Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics
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Honey Arora
, Michigan State University and
Fry Fang
, University of Notre Dame
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Results 1 - 14 of 14
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Mapping Disk Populations with a 2-process Model and Residual Abundances
Virtual Journal - Volume 20, Issue 24 - article #26
David H. Weinberg
Jon A. Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Christian Hayes
Sten Hasselquist
Matthew Shetrone
Yuan-Sen Ting
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Jonathan C. Bird
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement
Empirical Constraints on the Nucleosynthesis of Nitrogen. (arXiv:2202.04666v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 20, Issue 6 - article #4
James W. Johnson
David H. Weinberg
Fiorenzo Vincenzo
Jonathan C. Bird
Emily J. Griffith
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Mapping Disk Populations with a Two-Process Model and Residual Abundances. (arXiv:2108.08860v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 19, Issue 35 - article #1
David H. Weinberg
Jon A. Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Christian Hayes
Sten Hasselquist
Matthew Shetrone
Yuan-Sen Ting
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Michael R. Blanton
Katia Cunha
Jose G. Fernandez-Trincado
Peter M. Frinchaboy
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Emily Griffith
James W. Johnson
Henrik Jonsson
Richard R. Lane
Henry W. Leung
J. Ted Mackereth
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcz Meszaros
Christian Nitschelm
Kaike Pan
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
Verne Smith
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Keivan G. Stassun
Guy S. Stringfellow
Fiorenzo Vincenzo
John C. Wilson
Gail Zasowski
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Multi-element abundance ratios. (arXiv:1810.12325v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Virtual Journal - Volume 16, Issue 44 - article #3
David H. Weinberg
Jon A. Holtzman
Sten Hasselquist
Jonathan C. Bird
Jennifer A. Johnson
Matthew Shetrone
Jennifer Sobeck
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Roger E. Cohen
Katia Cunha
Garrett Ebelke
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Christian R. Hayes
Henrik Jonsson
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Viktor Malanushenko
Szabolcz Meszaros
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Kaike Pan
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
John C. Wilson
Olga Zamora
Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe
Virtual Journal - Volume 15, Issue 26 - article #17
Michael R. Blanton
Matthew A. Bershady
Bela Abolfathi
Franco D. Albareti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Javier Alonso-GarcÃa
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett Andrews
Erik Aquino-OrtÃz
Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca
Maria Argudo-Fernández
Eric Armengaud
Eric Aubourg
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Stephen Bailey
Kathleen A. Barger
Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros
Curtis Bartosz
Dominic Bates
Falk Baumgarten
Julian Bautista
Rachael Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Francesco Belfiore
Chad F. Bender
Andreas A. Berlind
Mariangela Bernardi
Florian Beutler
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael Blomqvist
Adam S. Bolton
Médéric Boquien
Jura Borissova
Remco van den Bosch
Jo Bovy
William N. Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
Adam J. Burgasser
Etienne Burtin
Nicolás G. Busca
