tolek Tyliszczak
K. Uesugi
Michael Velbel
Joe Vellenga
E. Vicenzi
L. Vincze
Jack Warren
Iris Weber
Mike Weisberg
Andrew J. Westphal
Sue Wirick
Diane Wooden
Brigitte Wopenka
Penelope Wozniakiewicz
Ian Wright
Hikaru Yabuta
Hajime Yano
Edward D. Young
Richard N. Zare
Thomas Zega
Karen Ziegler
Laurent Zimmerman
Ernst Zinner
Michael Zolensky
Science - Volume 314, Issue 5806 - 15 December 2006: 1711-1716.
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Monitoring LMXBs with the Faulkes Telescope
Virtual Journal - Volume 4, Issue 45 - article #27
Fraser Lewis
David M. Russell
Rob P. Fender
Paul Roche
ArXiv - Astrophysics
astro-ph/0611111 [
Transient pulsed radio emission from a magnetar
Virtual Journal - Volume 4, Issue 34 - article #24
Fernando Camilo
Scott M. Ransom
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Editor's summary
Unpredictable Sun leaves researchers in the dark
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Steven Tobias
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Virtual Journal - Volume 3, Issue 4 - article #40
Todd M. Tripp
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Jason X. Prochaska
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Nature - Vol 427 No 6969
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0103-72.6: A New Oxygen-rich Supernova Remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Virtual Journal - Volume 1, Issue 20 - article #37
Sangwook Park
John P. Hughes
David N. Burrows
Patrick O. Slane
John A. Nousek
Gordon P. Garmire
The Astrophysical Journal Letters - Volume 598, Number 2, Part 2
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