Segue Virtual Journal
Edited by
Timothy Beers
, University of Notre Dame
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Stellar Atmospheres
Volume 19, Issue 36 - article #1
Joachim Puls
Artemio Herrero
Carlos Allende Prieto
The updated BOSZ synthetic stellar spectral library★
Volume 19, Issue 34 - article #2
Szabolcs Mészáros
Ralph Bohlin
Carlos Allende Prieto
Borbála Cseh
József Kovács
Scott W. Fleming
Zoltán Dencs
Susana Deustua
Karl D. Gordon
Ivan Hubeny
György MezÅ
Márton Truszek
Astronomy & Astrophysics
The $R$-Process Alliance: Fifth Data Release from the Search for $R$-Process-Enhanced Metal-poor Stars in the Galactic Halo with the GTC
Volume 19, Issue 32 - article #8
Avrajit Bandyopadhyay
Rana Ezzeddine
Carlos Allende Prieto
Nima Aria
Shivani P. Shah
Timothy C. Beers
Anna Frebel
Terese T. Hansen
Erika M. Holmbeck
Vinicius M. Placco
Ian U. Roederer
Charli M. Sakari
Discovery of an Extremely r-process-enhanced Thin-disk Star with [Eu/H] = +0.78
Volume 19, Issue 30 - article #4
Xiao-Jin Xie
Jianrong Shi
Hong-Liang Yan
Tian-Yi Chen
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Shuai Liu
Chun-Qian Li
Ming-Yi Ding
Yao-Jia Tang
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Discovery of an Extremely r-process-enhanced Thin-disk Star with [Eu/H] = +0.78
Volume 19, Issue 29 - article #1
Xiao-Jin Xie
Jianrong Shi
Hong-Liang Yan
Tian-Yi Chen
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Shuai Liu
Chun-Qian Li
Ming-Yi Ding
Yao-Jia Tang
Ruizhi Zhang
Renjing Xie
GD-1 Stellar Stream and Cocoon in the DESI Early Data Release
Volume 19, Issue 28 - article #4
Monica Valluri
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Parker Fagrelius
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Sergey. E. Koposov
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Ting S. Li
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Oleg Y. Gnedin
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Eric F. Bell
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Raymond G. Carlberg
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Andrew P. Cooper
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Jessia N. Aguilar
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Carlos Allende Prieto
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Vasily Belokurov
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Leandro Beraldo e Silva
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
David Brooks
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Amanda Bystr"om
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Todd Claybaugh
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Kyle Dawson
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Arjun Dey
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Peter Doel
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Jaime E. Forero-Romero
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Enrique Gazta~naga
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Satya Gontcho A Gontcho
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Klaus Honscheid
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
T . Kisner
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Anthony Kremin
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
A. Lambert
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Martin Landriau
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
L. Le Guillou
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Michael E. Levi
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Axel de la Macorra
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Mark Manera
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Paul Martini
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Gustavo E. Medina
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Aaron Meisner
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Ramon Miquel
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
John Moustakas
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Adam D. Myer
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Joan Najita
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Claire Poppett
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Francisco Prada
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Mehdi Rezaie
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Graziano Rossi
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Alex H. Riley
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Eusebio Sanchez
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
David Schlegel
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Michael Schubnell
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
David Sprayberry
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Gregory Tarl'e
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Guillaume Thomas
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Benjamin A. Weaver
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Risa H. Wechsler
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Rongpu Zhou
(for the DESI Collaboration,),
Hu Zou
(for the DESI Collaboration,)
The PLATO Mission
Volume 19, Issue 24 - article #5
Heike Rauer
Conny Aerts
Juan Cabrera
Magali Deleuil
Anders Erikson
Laurent Gizon
Mariejo Goupil
Ana Heras
Jose Lorenzo-Alvarez
Filippo Marliani
Cesar Martin-Garcia
J. Miguel Mas-Hesse
Laurence O'Rourke
Hugh Osborn
Isabella Pagano
Giampaolo Piotto
Don Pollacco
Roberto Ragazzoni
Gavin Ramsay
St'ephane Udry
Thierry Appourchaux
Willy Benz
Alexis Brandeker
Manuel G"udel
Eduardo Janot-Pacheco
Petr Kabath
Hans Kjeldsen
Michiel Min
Nuno Santos
Alan Smith
Juan-Carlos Suarez
Stephanie C. Werner
Alessio Aboudan
Manuel Abreu
Lorena Acu~na
Moritz Adams
Vardan Adibekyan
Laura Affer
Franc{c}ois Agneray
Craig Agnor
Victor Aguirre B{o}rsen-Koch
Saad Ahmed
Suzanne Aigrain
Ashraf Al-Bahlawan
M de los Angeles Alcacera Gil
Eleonora Alei
Silvia Alencar
Richard Alexander
Julia Alfonso-Garz'on
Yann Alibert
Carlos Allende Prieto
Leonardo Almeida
Roi Alonso Sobrino
Giuseppe Altavilla
Christian Althaus
Luis Alonso Alvarez Trujillo
Anish Amarsi
Matthias Ammler-von Eiff
Eduardo Am^ores
Laerte Andrade
Alexandros Antoniadis-Karnavas
Carlos Ant'onio
Beatriz Aparicio del Moral
Matteo Appolloni
Claudio Arena
David Armstrong
Jose Aroca Aliaga
Martin Asplund
Jeroen Audenaert
Natalia Auricchio
Pedro Avelino
Ann Baeke
Kevin Bailli'e
Ana Balado
Andrea Balestra
Warrick Ball
Herve Ballans
Jerome Ballot
Caroline Barban
Ga"ele Barbary
Mauro Barbieri
Sebasti`a Barcel'o Forteza
Adrian Barker
Paul Barklem
Sydney Barnes
David Barrado Navascues
Oscar Barragan
Cl'ement Baruteau
Sarbani Basu
Frederic Baudin
Philipp Baumeister
Daniel Bayliss
Michael Bazot
Paul G. Beck
Tim Bedding
Kevin Belkacem
Earl Bellinger
Serena Benatti
Othman Benomar
Diane B'erard
Maria Bergemann
Maria Bergomi
Pierre Bernardo
Katia Biazzo
Andrea Bignamini
Lionel Bigot
Nicolas Billot
Martin Binet
David Biondi
Federico Biondi
Aaron C. Birch
Bertram Bitsch
Paz Victoria Bluhm Ceballos
Attila B'odi
Zs'ofia Bogn'ar
Isabelle Boisse
Emeline Bolmont
Alfio Bonanno
Mariangela Bonavita
Andrea Bonfanti
Xavier Bonfils
Rosaria Bonito
Aldo Stefano Bonomo
Anko B"orner
Sudeshna Boro Saikia
Elisa Borreguero Mart'in
Francesco Borsa
Luca Borsato
Diego Bossini
Francois Bouchy
Gwena"el Bou'e
Rodrigo Boufleur
Patrick Boumier
Vincent Bourrier
Dominic M. Bowman
Enrico Bozzo
Louisa Bradley
John Bray
Alessandro Bressan
Sylvain Breton
Daniele Brienza
Ana Brito
Matteo Brogi
Beverly Brown
David Brown
Allan Sacha Brun
Giovanni Bruno
Michael Bruns
Lars A. Buchhave
Lisa Bugnet
Ga"el Buldgen
Patrick Burgess
Andrea Busatta
Giorgia Busso
Derek Buzasi
Jos'e A. Caballero
Alexandre Cabral
Flavia Calderone
Robert Cameron
Andrew Cameron
Tiago Campante
Bruno Leonardo Canto Martins
Christophe Cara
Ludmila Carone
Josep Manel Carrasco
Luca Casagrande
Sarah L. Casewell
Santi Cassisi
Marco Castellani
Matthieu Castro
Claude Catala
Irene Catal'an Fern'andez
M'arcio Catelan
Heather Cegla
Chiara Cerruti
Virginie Cessa
Merieme Chadid
William Chaplin
Stephane Charpinet
Cristina Chiappini
Simone Chiarucci
Andrea Chiavassa
Simonetta Chinellato
Giovanni Chirulli
Jorgen Christensen-Dalsgaard
Ross Church
Antonio Claret
Cathie Clarke
Riccardo Claudi
Lionel Clermont
Hugo Coelho
Joao Coelho
Fabrizio Cogato
Josep Colom'e
Mathieu Condamin
Simon Conseil
Thierry Corbard
Alexandre C. M. Correia
Enrico Corsaro
Rosario Cosentino
Jean Costes
Andrea Cottinelli
Giovanni Covone
Orlagh L. Creevey
Aurelien Crida
Szilard Csizmadia
Margarida Cunha
Patrick Curry
Jefferson da Costa
Francys da Silva
Shweta Dalal
Mario Damasso
Cilia Damiani
Francesco Damiani
Maria Liduina das Chagas
Melvyn Davies
Guy Davies
Ben Davies
Gary Davison
Leandro de Almeida
Francesca de Angeli
Susana Cristina Cabral de Barros
Izan de Castro Le~ao
Daniel Brito de Freitas
Marcia Cristina de Freitas
Domitilla De Martino
Jos'e Renan de Medeiros
Luiz Alberto de Paula
Jelle de Plaa
Joris De Ridder
Morgan Deal
Leen Decin
Hans Deeg
Scilla Degl'Innocenti
Sebastien Deheuvels
Carlos del Burgo
Fabio Del Sordo
Elisa Delgado-Mena
Olivier Demangeon
Tilmann Denk
Aliz Derekas
Silvano Desidera
Marc Dexet
Marcella Di Criscienzo
Anna Maria Di Giorgio
Maria Pia Di Mauro
Federico Jose Diaz Rial
Jos'e-Javier D'iaz-Garc'ia
Marco Dima
Giacomo Dinuzzi
Odysseas Dionatos
Elisa Distefano
Jose-Dias do Nascimento Jr.