Michele Cappellari
Maria Leticia Delgado Carigi
Joleen K. Carlberg
Aurelio Carnero Rosell
Ricardo Carrera
Nancy J. Chanover
Brian Cherinka
Edmond Cheung
Yilen Gómez Maqueo Chew
Cristina Chiappini
Peter Doohyun Choi
Drew Chojnowski
Chia-Hsun Chuang
Haeun Chung
Rafael Fernando Cirolini
Nicolas Clerc
Roger E. Cohen
Johan Comparat
Luiz da Costa
Marie-Claude Cousinou
Kevin Covey
Jeffrey D. Crane
Rupert A. C. Croft
Irene Cruz-Gonzalez
Daniel Garrido Cuadra
Katia Cunha
Guillermo J. Damke
Jeremy Darling
Roger Davies
Kyle Dawson
Axel de la Macorra
Flavia DellâAgli
Nathan De Lee
Timothée Delubac
Francesco Di Mille
Aleks Diamond-Stanic
Mariana Cano-DÃaz
John Donor
Juan José Downes
Niv Drory
Hélion du Mas des Bourboux
Christopher J. Duckworth
Tom Dwelly
Jamie Dyer
Garrett Ebelke
Arthur D. Eigenbrot
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Eric Emsellem
Mike Eracleous
Stephanie Escoffier
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Emma Fernández-Alvar
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
Diane K. Feuillet
Alexis Finoguenov
Scott W. Fleming
Andreu Font-Ribera
Alexander Fredrickson
Gordon Freischlad
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Carla E. Fuentes
LluÃs Galbany
R. Garcia-Dias
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Patrick Gaulme
Doug Geisler
Joseph D. Gelfand
Héctor Gil-MarÃn
Bruce A. Gillespie
Daniel Goddard
Violeta Gonzalez-Perez
Kathleen Grabowski
Paul J. Green
Catherine J. Grier
James E. Gunn
Hong Guo
Julien Guy
Alex Hagen
ChangHoon Hahn
Matthew Hall
Paul Harding
Sten Hasselquist
Suzanne L. Hawley
Fred Hearty
Jonay I. Gonzalez Hernández
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann
Jon A. Holtzman
Parker H. Holzer
Joseph Huehnerhoff
Timothy A. Hutchinson
Ho Seong Hwang
Héctor J. Ibarra-Medel
Gabriele da Silva Ilha
Inese I. Ivans
KeShawn Ivory
Kelly Jackson
Trey W. Jensen
Jennifer A. Johnson
Amy Jones
Henrik Jönsson
Eric Jullo
Vikrant Kamble
Karen Kinemuchi
David Kirkby
Francisco-Shu Kitaura
Mark Klaene
Gillian R. Knapp
Jean-Paul Kneib
Juna A. Kollmeier
Ivan Lacerna
Richard R. Lane
Dustin Lang
David R. Law
Daniel Lazarz
Youngbae Lee
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Fu-Heng Liang
Cheng Li
Hongyu Li
Jianhui Lian
Marcos Lima
Lihwai Lin
Yen-Ting Lin
Sara Bertran de Lis
Chao Liu
Miguel Angel C. de Icaza Lizaola
Dan Long
Sara Lucatello
Britt Lundgren
Nicholas K. MacDonald
Alice Deconto Machado
Chelsea L. MacLeod
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio Antonio Geimba Maia
Roberto Maiolino
Steven R. Majewski
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Arturo Manchado
Shude Mao
Claudia Maraston
Rui Marques-Chaves
Thomas Masseron
Karen L. Masters
Cameron K. McBride
Richard M. McDermid
Brianne McGrath
Ian D. McGreer
Nicolás Medina Peña
Matthew Melendez
Andrea Merloni
Michael R. Merrifield
Szabolcs Meszaros
Andres Meza
Ivan Minchev
Dante Minniti
Takamitsu Miyaji
Surhud More
John Mulchaey
Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Demitri Muna
Ricardo R. Munoz
Adam D. Myers
Preethi Nair
Kirpal Nandra
Janaina Correa do Nascimento
Alenka Negrete
Melissa Ness
Jeffrey A. Newman
Robert C. Nichol
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Pierros Ntelis
Julia E. OâConnell
Ryan J. Oelkers
Audrey Oravetz
Daniel Oravetz
Zach Pace
Nelson Padilla
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Pedro Alonso Palicio
Kaike Pan
John K. Parejko
Taniya Parikh
Isabelle Pâris
Changbom Park
Alim Y. Patten
Sebastien Peirani
Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez
Samantha Penny
Will J. Percival
Ismael Perez-Fournon
Patrick Petitjean
Matthew M. Pieri
Marc Pinsonneault
Alice Pisani
RadosÅaw Poleski
Francisco Prada
