JINA - Segue Virtual Journal, 13 October 2017
Volume 12, Issue 41 (13 Articles)
- # 1 - Classification of extremely metal-poor stars: absent region in A(C)-[Fe/H] plane and the role of dust cooling. (arXiv:1710.04365v1 [astro-ph.GA])
- # 2 - Discovery of a Metal-poor, Luminous Post-AGB Star that Failed the Third Dredge-up. (arXiv:1710.04368v1 [astro-ph.SR])
- # 3 - Galaxy simulations in the Gaia era. (arXiv:1710.03306v1 [astro-ph.GA])
- # 4 - Is the Milky Way still breathing? RAVE-Gaia streaming motions. (arXiv:1710.03763v1 [astro-ph.GA])
- # 5 - Neutron Star Mergers and Nucleosynthesis of Heavy Elements. (arXiv:1710.02142v1 [astro-ph.HE])
- # 6 - Proper Motion of the Sextans Dwarf Galaxy from Subaru Suprime-Cam Data. (arXiv:1710.02462v1 [astro-ph.GA])
- # 7 - Simulations of Electron Capture and Low-Mass Iron Core Supernovae. (arXiv:1710.02641v1 [astro-ph.SR])
- # 8 - The SED Machine: a robotic spectrograph for fast transient classification. (arXiv:1710.02917v1 [astro-ph.IM])
- # 9 - Unique Signatures of Population III Stars in the Global 21-cm Signal. (arXiv:1710.02530v1 [astro-ph.GA])
- # 10 - Open star clusters in the Milky Way
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/edp_aa/~3/deX2H2Teq2I/201731777
- # 11 - Mapping spiral structure on the far side of the Milky Way
- # 12 - Most distant Milky Way outpost mapped
- # 13 - Star Formation, Supernovae, Iron, and α : Consistent Cosmic and Galactic Histories
- The Astrophysical Journal
- http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/848/1/25