Albert Domingo
Valentina D'Orazi
Caroline Dorn
Lauren Doyle
Elena Duarte
Florent Ducellier
Luc Dumaye
Xavier Dumusque
Marc-Antoine Dupret
Patrick Eggenberger
David Ehrenreich
Philipp Eigm"uller
Johannes Eising
Marcelo Emilio
Kjell Eriksson
Marco Ermocida
Riano Isidoro Escate Giribaldi
Yoshi Eschen
In^es Estrela
Dafydd Wyn Evans
Damian Fabbian
Michele Fabrizio
Jo~ao Pedro Faria
Maria Farina
Jacopo Farinato
Dax Feliz
Sofia Feltzing
Thomas Fenouillet
Lorenza Ferrari
Sylvio Ferraz-Mello
Fabio Fialho
Agnes Fienga
Pedro Figueira
Laura Fiori
Ettore Flaccomio
Mauro Focardi
Steve Foley
Jean Fontignie
Dominic Ford
Karin Fornazier
Thierry Forveille
Luca Fossati
Rodrigo de Marca Franca
Lucas Franco da Silva
Antonio Frasca
Malcolm Fridlund
Marco Furlan
Sarah-Maria Gabler
Marco Gaido
Andrew Gallagher
Emanuele Galli
Rafael A. Garcia
Antonio Garc'ia Hern'andez
Antonio Garcia Munoz
Hugo Garc'ia-V'azquez
Rafael Garrido Haba
Patrick Gaulme
Nicolas Gauthier
Charlotte Gehan
Matthew Gent
Iskra Georgieva
Mauro Ghigo
Edoardo Giana
Samuel Gill
Leo Girardi
Silvia Giuliatti Winter
Giovanni Giusi
Jo~ao Gomes da Silva
Luis Jorge G'omez Zazo
Juan Manuel Gomez-Lopez
Jonay Isai Gonz'alez Hern'andez
Kevin Gonzalez Murillo
Nicolas Gorius
Pierre-Vincent Gouel
Duncan Goulty
Valentina Granata
John Lee Grenfell
Denis Grie{ss}bach
Emmanuel Grolleau
Salom'e Grouffal
Sascha Grziwa
Mario Giuseppe Guarcello
Lo"ic Gueguen
Eike Wolf Guenther
Terrasa Guilhem
Lucas Guillerot
Pierre Guiot
Pascal Guterman
Antonio Guti'errez
Fernando Guti'errez-Canales
Janis Hagelberg
Jonas Haldemann
Cassandra Hall
Rasmus Handberg
Ian Harrison
Diana L. Harrison
Johann Hasiba
Carole A. Haswell
Petra Hatalova
Artie Hatzes
Raphaelle Haywood
Guillaume H'ebrard
Frank Heckes
Ulrike Heiter
Saskia Hekker
Ren'e Heller
Christiane Helling
Krzysztof Helminiak
Simon Hemsley
Kevin Heng
Aline Hermans
JJ Hermes
Nadia Hidalgo Torres
Natalie Hinkel
David Hobbs
Simon Hodgkin
Karl Hofmann
Saeed Hojjatpanah
G"unter Houdek
Daniel Huber
Joseph Huesler
Alain Hui-Bon-Hoa
Rik Huygen
Duc-Dat Huynh
Nicolas Iro
Jonathan Irwin
Mike Irwin
Andr'e Izidoro
Sophie Jacquinod
Nicholas Emborg Jannsen
Markus Janson
Harald Jeszenszky
Chen Jiang
Antonio Jos'e Jimenez Mancebo
Paula Jofre
Anders Johansen
Cole Johnston
Geraint Jones
Thomas Kallinger
Szil'ard K'alm'an
Thomas Kanitz
Marie Karjalainen
Raine Karjalainen
Christoffer Karoff
Steven Kawaler
Daisuke Kawata
Arnoud Keereman
David Keiderling
Tom Kennedy
Matthew Kenworthy
Franz Kerschbaum
Mark Kidger
Flavien Kiefer
Christian Kintziger
Kristina Kislyakova
L'aszl'o Kiss
Peter Klagyivik
Hubert Klahr
Jonas Klevas
Oleg Kochukhov
Ulrich K"ohler
Ulrich Kolb
Alexander Koncz
Judith Korth
Nadiia Kostogryz
G'abor Kov'acs
J'ozsef Kov'acs
Oleg Kozhura
Natalie Krivova
Arunas Kuv{c}inskas
Ilyas Kuhlemann
Friedrich Kupka
Wouter Laauwen
Alvaro Labiano
Nadege Lagarde
Philippe Laget
Gunter Laky
Kristine Wai Fun Lam
Michiel Lambrechts
Helmut Lammer
Antonino Francesco Lanza
Alessandro Lanzafame
Mariel Lares Martiz
Jacques Laskar
Henrik Latter
Tony Lavanant
Alastair Lawrenson
Cecilia Lazzoni
Agnes Lebre
Yveline Lebreton
Alain Lecavelier des Etangs
Zoe Leinhardt
Adrien Leleu
Monika Lendl
Giuseppe Leto
Yves Levillain
Anne-Sophie Libert
Tim Lichtenberg
Roxanne Ligi
Francois Lignieres
Jorge Lillo-Box
Jeffrey Linsky
John Scige Liu
Dominik Loidolt
Yuying Longval
Il'idio Lopes
Andrea Lorenzani
Hans-Guenter Ludwig
Mikkel Lund
Mia Sloth Lundkvist
Xavier Luri
Carla Maceroni
Sean Madden
Nikku Madhusudhan
Antonio Maggio
Christian Magliano
Demetrio Magrin
Laurent Mahy
Olaf Maibaum
LeeRoy Malac-Allain
Jean-Christophe Malapert
Luca Malavolta
Jesus Maldonado
Elena Mamonova
Louis Manchon
Andrew Mann
Giacomo Mantovan
Luca Marafatto
Marcella Marconi
Rosemary Mardling
Paola Marigo
Silvia Marinoni
'Erico Marques
Joao Pedro Marques
Paola Maria Marrese
Douglas Marshall
Silvia Mart'inez Perales
David Mary
Francesco Marzari
Eduard Masana
Andrina Mascher
St'ephane Mathis
Savita Mathur
Ana Carolina Mattiuci Figueiredo
Pierre F. L. Maxted
Tsevi Mazeh
Stephane Mazevet
Francesco Mazzei
James McCormac
Paul McMillan
Lucas Menou
Thibault Merle
Farzana Meru
Dino Mesa
Sergio Messina
Szabolcs M'esz'aros
Nad'ege Meunier
Jean-Charles Meunier
Giuseppina Micela
Harald Michaelis
Eric Michel
Mathias Michielsen
Tatiana Michtchenko
Andrea Miglio
Yamila Miguel
David Milligan
Giovanni Mirouh
Morgan Mitchel
Nuno Moedas
Francesca Molendini
L'aszl'o Moln'ar
Joey Mombarg
Josefina Montalban
Marco Montalto
M'ario J. P. F. G. Monteiro
Juan Carlos Morales
Maria Morales-Calderon
Alessandro Morbidelli
Christoph Mordasini
Chrystel Moreau
Thierry Morel
Guiseppe Morello
Julien Morin
Annelies Mortier
Beno^it Mosser
Denis Mourard
Olivier Mousis
Claire Moutou
Nami Mowlavi
Andr'es Moya
Prisca Muehlmann
Philip Muirhead
Matteo Munari
Ilaria Musella
Alexander James Mustill
Nicolas Nardetto
Domenico Nardiello
Norio Narita
Valerio Nascimbeni
Anna Nash
Coralie Neiner
Richard P. Nelson
Nadine Nettelmann
Gianalfredo Nicolini
Martin Nielsen
Sami-Matias Niemi
Lena Noack
Arlette Noels-Grotsch
Anthony Noll
Azib Norazman
Andrew J. Norton
Benard Nsamba
Aviv Ofir
Gordon Ogilvie
Terese Olander
Christian Olivetto
G"oran Olofsson
Joel Ong
Sergio Ortolani
Mahmoudreza Oshagh
Harald Ottacher
Roland Ottensamer
Rhita-Maria Ouazzani
Sijme-Jan Paardekooper
Emanuele Pace
Miriam Pajas
Ana Palacios
Gaelle Palandri
Enric Palle
Carsten Paproth
Vanderlei Parro
Hannu Parviainen
Javier Pascual Granado
Vera Maria Passegger
Carmen Pastor-Morales
Martin P"atzold
May Gade Pedersen
David Pena Hidalgo
Francesco Pepe
Filipe Pereira
Carina M. Persson
Martin Pertenais
Gisbert Peter
Antoine C. Petit
Pascal Petit
Stefano Pezzuto
Gabriele Pichierri
Adriano Pietrinferni
Fernando Pinheiro
Marc Pinsonneault
Emese Plachy
Philippe Plasson
Bertrand Plez
Katja Poppenhaeger
Ennio Poretti
Elisa Portaluri
Jordi Portell
Gustavo Frederico Porto de Mello
Julien Poyatos
Francisco J. Pozuelos
Pier Giorgio Prada Moroni
Dumitru Pricopi
Loredana Prisinzano
Matthias Quade
ndreas Quirrenbach160
