JINA - Segue Virtual Journal, 28 November 2008
Volume 3, Issue 48 (36 Articles)
- # 1 - Abundances of massive stars: some recent developments
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.4114 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 2 - Bayesian Lorentzian profile fitting using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo: An observer's approach
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.3345 [pdf, other]
- # 3 - Dark Matter Candidates - Axions, Neutralinos, Gravitinos, and Axinos
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.3347 (cross-list from hep-ph) [ps, pdf, other]
- # 4 - Dark Matter in Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.4289 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 5 - On the origin of white dwarfs with carbon-dominated atmospheres: the case of H1504+65
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.4154 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 6 - Properties of second generation stars in Globular Clusters
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.3591 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 7 - SDSS J080449.49+161624.8: A peculiar AM CVn star from a colour-selected sample of candidates
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.3974 [pdf, other]
- # 8 - The Case for a 700+ GeV WIMP: Cosmic Ray Spectra from ATIC and PAMELA
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.3641 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 9 - The Geneva-Copenhagen Survey of the Solar neighbourhood III. Improved distances, ages, and kinematics
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.3982 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 10 - The origin of abundance gradients in the Milky Way: the predictions of different models
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.3505 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 11 - The search for a strategy for mankind to survive the solar Red Giant catastrophe
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.4052 (cross-list from physics.space-ph) [pdf, other]
- # 12 - Trigonometric parallaxes of ten ultracool subdwarfs
- arXiv.org - Astrophysics - Volume: 2008, Issue: 27 Nov
- arXiv:0811.4136 [ps, pdf, other]
- # 13 - A new standard: age and distance for the open cluster NGC 6791 from the eclipsing binary member V20
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 492, Issue: 1
- Abstract | PDF file (427.7 KB) | PS file (272.9 KB)
- # 14 - The evolution of two stellar populations in globular clusters - I. The dynamical mixing timescale
- Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 492, Issue: 1
- Abstract | PDF file (1.347 MB) | PS file (796.9 KB)
- # 15 - Weak r -process component as a result of the neutrino interaction with the helium shell of a supernova
- Astronomy Letters - Volume: 33, Issue: 6
PDF (616.0 KB)Free PreviewFree Preview
- # 16 - The r -Process in the region of transuranium elements and the contribution of fission products to the nucleosynthesis of nuclei with A ≤ 130
- Astronomy Letters - Volume: 34, Issue: 3
PDF (678.6 KB)Free PreviewFree Preview
- # 17 - Galactic rotation curve and the effect of density waves from data on young objects
- Astronomy Letters - Volume: 34, Issue: 8
PDF (760.3 KB)Free PreviewFree Preview
- # 18 - Open star clusters in the spiral arms of our Galaxy
- Astronomy Letters - Volume: 34, Issue: 8
PDF (548.2 KB)Free PreviewFree Preview
- # 19 - High mass-to-light ratios of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies – evidence for dark matter?
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 391, Issue: 2
- Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 299K)
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- # 20 - The metallicity of diffuse intrahalo light
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 391, Issue: 2
- Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 356K)
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- # 21 - Trumpler 20 – an old and rich open cluster★daggerDagger
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 391, Issue: 3
- Abstract | References | Full Text: HTML, PDF (Size: 950K) | Supporting information
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- # 22 - A Small Step on the Long Road to Understanding the R Stars: CNO Cycling in Candidate R Star Progenitors
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia - Volume: 25, Issue: 4
- Abstract | Full Text | PDF (540 KB) | Open Access Article
- # 23 - The Vertical Structure of Warm Ionised Gas in the Milky Way
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia - Volume: 25, Issue: 4
- Abstract | Full Text | PDF (474 KB) | Open Access Article
- # 24 - ASTRONOMY: Exoplanets--Seeing Is Believing
- Science - Volume: 322, Issue: 5906
- Published online 13 November 2008 [DOI: 10.1126/science.1167569] (in Science Express Perspectives)
Summary: Direct observations have been made of the infrared and optical signatures of planets orbiting distant stars.Full Text »| PDF »|
- # 25 - ASTRONOMY: Giant Scope Heads Europe's Wish List
- Science - Volume: 322, Issue: 5906
- Summary: European astronomers have asked policymakers to green-light a 42-meter-wide giant telescope that they promise will keep them at the forefront of world astronomy.
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- # 26 - The Ghost of a Dwarf Galaxy: Fossils of the Hierarchical Formation of the Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 5907
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 689, Issue: 1
- Abstract-Full Text with Enhancements-PDF Version (1187 kB)
- # 27 - The Magellanic Cloud Calibration of the Galactic Planetary Nebula Distance Scale
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 689, Issue: 1
- Abstract-Full Text with Enhancements-PDF Version (360 kB)
- # 28 - Chemical Abundances in Giant Stars of the Tidally Disrupted Globular Cluster NGC 6712 from High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 689, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (1194 kB)
- # 29 - Heavy Element Abundances in Giant Stars of the Globular Clusters M4 and M5
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 689, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text with Enhancements-PDF Version (1382 kB)
- # 30 - Kinematic and Chemical Constraints on the Formation of M31's Inner and Outer Halo
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 689, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (3860 kB)
- # 31 - Lithium Isotopes in Population II Dwarfs
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 689, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (692 kB)
- # 32 - Tracing Galaxy Formation with Stellar Halos. II. Relating Substructure in Phase and Abundance Space to Accretion Histories
- The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 689, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (1964 kB)
- # 33 - 2MASS J09393548−2448279: The Coldest and Least Luminous Brown Dwarf Binary Known?
- The Astrophysical Journal Letters - Volume: 689, Issue: 1
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (136 kB)
- # 34 - Fishing in Tidal Streams: New Radial Velocity and Proper Motion Constraints on the Orbit of the Anticenter Stream
- The Astrophysical Journal Letters - Volume: 689, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (215 kB)
- # 35 - The Abundance Spread in the Boötes I Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
- The Astrophysical Journal Letters - Volume: 689, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (151 kB)
- # 36 - Galactic Globular and Open Clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Crowded-Field Photometry and Cluster Fiducial Sequences in ugriz
- The Astrophysical Journal Supplement - Volume: 179, Issue: 2
- Abstract-Full Text-PDF Version (5352 kB)