Abhishek Prakash
Anna Bárbara de Andrade Queiroz
M. Jordan Raddick
Anand Raichoor
Sandro Barboza Rembold
Hannah Richstein
Rogemar A. Riffel
Rogério Riffel
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
Constance M. Rockosi
Sergio RodrÃguez-Torres
A. Roman-Lopes
Carlos Román-Zúñiga
Margarita Rosado
Ashley J. Ross
Graziano Rossi
John Ruan
Rossana Ruggeri
Eli S. Rykoff
Salvador Salazar-Albornoz
Mara Salvato
Ariel G. Sánchez
D. S. Aguado
José R. Sánchez-Gallego
Felipe A. Santana
BasÃlio Xavier Santiago
Conor Sayres
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jaderson da Silva Schimoia
Edward F. Schlafly
David J. Schlegel
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
William J. Schuster
Axel Schwope
Hee-Jong Seo
Zhengyi Shao
Shiyin Shen
Matthew Shetrone
Michael Shull
Joshua D. Simon
Danielle Skinner
M. F. Skrutskie
Anže Slosar
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Flavia Sobreira
Garrett Somers
Diogo Souto
David V. Stark
Keivan Stassun
Fritz Stauffer
Matthias Steinmetz
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann
Alina Streblyanska
Guy S. Stringfellow
Genaro Suárez
Jing Sun
Nao Suzuki
Laszlo Szigeti
Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp
Baitian Tang
Charling Tao
Jamie Tayar
Mita Tembe
Johanna Teske
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Benjamin A. Thompson
Jeremy L. Tinker
Patricia Tissera
Rita Tojeiro
Hector Hernandez Toledo
Sylvain de la Torre
Christy Tremonti
Nicholas W. Troup
Octavio Valenzuela
Inma Martinez Valpuesta
Jaime Vargas-González
Mariana Vargas-Magaña
Jose Alberto Vazquez
Sandro Villanova
M. Vivek
Nicole Vogt
David Wake
Rene Walterbos
Yuting Wang
Benjamin Alan Weaver
Anne-Marie Weijmans
David H. Weinberg
Kyle B. Westfall
David G. Whelan
Vivienne Wild
John Wilson
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Dominika Wylezalek
Ting Xiao
Renbin Yan
Meng Yang
Jason E. Ybarra
Christophe Yèche
Nadia Zakamska
Olga Zamora
Pauline Zarrouk
Gail Zasowski
Kai Zhang
Gong-Bo Zhao
Zheng Zheng
Zheng Zheng
Xu Zhou
Zhi-Min Zhou
Guangtun B. Zhu
Manuela Zoccali,
Hu Zou
The Astronomical Journal
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Metallicity Distribution Functions and the Chemical Structure of the Milky Way Disk
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 10 - article #3
Michael R. Hayden
Jo Bovy
Jon A. Holtzman
David L. Nidever
Jonathan C. Bird
David H. Weinberg
Brett H. Andrews
Carlos Allende Prieto
Friedrich Anders
Timothy C. Beers
Dmitry Bizyaev
Cristina Chiappini
Katia Cunha
Peter Frinchaboy
Domingo A. García-Herńandez
Ana E. García Pérez
Léo Girardi
Paul Harding
Fred R. Hearty
Jennifer A. Johnson
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
Ivan Minchev
Robert O'Connell
Kaike Pan
Annie C.Robin
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
Matthew Shetrone
Michael Skrutskie
Matthias Steinmetz
Verne Smith
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 13 Mar
The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III
Virtual Journal - Volume 13, Issue 1 - article #9
Shadab Alam
Franco D. Albareti
Carlos Allende Prieto
F. Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett H. Andrews
Eric Armengaud
Éric Aubourg
Stephen Bailey
Julian E. Bautista
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Chad F. Bender
Andreas A. Berlind
Florian Beutler
Vaishali Bhardwaj
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Cullen H. Blake
Michael R. Blanton
Michael Blomqvist
John J. Bochanski
Adam S. Bolton
Jo Bovy
A. Shelden Bradley
W. N. Brandt
D. E. Brauer
J. Brinkmann
Peter J. Brown
Joel R. Brownstein
Angela Burden
Etienne Burtin
Nicolás G. Busca
Zheng Cai
Diego Capozzi
Aurelio Carnero Rosell
et al.