Julio Arturo Rabanal Reina6
Maria Cristina Rabello Soares
Gabriella Raimondo
Monica Rainer
Jose Ram'on Rod'on
Alejandro Ram'on-Ballesta
Gonzalo Ramos Zapata
Stefanie R"atz
Christoph Rauterberg
Bob Redman
Ronald Redmer
Daniel Reese
Sara Regibo
Ansgar Reiners
Timo Reinhold
Christian Renie
Ignasi Ribas
Sergio Ribeiro
Thiago Pereira Ricciardi
Ken Rice
Olivier Richard
Marco Riello
Michel Rieutord
Vincenzo Ripepi
Guy Rixon
Steve Rockstein
Mar'ia Teresa Rodrigo Rodr'iguez
Luisa Fernanda Rodr'iguez D'iaz
Juan Pablo Rodriguez Garcia
Julio Rodriguez-Gomez
Yannick Roehlly
Fernando Roig
B'arbara Rojas-Ayala
Tobias Rolf
Jakob Lysgaard R{o}rsted
Hugo Rosado
Giovanni Rosotti
Olivier Roth
Markus Roth
Alex Rousseau
Ian Roxburgh
Fabrice Roy
Pierre Royer
Kirk Ruane
Sergio Rufini Mastropasqua
Claudia Ruiz de Galarreta
Andrea Russi
Steven Saar
Melaine Saillenfest
Maurizio Salaris
Sebastien Salmon
Ippocratis Saltas
R'eza Samadi
Aunia Samadi
Dominic Samra
Tiago Sanches da Silva
Miguel Andr'es S'anchez Carrasco
Alexandre Santerne
Francesco Santoli
^Angela R. G. Santos
Rosario Sanz Mesa
Luis Manuel Sarro
Gaetano Scandariato
Martin Sch"afer
Edward Schlafly
Franc{c}ois-Xavier Schmider
Jean Schneider
Jesper Schou
Hannah Schunker
Gabriel J"org Schwarzkopf
Aldo Serenelli
Dries Seynaeve
Yutong Shan
Alexander Shapiro
Russel Shipman
Daniela Sicilia
Maria Angeles Sierra Sanmartin
Axelle Sigot
Kyle Silliman
Roberto Silvotti
Attila E. Simon
Ricardo Simoyama Napoli
Marek Skarka
Barry Smalley
Rodolfo Smiljanic
Samuel Smit
Alexis Smith
Leigh Smith
Ignas Snellen
'Ad'am S'odor
Frank Sohl
Sami K. Solanki
Francesca Sortino
S'ergio Sousa
John Southworth
Diogo Souto
Alessandro Sozzetti
Dimitris Stamatellos
Keivan Stassun
Manfred Steller
Dennis Stello
Beate Stelzer
Ulrike Stiebeler
Amalie Stokholm
Trude Storelvmo
Klaus Strassmeier
Paul Anthony Str{o}m
Antoine Strugarek
Sophia Sulis
Michal v{S}vanda
L'aszl'o Szabados
R'obert Szab'o
Gyula M. Szab'o
Ewa Szuszkiewicz
Geert Jan Talens
Daniele Teti
Tom Theisen
Fr'ed'eric Th'evenin
Anne Thoul
Didier Tiphene
Ruth Titz-Weider
Andrew Tkachenko
Daniel Tomecki
Jorge Tonfat
Nicola Tosi
Regner Trampedach
Gregor Traven
Amaury Triaud
Reidar Tr{o}nnes
Maria Tsantaki
Matthias Tschentscher
Arnaud Turin
Adam Tvaruzka
Bernd Ulmer
Sol`ene Ulmer-Moll
Ceren Ulusoy
Gabriele Umbriaco
Diana Valencia
Marica Valentini
Adriana Valio
'Angel Luis Valverde Guijarro
Vincent Van Eylen
Valerie Van Grootel
Tim A. van Kempen
Timothy Van Reeth
Iris Van Zelst
Bart Vandenbussche
Konstantinos Vasiliou
Valeriy Vasilyev
David Vaz de Mascarenhas
Allona Vazan
Marina Vela Nunez
Eduardo Nunes Velloso
Rita Ventura
Paolo Ventura
Julia Venturini
Isabel Vera Trallero
Dimitri Veras
Eva Verdugo
Kuldeep Verma
Didier Vibert
Tobias Vicanek Martinez
Kriszti'an Vida
Arthur Vigan
Antonio Villacorta
Eva Villaver
Marcos Villaverde Aparicio
Valentina Viotto
Eduard Vorobyov
Sergey Vorontsov
Frank W. Wagner
Thomas Walloschek
Nicholas Walton
Dave Walton
Haiyang Wang
Rens Waters
Christopher Watson
Sven Wedemeyer
Angharad Weeks
J"org Weingril
Annita Weiss
Belinda Wendler
Richard West
Karsten Westerdorff
Pierre-Amaury Westphal
Peter Wheatley
Tim White
Amadou Whittaker
Kai Wickhusen
Thomas Wilson
James Windsor
Othon Winter
Mark Lykke Winther
Alistair Winton
Ulrike Witteck
Veronika Witzke
Peter Woitke
David Wolter
G"unther Wuchterl
Mark Wyatt
Dan Yang
Jie Yu
Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez
Mar'ia Rosa Zapatero Osorio
Mathias Zechmeister
Yixiao Zhou
Claas Ziemke
Konstanze Zwintz
The Pristine survey -- XXVI. The very metal-poor Galaxy: Chemodynamics through the follow-up of the Pristine-Gaia synthetic catalogue
Volume 19, Issue 21 - article #10
Akshara Viswanathan
Zhen Yuan
Anke Ardern-Arentsen
Else Starkenburg
Nicolas F. Martin
Kris Youakim
Rodrigo A. Ibata
Federico Sestito
Tadafumi Matsuno
Carlos Allende Prieto
Freya Barwell
Manuel Bayer
Amandine Doliva-Dolinsky
Emma Fernandez-Alvar
Pablo M. Galan-de Anta
Kiran Jhass
Nicolas Longeard
Jose Maria Arroyo-Polonio
Pol Massana
Martin Montelius
Samuel Rusterucci
Judith Santos
Guillaume F. Thomas
Sara Vitali
Wenbo Wu
Paige Yarker
Xianhao Ye
David S. Aguado
Felipe Gran
Julio Navarro
The discovery space of ELT-ANDES. Stars and stellar populations. (arXiv:2311.16320v1 [astro-ph.IM])
Volume 18, Issue 46 - article #10
Ian U. Roederer
Julián D. Alvarado-Gómez
Carlos Allende Prieto
Vardan Adibekyan
David Aguado
Pedro J. Amado
Eliana M. Amazo-Gómez
Martina Baratella
Sydney A. Barnes
Thomas Bensby
Lionel Bigot
Andrea Chiavassa
Armando Domiciano de Souza
Camilla Juul Hansen
Silva P. Järvinen
Andreas J. Korn
Sara Lucatello
Laura Magrini
Roberto Maiolino
Paolo Di Marcantonio
Alessandro Marconi
R. De Medeiros
Alessio Mucciarelli
Nicolas Nardetto
Livia Origlia
Celine Peroux
Katja Poppenhäger
Cristina Rodr'íguez-López
Donatella Romano
Stefania Salvadori
Patrick Tisserand
Kim Venn
Gregg Wade
Alessio Zanutta
The APOGEE Value Added Catalogue of Galactic globular cluster stars. (arXiv:2310.07764v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 18, Issue 39 - article #1
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Siân G. Phillips
Natalie Myers
Danny Horta
Dante Minniti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Borja Anguiano
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Joel R. Brownstein
Roger E. Cohen
G. Fernández-Trincado
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Henrik Jönsson
Shobhit Kisku
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Andrew C. Mason
Szabolcs Mészáros
Guy S. Stringfellow
A Tale of Two Disks: Mapping the Milky Way with the Final Data Release of APOGEE
Volume 18, Issue 35 - article #7
Julie Imig
Cathryn Price
Jon A. Holtzman
Alexander Stone-Martinez
Steven R. Majewski
David H. Weinberg
Jennifer A. Johnson
Carlos Allende Prieto
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
The Astrophysical Journal
A Tale of Two Disks: Mapping the Milky Way with the Final Data Release of APOGEE. (arXiv:2307.13887v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 18, Issue 30 - article #1
