JINA - Virtual Journal of Nuclear Astrophysics, 7 February 2025
Volume 23, Issue 6 (24 Articles)
- # 1 - Convective stability analysis of massive neutron stars formed in binary mergers
- # 2 - The initial mass-remnant mass relation for core collapse supernovae
- # 3 - Deviations from the Porter-Thomas distribution due to non-statistical $gamma$ decay below the $^{150}$Nd neutron separation threshold
- # 4 - New direct limit on neutrinoless double beta decay half-life of $^{128}$Te with CUORE
- # 5 - Search for Double Beta Decay of $^{136}$Xe to the $0^+_1$ Excited State of $^{136}$Ba with PandaX-4T
- # 6 - Exploring total fission cross sections of neutron- and proton-induced reactions of exotic nuclei at relativistic energies using the INCL-ABLA++ models
- # 7 - Three-body structures of low-lying nuclear states of $^8$Li
- # 8 - Reality of inverse cascading in neutron star crusts
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- https://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202451904
- # 9 - X-ray activity of nearby G-, K-, and M-type stars and implications for planet habitability around M stars
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- https://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202452057
- # 10 - Type Ia supernova progenitors: a contemporary view of a long-standing puzzle
- # 11 - Tables of neutron thermal cross sections, Westcott factors, resonance integrals, Maxwellian averaged cross sections, astrophysical reaction rates, and -process abundances calculated from the ENDF/B-VIII.1, JEFF-3.3, JENDL-5.0, BROND-3.1, and CENDL-3.2 evaluated data libraries
- # 12 - Measurements of dust reveal the magnetic field in a protoplanetary disk
- Nature Astronomy
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-024-02455-w
- # 13 - YSO implantation detector for beta-delayed neutron spectroscopy
- # 14 - Binding energies, charge radii, spins, and moments: Odd-odd Ag isotopes and discovery of a new isomer
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.014329
- # 15 - Net proton number cumulants from viscous hydrodynamics with an equation of state including a critical end point
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.014916
- # 16 - Compound nucleus formation cross sections in lead-induced reactions
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.024601
- # 17 - Erratum: High-spin states in $^{91,92,93}mathrm{Rb}$ and $^{155,156}mathrm{Pm}$ [Phys. Rev. C <b>80</b>, 037304 (2009)]
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.029901
- # 18 - Exhibition of multiple band structures of different kind in $^{142}mathrm{Eu}$
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.024303
- # 19 - Microscopic origins of octupole collectivity in doubly magic $^{208}mathrm{Pb}$
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.L021301
- # 20 - Production mechanisms of neutron-rich $N≈126$ nuclei in the $^{204,207}mathrm{Hg}, ^{235,238}mathrm{U}+^{198}mathrm{Pt}$ reactions
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.024603
- # 21 - Quadrupole-hexadecapole correlations in neutron-rich samarium and gadolinium isotopes
- Physical Review C
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevC.111.024301
- # 22 - Implications of latest NICER data for the neutron star equation of state
- Physical Review D
- http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.111.034005
- # 23 - Using binary population synthesis to examine the impact of binary evolution on the C, N, O, and S-process yields of solar-metallicity low- and intermediate-mass stars
- # 24 - Calculation of the abundance of $$^{187}Re $$ – $$^{187}Os $$ nuclear clock nuclides in S-process and sensitivity analysis of Maxwellian-averaged neutron capture cross sections