(238 additional authors not shown) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 9 Jan
Tracing Chemical Evolution over the Extent of the Milky Way's Disk with APOGEE Red Clump Stars
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 24 - article #105
David L. Nidever
Jo Bovy
Jonathan C. Bird
Brett H. Andrews
Michael Hayden
Jon Holtzman
Steven R. Majewski
Verne Smith
Annie C. Robin
Ana E. GarcÃa Pérez
Katia Cunha
Carlos Allende Prieto
Gail Zasowski
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jennifer A. Johnson
David H. Weinberg
Diane Feuillet
Donald P. Schneider
Matthew Shetrone
Jennifer Sobeck
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
O. Zamora
Hans-Walter Rix
Timothy C. Beers
John C. Wilson
Robert W. O'Connell
Ivan Minchev
Cristina Chiappini
Friedrich Anders
Dmitry Bizyaev
Howard Brewington
Garrett Ebelke
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Jian Ge
Karen Kinemuchi
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Moses Marchante
Szabolcs Mészáros
Daniel Oravetz
Kaike Pan
Audrey Simmons
Michael F. Skrutskie
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 796, Issue: 1
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Tracing chemical evolution over the extent of the Milky Way's Disk with APOGEE Red Clump Stars
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 22 - article #29
David L. Nidever
Jo Bovy
Jonathan C. Bird
Brett H. Andrews
Michael Hayden
Jon Holtzman
Steven R. Majewski
Verne Smith
Annie C. Robin
Ana E. Garcia Perez
Katia Cunha
Carlos Allende Prieto
Gail Zasowski
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jennifer A. Johnson
David H. Weinberg
Diane Feuillet
Donald P. Schneider
Matthew Shetrone
Jennifer Sobeck
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
O. Zamora
Hans-Walter Rix
Timothy C. Beers
John C. Wilson
Robert W. O'Connell
Ivan Minchev
Cristina Chiappini
Friedrich Anders
Dmitry Bizyaev
Howard Brewington
Garrett Ebelke
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Jian Ge
Karen Kinemuchi
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Moses Marchante
Szabolcs Meszaros
Daniel Oravetz
Kaike Pan
Audrey Simmons
Michael F. Skrutskie - Astrophysics - Volume: 2014, Issue: 19 Sep
The Vertical Metallicity Gradient of the Milky Way Disk: Transitions in [α/Fe] Populations
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 21 - article #166
Katharine J. Schlesinger
Jennifer A. Johnson
Constance M. Rockosi
Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Paul Harding
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jonathan C. Bird
Ralph Schönrich
Brian Yanny
Donald P. Schneider
Benjamin A. Weaver
Jon Brinkmann
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 791, Issue: 2
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The Vertical Metallicity Gradient of the Milky Way Disk: Transitions in [a/Fe] Populations
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 20 - article #125
Katharine J. Schlesinger
Jennifer A. Johnson
Constance M. Rockosi
Young Sun Lee
Timothy C. Beers
Paul Harding
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jonathan C. Bird
Ralph Schoenrich
Brian Yanny
Donald P. Schneider
Benjamin A. Weaver
Jon Brinkmann - Astrophysics - Volume: 2014, Issue: 30 May
The Tenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
Virtual Journal - Volume 12, Issue 12 - article #29
Christopher P. Ahn
Rachael Alexandroff
Carlos Allende Prieto
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Timothy Anderton
Brett H. Andrews
Ãric Aubourg
Stephen Bailey
Fabienne A. Bastien
Julian E. Bautista
Timothy C. Beers
Alessandra Beifiori
Chad F. Bender
Andreas A. Berlind
Florian Beutler
Vaishali Bhardwaj
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Cullen H. Blake
Michael R. Blanton
Michael Blomqvist
John J. Bochanski
Adam S. Bolton
Arnaud Borde
Jo Bovy
Alaina Shelden Bradley
W. N. Brandt
Dorothée Brauer
J. Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Nicolás G. Busca
William Carithers
Joleen K. Carlberg
Aurelio R. Carnero
Michael A. Carr
Cristina Chiappini
S. Drew Chojnowski
Chia-Hsun Chuang
Johan Comparat
Justin R. Crepp
Stefano Cristiani
Rupert A. C. Croft
Antonio J. Cuesta
Katia Cunha
Luiz N. da Costa
Kyle S. Dawson
Nathan De Lee
Janice D. R. Dean
Timothée Delubac
Rohit Deshpande
Saurav Dhital
Anne Ealet
Garrett L. Ebelke
Edward M. Edmondson
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Courtney R. Epstein
Stephanie Escoffier
Massimiliano Esposito
Michael L. Evans
D. Fabbian
Xiaohui Fan
Ginevra Favole
Bruno FemenÃa Castellá
Emma Fernández Alvar
Diane Feuillet
Nurten Filiz Ak
Hayley Finley
Scott W. Fleming