Julie Imig
Cathryn Price
Jon A. Holtzman
Alexander Stone-Martinez
Steven R. Majewski
David H. Weinberg
Jennifer A. Johnson
Carlos Allende Prieto
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Dmitry Bizyaev
Michael R. Blanton
Joel R. Brownstein
Katia Cunha
G. Fernández-Trincado
Diane K. Feuillet
Sten Hasselquist
Christian R. Hayes
Henrik Jönsson
Richard R. Lane
Jianhui Lian
Szabolcs Mészáros
David L. Nidever
Annie C. Robin
Matthew Shetrone
Verne Smith
John C. Wilson
Decoding the compositions of four bright $r$-process-enhanced stars. (arXiv:2307.10762v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 18, Issue 29 - article #3
Pallavi Saraf
Carlos Allende Prieto
Thirupathi Sivarani
Avrajit Bandyopadhyay
Timothy C. Beers
A. Susmitha
GTC Follow-up Observations of Very Metal-Poor Star Candidates from DESI. (arXiv:2306.06321v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 18, Issue 24 - article #1
Carlos Allende Prieto
David S. Aguado
Jonay I. González Hernández
Rafael Rebolo
Joan Najita
Christopher J. Manser
Constance Rockosi
Zachary Slepian
Mar Mezcua
Monica Valluri
Rana Ezzeddine
Sergey E. Koposov
Andrew P. Cooper
Arjun Dey
Boris T. Gänsicke
Ting S. Li
Katia Cunha
Siwei Zou
Jessica Nicole Aguilar
Steven Ahlen
David Brooks
Todd Claybaugh
Shaun Cole
Sarah Eftekharzadeh
Kevin Fanning
Jaime Forero-Romero
Satya Gontcho A Gontcho
Klaus Honscheid
Pascale Jablonka
Robert Kehoe
Theodore Kisner
Martin Landriau
Axel de la Macorra
Aaron Meisner
Ramón Miquel
John Moustakas
Jundan Nie
Claire Poppett
Francisco Prada
Mehdi Rezaie
Graziano Rossi
Eusebio Sánchez
Michael Schubnell
Ray Sharples
Malgorzata Siudek
Verne V. Smith
Gregory Tarlé
et al.
(4 additional authors not shown)
sMILES SSPs: A Library of Semi-Empirical MILES Stellar Population Models with Variable [$alpha$/Fe] Abundances. (arXiv:2306.05942v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 18, Issue 24 - article #6
Adam T. Knowles
Anne E. Sansom
Alex Vazdekis
Carlos Allende Prieto
Overview of the DESI Milky Way Survey
Volume 18, Issue 16 - article #4
Andrew P. Cooper
Sergey E. Koposov
Carlos Allende Prieto
Christopher J. Manser
Namitha Kizhuprakkat
Adam D. Myers
Arjun Dey
Boris T. Gänsicke
Ting S. Li
Constance Rockosi
The Astrophysical Journal
BACCHUS Analysis of Weak Lines in APOGEE Spectra (BAWLAS)
Volume 17, Issue 36 - article #14
Christian R. Hayes
Thomas Masseron
Jennifer Sobeck
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Carlos Allende Prieto
Rachael L. Beaton
Katia Cunha
Sten Hasselquist
Jon A. Holtzman
Henrik Jönsson
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement
Overview of the DESI Milky Way Survey. (arXiv:2208.08514v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 17, Issue 32 - article #4
Andrew P. Cooper
Sergey E. Koposov
Carlos Allende Prieto
Christopher J. Manser
Namitha Kizhuprakkat
Adam D. Myers
Arjun Dey
Boris T. Gaensicke
Ting S. Li
Constance Rockosi
Monica Valluri
Joan Najita
Alis Deason
Anand Raichoor
Mei-Yu Wang
Yuan-Sen Ting
Bokyoung Kim
Andreia Carrillo
Wenting Wang
Leando Beraldo e Silva
Jesse Han
Jiani Ding
Miguel Sanchez-Conde
Jessica N. Aguilar
Steven Ahlen
Stephen Bailey
Vasily Belokurov
David Brooks
Katia Cunha
Kyle Dawson
Andreu Font-Ribera
Jaime E. Forero-Romero
Enrique Gaztanaga
Satya Gontcho A Gontcho
Julien Guy
Klaus Honscheid
Robert Kehoe
Theodore Kisner
Anthony Kremin
Martin Landriau
Michael E. Levi
Paul Martini
Aaron M. Meisner
Ramon Miquel
Claire Poppett
Francisco Prada
Nabeel Rehemtulla
Edward Schlafly
et al.
(4 additional authors not shown)
SEGUE-2: Old Milky Way Stars Near and Far
Volume 17, Issue 17 - article #16
Constance M. Rockosi
Young Sun Lee
Heather L. Morrison
Brian Yanny
Jennifer A. Johnson
Sara Lucatello
Jennifer Sobeck
Timothy C. Beers
Carlos Allende Prieto
Deokkeun An
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement
A stellar stream remnant of a globular cluster below the metallicity floor. (arXiv:2201.01309v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 17, Issue 1 - article #1
Nicolas F. Martin
Kim A. Venn
David S. Aguado
Else Starkenburg
Jonay I. González Hernández
Rodrigo A. Ibata
Piercarlo Bonifacio
Elisabetta Caffau
Federico Sestito
Anke Arentsen
Carlos Allende Prieto
Raymond G. Carlberg
Sébastien Fabbro
Morgan Fouesneau
Vanessa Hill
Pascale Jablonka
Georges Kordopatis
Carmela Lardo
Khyati Malhan
Lyudmila I. Mashonkina
Alan W. McConnachie
Julio F. Navarro
Rubén Sánchez Janssen
Guillaume F. Thomas
Zhen Yuan
Alessio Mucciarelli
APOGEE Detection of N-rich stars in the tidal tails of Palomar 5. (arXiv:2112.02117v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 16, Issue 50 - article #1
Sian G. Phillips
Ricardo P. Schiavon
J. Ted Mackereth
Carlos Allende Prieto
Borja Anguiano
Rachael L. Beaton
Roger E. Cohen
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Douglas Geisler
Danny Horta
Henrik Jonsson
Shobhit Kisku
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Andrew Mason
Dante Minniti
Mathias Schultheis
Dominic Taylor
The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar and APOGEE-2 Data. (arXiv:2112.02026v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 16, Issue 50 - article #6
Katherine Accetta
Conny Aerts
Victor Silva Aguirre
Romina Ahumada
Nikhil Ajgaonkar
N. Filiz Ak
Shadab Alam
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett H. Andrews
Borja Anguiano
Erik Aquino-Ortiz
Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca
Maria Argudo-Fernandez
Metin Ata
Marie Aubert
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Rodolfo H. Barba
Kat Barger
Jorge K. Barrera-Ballesteros
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Francesco Belfiore
Chad F. Bender
Mariangela Bernardi
Matthew A. Bershady
Florian Beutler
Christian Moni Bidin
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael R. Blanton
Nicholas Fraser Boardman
Adam S. Bolton
Mederic Boquien
Jura Borissova
Jo Bovy
W.N. Brandt
Jordan Brown
Joel R. Brownstein
Marcella Brusa
et al.
(294 additional authors not shown)
The GTC gains high spectral resolution
Volume 16, Issue 3 - article #11
Carlos Allende Prieto
Nature Astronomy
HIRES, the high-resolution spectrograph for the ELT. (arXiv:2011.12317v1 [astro-ph.IM])
Volume 15, Issue 48 - article #3
Alessandro Marconi
Manuel Abreu
Vardan Adibekyan
Matteo Aliverti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Pedro J. Amado
Manuel Amate
Etienne Artigau
Sergio R. Augusto
Susana Barros
Santiago Becerril
Bjorn Benneke
Edwin Bergin
Philippe Berio
Naidu Bezawada
Isabelle Boisse
Xavier Bonfils
Francois Bouchy
Christopher Broeg
Alexandre Cabral
Rocio Calvo-Ortega
Bruno Leonardo Canto Martins
Bruno Chazelas
Andrea Chiavassa
Lise B. Christensen
Roberto Cirami
Igor Coretti
Stefano Cristiani
Vanderlei Cunha Parro
Guido Cupani
Izan de Castro Leao
Jose Renan de Medeiros
Marco Antonio Furlan de Souza
Paolo Di Marcantonio
Igor Di Varano
Valentina D'Odorico
Rene Doyon
Holger Drass
Pedro Figueira
Ana Belen Fragoso
Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo
Elena Gallo
Matteo Genoni
Jonay I. Gonzalez Hernandez
et al.
(58 additional authors not shown)
Preliminary Target Selection for the DESI Milky Way Survey (MWS). (arXiv:2010.11284v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 15, Issue 43 - article #4
Carlos Allende Prieto
(1, 2),
Andrew P. Cooper
Arjun Dey
Boris T. Gänsicke
Sergey E. Koposov
(6, 7, 8),
Ting Li
(9, 10),
Christopher Manser
David L. Nidever
(4, 11),
Constance Rockosi
(12, 13),
Mei-Yu Wang
(7, 14),
David S. Aguado
Robert Blum
David Brooks
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Yutong Duan
Sarah Eftekharzadeh
Enrique Gaztañaga
(20, 21),
Robert Kehoe
Martin Landriau
Chien-Hsiu Lee
Michael E. Levi
Aaron M. Meisner
Adam D. Myers
Joan Najita
Knut Olsen
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Claire Poppett
(23, 27),
Francisco Prada
David J. Schlegel
Michael Schubnell
Gregory Tarlé
Monica Valluri
Risa H. Wechsler
(31, 32),
Christophe Yèche
((1) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias,
(2) Universidad de La Laguna,
(3) National Tsing Hua University.
(4) NSF's NOIRLab,
(5) Department of Physics, University of Warwick,
(6) Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh,
(7) McWilliams Center for Cosmology, Carnegie Mellon University,
(8) Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge,
(9) Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science,
(10) Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University,
(11) Department of Physics, Montana State University,
(12) Department of Astronomy, Astrophysics, University of California Santa Cruz,
(13) University of California Observatories,
(14) Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University,
(15) Vera C. Rubin Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab,
(16) Department of Physics, Astronomy, University College London,
(17) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,
(18) Physics Department, Boston University,
(19) Department of Physics, Astronomy, The University of Utah,
(20) Institute of Space Sciences
(21) Institut d' Estudis Espacials de Catalunya
(22) Department of Physics, Southern Methodist University,
(23) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
(24) University of Wyoming,
(25) Community Science, Data Center/NSF's NOIRLab,
(26) IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay,
(28) Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucía,
(29) Department of Physics, University of Michigan,
(30) Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan,
(31) Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics, Cosmology, Department of Physics,
(32) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
APOGEE Data and Spectral Analysis from SDSS Data Release 16: Seven Years of Observations Including First Results from APOGEE-South
Volume 15, Issue 34 - article #7
Henrik Jönsson
Jon A. Holtzman
Carlos Allende Prieto
Katia Cunha
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Sten Hasselquist
Thomas Masseron
Yeisson Osorio
Matthew Shetrone
Verne Smith
Guy S. Stringfellow
Dmitry Bizyaev
Bengt Edvardsson
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
Diogo Souto
Olga Zamora
Rachael L. Beaton
Jo Bovy
John Donor
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Vijith Jacob Poovelil,
Jennifer Sobeck
The Astronomical Journal
The contribution of N-rich stars to the Galactic stellar halo using APOGEE red giants. (arXiv:2008.01097v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 15, Issue 32 - article #6
Danny Horta
J. Ted Mackereth
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Sten Hasselquist
Jo Bovy
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Katia Cunha
D. A. García-Hernández
Shobhit S. Kisku
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Andrew C. Mason
David M. Nataf
Alexandre Roman-Lopes
Mathias Schultheis
The S2 Stream: the shreds of a primitive dwarf galaxy. (arXiv:2007.11003v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 15, Issue 30 - article #6
David S. Aguado
G. C. Myeong
Vasily Belokurov
N. W. Evans
Sergey E. Koposov
Carlos Allende Prieto
Gustavo A. Lanfranchi
Francesca Matteucci
Matthew Shetrone
Luca Sbordone
Camila Navarrete
Jonay I. González Hernández
Julio Chanamé
Luis Peralta de Arriba
Zhen Yuan
APOGEE Data and Spectral Analysis from SDSS Data Release 16: Seven Years of Observations Including First Results from APOGEE-South. (arXiv:2007.05537v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 15, Issue 29 - article #4
Henrik Jönsson
Jon A. Holtzman
Carlos Allende Prieto
Katia Cunha
D. A. García-Hernández
Sten Hasselquist
Thomas Masseron
Yeisson Osorio
Matthew Shetrone
Verne Smith
Guy S. Stringfellow
Dmitry Bizyaev
Bengt Edvardsson
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
Diogo Souto
Olga Zamora
Rachael L. Beaton
Jo Bovy
John Donor
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Vijith Jacob Poovelil
Jennifer Sobeck
The Stellar Velocity Distribution Function in the Milky Way Galaxy
Volume 15, Issue 26 - article #9
Borja Anguiano
Steven R. Majewski
Christian R. Hayes
Carlos Allende Prieto
Xinlun Cheng
Christian Moni Bidin
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers,
Dante Minniti
The Astronomical Journal
The 16th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra
Volume 15, Issue 26 - article #13
Romina Ahumada
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andrés Almeida
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett H. Andrews
Borja Anguiano
Riccardo Arcodia
Eric Armengaud
Marie Aubert
Santiago Avila
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Christophe Balland
Kat Barger
Jorge K. Barrera-Ballesteros
Sarbani Basu
Julian Bautista
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
B. Izamar T. Benavides
Chad F. Bender
Mariangela Bernardi
Matthew Bershady
Florian Beutler
Christian Moni Bidin
Jonathan Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael R. Blanton
Médéric Boquien
Jura Borissova
Jo Bovy
W. N. Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
Martin Bureau
Adam Burgasser
Etienne Burtin
Mariana Cano-DÃaz
Raffaella Capasso
Michele Cappellari
Ricardo Carrera
Solène Chabanier
William Chaplin
Michael Chapman
Brian Cherinka
Cristina Chiappini
Peter Doohyun Choi
S. Drew Chojnowski
Haeun Chung
Nicolas Clerc
Damien Coffey
Julia M. Comerford
Johan Comparat
Luiz da Costa
Marie-Claude Cousinou
Kevin Covey
Jeffrey D. Crane
Katia Cunha
Gabriele da Silva Ilha
Yu Sophia Dai
Sanna B. Damsted
Jeremy Darling
James W. Davidson Jr.