Andreu Font-Ribera
Peter M. Frinchaboy
J. G. Galbraith-Frew
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Ana E. GarcÃa Pérez
Jian Ge
R. Génova-Santos
Bruce A. Gillespie
Léo Girardi
Jonay I. González Hernández
J. Richard Gott
James E. Gunn
Hong Guo
Samuel Halverson
Paul Harding
David W. Harris
Sten Hasselquist
Suzanne L. Hawley
Michael Hayden
Frederick R. Hearty
Artemio Herrero Davó
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Jon A. Holtzman
Klaus Honscheid
Joseph Huehnerhoff
Inese I. Ivans
Kelly M. Jackson
Peng Jiang
Jennifer A. Johnson
K. Kinemuchi
David Kirkby
Mark A. Klaene
Jean-Paul Kneib
Lars Koesterke
Ting-Wen Lan
Dustin Lang
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Alexie Leauthaud
Khee-Gan Lee
Young Sun Lee
Daniel C. Long
Craig P. Loomis
Sara Lucatello
Robert H. Lupton
Bo Ma
Claude E. Mack
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio A. G. Maia
Steven R. Majewski
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
A. Manchado
Marc Manera
Claudia Maraston
Daniel Margala
Sarah L. Martell
Karen L. Masters
Cameron K. McBride
Ian D. McGreer
Richard G. McMahon
Brice Ménard
Sz. Mészáros
Jordi Miralda-Escudé
Hironao Miyatake
Antonio D. Montero-Dorta
Francesco Montesano
Surhud More
Heather L. Morrison
Demitri Muna
Jeffrey A. Munn
Adam D. Myers
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Robert C. Nichol
David L. Nidever
Pasquier Noterdaeme
Sebastián E. Nuza
Julia E. O'Connell
Robert W. O'Connell
Ross O'Connell
Matthew D. Olmstead
Daniel J. Oravetz
Russell Owen
Nikhil Padmanabhan
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Kaike Pan
John K. Parejko
Prachi Parihar
Isabelle Pâris
Joshua Pepper
Will J. Percival
Ignasi Pérez-Rà fols
Hélio Dotto Perottoni
Patrick Petitjean
Matthew M. Pieri
M. H. Pinsonneault
Francisco Prada
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
M. Jordan Raddick
Mubdi Rahman
Rafael Rebolo
Beth A. Reid
Jonathan C. Richards
Rogério Riffel
Annie C. Robin
H. J. Rocha-Pinto
Constance M. Rockosi
Natalie A. Roe
Ashley J. Ross
Nicholas P. Ross
Graziano Rossi
Arpita Roy
J. A. Rubiño-Martin
Cristiano G. Sabiu
Ariel G. Sánchez
BasÃlio Santiago
Conor Sayres
Ricardo P. Schiavon
David J. Schlegel
Katharine J. Schlesinger
Sarah J. Schmidt
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
Kris Sellgren
Hee-Jong Seo
Yue Shen
Matthew Shetrone
Yiping Shu
Audrey E. Simmons
M. F. Skrutskie
Anže Slosar
Verne V. Smith
Stephanie A. Snedden
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Flavia Sobreira
Keivan G. Stassun
Matthias Steinmetz
Michael A. Strauss
Alina Streblyanska
Nao Suzuki
Molly E. C. Swanson
Ryan C. Terrien
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Benjamin A. Thompson
Jeremy L. Tinker
Rita Tojeiro
Nicholas W. Troup
Jan Vandenberg
Mariana Vargas Magaña
Matteo Viel
Nicole P. Vogt
David A. Wake
Benjamin A. Weaver
David H. Weinberg
Benjamin J. Weiner
Martin White
Simon D. M. White
John C. Wilson
John P. Wisniewski
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Christophe Yèche
Donald G. York
O. Zamora
Gail Zasowski
Idit Zehavi
Gong-Bo Zhao
Zheng Zheng
Guangtun Zhu
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 211, Issue: 2
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The Tenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-III Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
Virtual Journal - Volume 11, Issue 31 - article #14
Christopher P. Ahn
Rachael Alexandroff
Carlos Allende Prieto
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Timothy Anderton
Brett H. Andrews
Éric Aubourg
Stephen Bailey
Fabienne A. Bastien
Julian E. Bautista
Timothy C. Beers
Alessandra Beifiori
Chad F. Bender
Andreas A. Berlind
Florian Beutler
Vaishali Bhardwaj
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Cullen H. Blake
Michael R. Blanton
Michael Blomqvist
John J. Bochanski
Adam S. Bolton
Arnaud Borde
Jo Bovy
Alaina Shelden Bradley
W. N. Brandt
Dorothée Brauer
J. Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Nicolás G. Busca
William Carithers
Joleen K. Carlberg
Aurelio R. Carnero
Michael A. Carr
Cristina Chiappini
S. Drew Chojnowski
Chia-Hsun Chuang
Johan Comparat
Justin R. Crepp
Stefano Cristiani
Rupert A.C. Croft
Antonio J. Cuesta
et al.
(188 additional authors not shown) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2013, Issue: 2 Aug
A Bound on the Light Emitted During the TP-AGB Phase
Virtual Journal - Volume 8, Issue 17 - article #1
Jonathan C. Bird
Marc H. Pinsonneault
(The Ohio State University) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2010, Issue: 23 Apr
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