Roger Davies
Kyle Dawson
Nikhil De
Axel de la Macorra
Nathan De Lee
Anna Bárbara de Andrade Queiroz
Alice Deconto Machado
Sylvain de la Torre
Flavia DellâAgli
Hélion du Mas des Bourboux
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic
Sean Dillon
John Donor
Niv Drory
Chris Duckworth
Tom Dwelly
Garrett Ebelke
Sarah Eftekharzadeh
Arthur Davis Eigenbrot
Yvonne P. Elsworth
Mike Eracleous
Ghazaleh Erfanianfar
Stephanie Escoffier
Xiaohui Fan
Emily Farr
José G. Fernández-Trincado
Diane Feuillet
Alexis Finoguenov
Patricia Fofie
Amelia Fraser-McKelvie
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Sebastien Fromenteau
Hai Fu
LluÃs Galbany
Rafael A. Garcia
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Luis Alberto Garma Oehmichen
Junqiang Ge
Marcio Antonio Geimba Maia
Doug Geisler
Joseph Gelfand
Julian Goddy
Violeta Gonzalez-Perez
Kathleen Grabowski
Paul Green
Catherine J. Grier
Hong Guo
Julien Guy
Paul Harding
Sten Hasselquist
Adam James Hawken
Christian R. Hayes
Fred Hearty
S. Hekker
David W. Hogg
Jon A. Holtzman
Danny Horta
Jiamin Hou
Bau-Ching Hsieh
Daniel Huber
Jason A. S. Hunt
J. Ider Chitham
Julie Imig
Mariana Jaber
Camilo Eduardo Jimenez Angel
Jennifer A. Johnson
Amy M. Jones
Henrik Jönsson
Eric Jullo
Yerim Kim
Karen Kinemuchi
Charles C. Kirkpatrick IV
George W. Kite
Mark Klaene
Jean-Paul Kneib
Juna A. Kollmeier
Hui Kong
Marina Kounkel
Dhanesh Krishnarao
Ivan Lacerna
Ting-Wen Lan
Richard R. Lane
David R. Law
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Henry W. Leung
Hannah Lewis
Cheng Li
Jianhui Lian
Lihwai Lin
Dan Long
Penélope Longa-Peña
Britt Lundgren
Brad W. Lyke
J. Ted Mackereth
Chelsea L. MacLeod
Steven R. Majewski
Arturo Manchado
Claudia Maraston
Paul Martini
Thomas Masseron
Karen L. Masters
Savita Mathur
Richard M. McDermid
Andrea Merloni
Michael Merrifield
Szabolcs Mészáros
Andrea Miglio
Dante Minniti
Rebecca Minsley
Takamitsu Miyaji
Faizan Gohar Mohammad
Benoit Mosser
Eva-Maria Mueller
Demitri Muna
Andrea Muñoz-Gutiérrez
Adam D. Myers
Seshadri Nadathur
Preethi Nair
Kirpal Nandra
Janaina Correa do Nascimento
Rebecca Jean Nevin
Jeffrey A. Newman
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Pasquier Noterdaeme
Julia E. OâConnell
Matthew D. Olmstead
Daniel Oravetz
Audrey Oravetz
Yeisson Osorio
Zachary J. Pace
Nelson Padilla
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Pedro A. Palicio
Hsi-An Pan
Kaike Pan
James Parker
Romain Paviot
Sebastien Peirani
Karla Peña RamÅez
Samantha Penny
Will J. Percival
Ismael Perez-Fournon
Ignasi Pérez-Rà fols
Patrick Petitjean
Matthew M. Pieri
Marc Pinsonneault
Vijith Jacob Poovelil
Joshua Tyler Povick
Abhishek Prakash
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
M. Jordan Raddick
Anand Raichoor
Amy Ray
Sandro Barboza Rembold
Mehdi Rezaie
Rogemar A. Riffel
Rogério Riffel
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
A. Roman-Lopes
Carlos Román-Zúñiga
Benjamin Rose
Ashley J. Ross
Graziano Rossi
Kate Rowlands
Kate H. R. Rubin
Mara Salvato
Ariel G. Sánchez
Laura Sánchez-Menguiano
José R. Sánchez-Gallego
Conor Sayres
Adam Schaefer
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jaderson S. Schimoia
Edward Schlafly
David Schlegel
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
Axel Schwope
Hee-Jong Seo
Aldo Serenelli
Arman Shafieloo
Shoaib Jamal Shamsi
Zhengyi Shao
Shiyin Shen
Matthew Shetrone
Raphael Shirley
VÃctor Silva Aguirre
Joshua D. Simon
M. F. Skrutskie
Anže Slosar
Rebecca Smethurst
Jennifer Sobeck
Bernardo Cervantes Sodi
Diogo Souto
David V. Stark
Keivan G. Stassun
Matthias Steinmetz
Dennis Stello
Julianna Stermer
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann
Alina Streblyanska
Guy S. Stringfellow
Amelia Stutz
Genaro Suárez
Jing Sun
Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp
Michael S. Talbot
Jamie Tayar
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Riley Theriault
Daniel Thomas
Zak C. Thomas
Jeremy Tinker
Rita Tojeiro
Hector Hernandez Toledo
Christy A. Tremonti
Nicholas W. Troup
Sarah Tuttle
Eduardo Unda-Sanzana
Marica Valentini
Jaime Vargas-González
Mariana Vargas-Magaña
Jose Antonio Vázquez-Mata
M. Vivek
David Wake
Yuting Wang
Benjamin Alan Weaver
Anne-Marie Weijmans
Vivienne Wild
John C. Wilson
Robert F. Wilson
Nathan Wolthuis
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Renbin Yan
Meng Yang
Christophe Yèche
Olga Zamora
Pauline Zarrouk
Gail Zasowski
Kai Zhang
Cheng Zhao
Gongbo Zhao
Zheng Zheng
Zheng Zheng
Guangtun Zhu,
Hu Zou
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
The stellar velocity distribution function in the Milky Way galaxy. (arXiv:2005.14534v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 15, Issue 23 - article #18
Borja Anguiano
(University of Virginia),
Steven R. Majewski
Chris R. Hayes
Carlos Allende Prieto
Xinlun Cheng
Christian Moni Bidin
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Dante Minniti
The Lazy Giants: APOGEE Abundances Reveal Low Star Formation Efficiencies in the Magellanic Clouds
Volume 15, Issue 22 - article #10
David L. Nidever
Sten Hasselquist
Christian R. Hayes
Keith Hawkins
Joshua Povick
Steven R. Majewski
Verne V. Smith
Borja Anguiano
Guy S. Stringfellow
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Katia Cunha
Timothy C. Beers
Joachim M. Bestenlehner
Roger E. Cohen
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Henrik Jönsson
Christian Nitschelm
Matthew Shetrone
Ivan Lacerna
Carlos Allende Prieto
Rachael L. Beaton
Flavia DellâAgli
José G. Fernández-Trincado
Diane Feuillet
Carme Gallart
Fred R. Hearty
Jon Holtzman
Arturo Manchado
Ricardo R. Muñoz
Robert OâConnell,
Margarita Rosado
The Astrophysical Journal
The Open Cluster Chemical Abundances and Mapping Survey. IV. Abundances for 128 Open Clusters Using SDSS/APOGEE DR16
Volume 15, Issue 16 - article #7
John Donor
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Katia Cunha
Julia E. OâConnell
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andrés Almeida
Friedrich Anders
Rachael Beaton
Dmitry Bizyaev
Joel R. Brownstein
Ricardo Carrera
Cristina Chiappini
Roger Cohen
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Doug Geisler
Sten Hasselquist
Henrik Jönsson
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Dante Minniti
Christian Moni Bidin
Kaike Pan
Alexandre Roman-Lopes
Jennifer S. Sobeck,
Gail Zasowski
The Astronomical Journal
Strong chemical tagging with APOGEE: 21 candidate star clusters that have dissolved across the Milky Way disc. (arXiv:2004.04263v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 15, Issue 15 - article #4
Natalie Price-Jones Jo Bovy
Jeremy J. Webb
Carlos Allende Prieto
Rachael Beaton
Joel R. Brownstein
Roger E. Cohen
Katia Cunha
John Donor
Peter M. Frinchaboy
D. A. García-Hernández
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
David L. Nidever
Alexandre Roman-Lopes
The Open Cluster Chemical Abundances and Mapping Survey: IV. Abundances for 128 Open Clusters using SDSS/APOGEE DR16. (arXiv:2002.08980v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 15, Issue 9 - article #6
John Donor
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Katia Cunha
Julia E. O'Connell
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Friedrich Anders
Rachael Beaton
Dmitry Bizyaev
Joel R. Brownstein
Ricardo Carrera
Cristina Chiappini
Roger Cohen
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Doug Geisler
Sten Hasselquist
Henrik Jonsson
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Dante Minniti
Christian Moni Bidin
Kaike Pan
Alexandre Roman-Lopes
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Gail Zasowski
Metallicity and α -Element Abundance Gradients along the Sagittarius Stream as Seen by APOGEE
Volume 15, Issue 5 - article #16
Christian R. Hayes
Steven R. Majewski
Sten Hasselquist
Borja Anguiano
Matthew Shetrone
David R. Law
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Rachael L. Beaton
Adrian M. Price-Whelan
Carlos Allende Prieto
Giuseppina Battaglia
Dmitry Bizyaev
Joel R. Brownstein
Roger E. Cohen
Peter M. Frinchaboy
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Ivan Lacerna
Richard R. Lane
Szabolcs Mészáros
Christian Moni Bidin
Ricardo R. MÅ©noz
David L. Nidever
Audrey Oravetz
Daniel Oravetz
Kaike Pan
Alexandre Roman-Lopes
Jennifer Sobeck,
Guy Stringfellow
The Astrophysical Journal
The extreme CNO-enhanced composition of the primitive iron-poor dwarf star J0815+4729footnote{Based on observations made with Keck I telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii, USA}. (arXiv:2001.07257v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 15, Issue 4 - article #7
Jonay~I. González Hernández
David~S. Aguado
Carlos Allende Prieto
Adam~J. Burgasser
Rafael Rebolo
The Extreme CNO-enhanced Composition of the Primitive Iron-poor Dwarf Star J0815+4729
Volume 15, Issue 4 - article #11
Jonay I. González Hernández
David S. Aguado
Carlos Allende Prieto
Adam J. Burgasser,
Rafael Rebolo
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Homogeneous Analysis of Globular Clusters from the APOGEE Survey with the BACCHUS Code. II. The Southern Clusters and Overview. (arXiv:1912.04839v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 14, Issue 50 - article #3
Szabolcs Mészáros
Thomas Masseron
D. A. García-Hernández
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Dmitry Bizyaev
Drew Chojnowski
Roger E. Cohen
Katia Cunha
Flavia Dell'Agli
Garrett Ebelke
G. Fernández-Trincado
Peter Frinchaboy
Doug Geisler
Sten Hasselquist
Fred Hearty
Jon Holtzman
Jennifer Johnson
Richard R. Lane
Ivan Lacerna
Steven R. Majewski
Sarah L. Martell
Dante Minniti
David Nataf
David L. Nidever
Kaike Pan
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Matthew Shetrone
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Guy S. Stringfellow
Baitian Tang
John C. Wilson
Olga Zamora
The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra. (arXiv:1912.02905v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 14, Issue 50 - article #7
Romina Ahumada
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett H. Andrews
Borja Anguiano
Riccardo Arcodia
Eric Armengaud
Marie Aubert
Santiago Avila
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Christophe Balland
Kat Barger
Jorge K. Barrera-Ballesteros
Sarbani Basu
Julian Bautista
Rachael L. Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
B. Izamar T. Benavides
Chad F. Bender
Mariangela Bernardi
Matthew Bershady
Florian Beutler
Christian Moni Bidin
Jonathan Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael R. Blanton
Mederic Boquien
Jura Borissova
Jo Bovy
W.N. Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
Martin Bureau
Adam Burgasser
Etienne Burtin
Mariana Cano-Diaz
Raffaella Capasso
Michele Cappellari
Ricardo Carrera
Solene Chabanier
William Chaplin
et al.
(267 additional authors not shown)
The Pristine Survey -- VI. The first three years of medium-resolution follow-up spectroscopy of Pristine EMP star candidates. (arXiv:1909.08138v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 14, Issue 38 - article #7
David S. Aguado
Kris Youakim
Jonay I. González Hernández
Carlos Allende Prieto
Else Starkenburg
Nicolas Martin
Piercarlo Bonifacio
Anke Arentsen
Elisabetta Caffau
Luis Peralta de Arriba
Federico Sestito
Rafael Garcia-Diaz
Nicholas Fantin
Vanessa Hill
Pascale Jablonca
Farbod Jahandar
Collin Kielty
Nicolas Longeard
Romain Lucchesi
Rubén Sánchez-Janssen
Yeisson Osorio
Pedro A. Palicio
Eline Tolstoy
Thomas G. Wilson
Patrick Côté
Georges Kordopatis
Carmela Lardo
Julio F. Navarro
Guillaume F. Thomas
Kim Venn
Back to the Lithium Plateau with J0023+0307 with [Fe/H]<-6. (arXiv:1904.04892v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 14, Issue 15 - article #1
David S. Aguado
Jonay I. González Hernández
Carlos Allende Prieto
Rafael Rebolo
Back to the Lithium Plateau with the [Fe/H] < −6 Star J0023+0307
Volume 14, Issue 14 - article #20
David S. Aguado
Jonay I. González Hernández
Carlos Allende Prieto,
Rafael Rebolo
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Multi-element Abundance Ratios
Volume 14, Issue 13 - article #6
David H. Weinberg
Jon A. Holtzman
Sten Hasselquist
Jonathan C. Bird
Jennifer A. Johnson
Matthew Shetrone
Jennifer Sobeck
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Roger E. Cohen
Katia Cunha
Garrett Ebelke
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Christian R. Hayes
Henrik Jönsson
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Viktor Malanushenko
Szabolcs Mészáros
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Kaike Pan
Hans-Walter Rix
Jan Rybizki
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
John C. Wilson,
Olga Zamora
The Astrophysical Journal
Identifying Sagittarius Stream Stars by Their APOGEE Chemical Abundance Signatures
Volume 14, Issue 7 - article #6
Sten Hasselquist
Jeffrey L. Carlin
Jon A. Holtzman
Matthew Shetrone
Christian R. Hayes
Katia Cunha
Verne Smith
Rachael L. Beaton
Jennifer Sobeck
Carlos Allende Prieto
Steven R. Majewski
Borja Anguiano
Dmitry Bizyaev
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Richard R. Lane
Kaike Pan
David L. Nidever
José. G. Fernández-Trincado
John C. Wilson,
Olga Zamora
The Astrophysical Journal
Identifying Sagittarius Stream Stars By Their APOGEE Chemical Abundance Signatures. (arXiv:1901.04559v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 14, Issue 3 - article #5
Sten Hasselquist
Jeffrey L. Carlin
Jon A. Holtzman
Matthew Shetrone
Christian R. Hayes
Katia Cunha
Verne Smith
Rachael L. Beaton
Jennifer Sobeck
Carlos Allende Prieto
Steven R. Majewski
Borja Anguiano
Dmitry Bizyaev
D. A. García-Hernández
Richard R. Lane
Kaike Pan
David L. Nidever
José. G. Fernández-Trincado
John C. Wilson
Olga Zamora
The Lazy Giants: APOGEE Abundances Reveal Low Star Formation Efficiencies in the Magellanic Clouds. (arXiv:1901.03448v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 14, Issue 3 - article #9
David L. Nidever
Sten Hasselquist
Christian R. Hayes
Keith Hawkins
Steven R. Majewski
Verne V. Smith
Borja Anguiano
Joshua Povick
Guy S. Stringfellow
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Katia Cunha
Christian Nitschelm
Jose Fernandez-Trincado
Matthew Shetrone
Timothy C. Beers
Roger E. Cohen
Carlos Allende Prieto
Carme Gallart
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Flavia Dell'Agli
Henrik Jonsson
Ivan Lacerna
Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Multi-element abundance ratios. (arXiv:1810.12325v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 13, Issue 44 - article #1
David H. Weinberg
Jon A. Holtzman
Sten Hasselquist
Jonathan C. Bird
Jennifer A. Johnson
Matthew Shetrone
Jennifer Sobeck
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Roger E. Cohen
Katia Cunha
Garrett Ebelke
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Christian R. Hayes
Henrik Jonsson
Richard R. Lane
Steven R. Majewski
Viktor Malanushenko
Szabolcz Meszaros
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Kaike Pan
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
John C. Wilson
Olga Zamora
The Origin of the 300 km s −1 Stream near Segue 1
Volume 13, Issue 41 - article #16
Sal Wanying Fu
Joshua D. Simon
Matthew Shetrone
Jo Bovy
Timothy C. Beers
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
Vinicius M. Placco
Olga Zamora
Carlos Allende Prieto
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Paul Harding
Inese Ivans
Richard Lane
Christian Nitschelm
Alexandre Roman-Lopes,
Jennifer Sobeck
The Astrophysical Journal
APOGEE Data Releases 13 and 14: Data and Analysis
Volume 13, Issue 35 - article #10
Jon A. Holtzman
Sten Hasselquist
Matthew Shetrone
Katia Cunha
Carlos Allende Prieto
Borja Anguiano
Dmitry Bizyaev
Jo Bovy
Andrew Casey
Bengt Edvardsson
Jennifer A. Johnson
Henrik Jönsson
Szabolcs Meszaros
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Olga Zamora
S. Drew Chojnowski
Jose Fernandez-Trincado
Anibal Garcia Hernandez
Steven R. Majewski
Marc Pinsonneault
Diogo Souto
Guy S. Stringfellow
Jamie Tayar
Nicholas Troup,
Gail Zasowski
The Astronomical Journal
APOGEE Data Releases 13 and 14: Stellar Parameter and Abundance Comparisons with Independent Analyses
Volume 13, Issue 35 - article #11
Henrik Jönsson
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jon A. Holtzman
Diane K. Feuillet
Keith Hawkins
Katia Cunha
Szabolcs Mészáros
Sten Hasselquist
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Steven R. Majewski
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Matthew Shetrone
Verne Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Diogo Souto
Guy S. Stringfellow
Johanna Teske,
Olga Zamora
The Astronomical Journal
The origin of accreted stellar halo populations in the Milky Way using APOGEE, $textit{Gaia}$, and the EAGLE simulations. (arXiv:1808.00968v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 13, Issue 32 - article #4
J. Ted Mackereth
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Joel Pfeffer
Christian R. Hayes
Jo Bovy
Borja Anguiano
Carlos Allende Prieto
Sten Hasselquist
Jon Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Steven R. Majewski
Robert O'Connell
Matthew Shetrone
Patricia B. Tissera
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
APOGEE Data Releases 13 and 14: Data and Analysis. (arXiv:1807.09773v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 13, Issue 30 - article #1
Jon A. Holtzman
Sten Hasselquist
Matthew Shetrone
Katia Cunha
Carlos Allende Prieto
Borja Anguiano
Dmitry Bizyaev
Jo Bovy
Andrew Casey
Bengt Edvardsson
Jennifer A. Johnson
Henrik Jonsson
Szabolcs Meszaros
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Olga Zamora
S. Drew Chojnowski
Jose Fernandez-Trincado
Anibal Garcia Hernandez
Steven R. Majewski
Marc Pinsonneault
Diogo Souto
Guy S. Stringfellow
Jamie Tayar
Nicholas Troup
Gail Zasowski
APOGEE Data Releases 13 and 14: Stellar Parameter and Abundance Comparisons With Independent Analyses. (arXiv:1807.09784v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 13, Issue 30 - article #2
Henrik Jönsson
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jon A. Holtzman
Diane K. Feuillet
Keith Hawkins
Katia Cunha
Szabolcs Mészáros
Sten Hasselquist
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
D. A. García-Hernández
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Steven R. Majewski
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Matthew Shetrone
Verne Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Diogo Souto
Guy S. Stringfellow
Johanna Teske
Olga Zamora
A collection of model stellar spectra for spectral types B to early-M. (arXiv:1807.06049v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 13, Issue 29 - article #1
Carlos Allende Prieto
Lars Koesterke
Ivan Hubeny
Manuel A. Bautista
Paul S. Barklem
Sultana N. Nahar
The Pristine Survey IV: Approaching the Galactic metallicity floor with the discovery of an ultra metal-poor star. (arXiv:1807.04292v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 13, Issue 28 - article #12
Else Starkenburg
David S. Aguado
Piercarlo Bonifacio
Elisabetta Caffau
Pascale Jablonka
Carmela Lardo
Nicolas Martin
Ruben Sanchez-Janssen
Federico Sestito
Kim A. Venn
Kris Youakim
Carlos Allende Prieto
Anke Arentsen
Marc Gentile
Jonay I. Gonzalez Hernandez
Collin Kielty
Helmer H. Koppelman
Nicolas Longeard
Eline Tolstoy
Raymond G. Carlberg
Patrick Cote
Morgan Fouesneau
Vanessa Hill
Alan W. McConnachie
Julio F. Navarro
The Origin of the 300 km s$^{-1}$ Stream Near Segue 1. (arXiv:1804.08622v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 13, Issue 17 - article #20
Sal Wanying Fu
Joshua D. Simon
Matthew Shetrone
Jo Bovy
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
Vinicius M. Placco
Olga Zamora
Carlos Allende Prieto
D. A. García-Hernández
Paul Harding
Inese Ivans
Richard Lane
Christian Nitschelm
Alexandre Roman-Lopes
Jennifer Sobeck
J0023+0307: A Mega Metal-poor Dwarf Star from SDSS/BOSS
Volume 13, Issue 9 - article #15
David S. Aguado
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jonay I. González Hernández,
Rafael Rebolo
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Stellar Multiplicity Meets Stellar Evolution and Metallicity: The APOGEE View
Volume 13, Issue 8 - article #18
Carles Badenes
Christine Mazzola
Todd A. Thompson
Kevin Covey
Peter E. Freeman
Matthew G. Walker
Maxwell Moe
Nicholas Troup
David Nidever
Carlos Allende Prieto
Brett Andrews
Rodolfo H. Barbá
Timothy C. Beers
Jo Bovy
Joleen K. Carlberg
Nathan De Lee
Jennifer Johnson
Hannah Lewis
Steven R. Majewski
Marc Pinsonneault
Jennifer Sobeck
Keivan G. Stassun
Guy S. Stringfellow,
Gail Zasowski
The Astrophysical Journal
Disentangling the Galactic Halo with APOGEE. I. Chemical and Kinematical Investigation of Distinct Metal-poor Populations
Volume 13, Issue 2 - article #23
Christian R. Hayes
Steven R. Majewski
Matthew Shetrone
Emma Fernández-Alvar
Carlos Allende Prieto
William J. Schuster
Leticia Carigi
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Andres Almeida
Timothy C. Beers
Ricardo Carrera
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Doug Geisler
Richard R. Lane
Sara Lucatello
Allison M. Matthews
Dante Minniti
Christian Nitschelm
Baitian Tang
Patricia B. Tissera,
Olga Zamora
The Astrophysical Journal
Disentangling the Galactic Halo with APOGEE. II. Chemical and Star Formation Histories for the Two Distinct Populations
Volume 13, Issue 2 - article #24
Emma Fernández-Alvar
Leticia Carigi
William J. Schuster
Christian R. Hayes
Nancy Ãvila-Vergara
Steve R. Majewski
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Sebastián F. Sánchez
Olga Zamora
Domingo AnÃbal GarcÃa-Hernández
Baitian Tang
José G. Fernández-Trincado
Patricia Tissera
Douglas Geisler,
Sandro Villanova
The Astrophysical Journal
The Bulge Metallicity Distribution from the APOGEE Survey
Volume 13, Issue 2 - article #27
Ana E. GarcÃa Pérez
Melissa Ness
Annie C. Robin
Inma Martinez-Valpuesta
Jennifer Sobeck
Gail Zasowski
Steven R. Majewski
Jo Bovy
Carlos Allende Prieto
Katia Cunha
Léo Girardi
Szabolcs Mészáros
David Nidever
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Mathias Schultheis
Matthew Shetrone,
Verne V. Smith
The Astrophysical Journal
J0815+4729: A Chemically Primitive Dwarf Star in the Galactic Halo Observed with Gran Telescopio Canarias
Volume 13, Issue 2 - article #28
David S. Aguado
Jonay I. González Hernández
Carlos Allende Prieto,
Rafael Rebolo
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory
Volume 12, Issue 50 - article #5
Franco D. Albareti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Friedrich Anders
Scott Anderson
Brett H. Andrews
Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca
Maria Argudo-Fernández
Eric Armengaud
Eric Aubourg
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Stephen Bailey
Beatriz Barbuy
Kat Barger
Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros
Curtis Bartosz
Sarbani Basu
Dominic Bates
Giuseppina Battaglia
Falk Baumgarten
Julien Baur
Julian Bautista
Timothy C. Beers
Francesco Belfiore
Matthew Bershady
Sara Bertran de Lis
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael Blanton
Michael Blomqvist
Adam S. Bolton
J. Borissova
Jo Bovy
William Nielsen Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
Etienne Burtin
Nicolás G. Busca
Hugo Orlando Camacho Chavez
M. Cano DÃaz
Michele Cappellari
Ricardo Carrera
Yanping Chen
Brian Cherinka
Edmond Cheung
Cristina Chiappini
Drew Chojnowski
Chia-Hsun Chuang
Haeun Chung
Rafael Fernando Cirolini
Nicolas Clerc
Roger E. Cohen
Julia M. Comerford
Johan Comparat
Janaina Correa do Nascimento
Marie-Claude Cousinou
Kevin Covey
Jeffrey D. Crane
Rupert Croft
Katia Cunha
Jeremy Darling
James W. Davidson Jr.
Kyle Dawson
Luiz Da Costa
Gabriele Da Silva Ilha
Alice Deconto Machado
Timothée Delubac
Nathan De Lee
Axel De la Macorra
Sylvain De la Torre
Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic
John Donor
Juan Jose Downes
Niv Drory
Cheng Du
Hélion Du Mas des Bourboux
Tom Dwelly
Garrett Ebelke
Arthur Eigenbrot
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Yvonne P. Elsworth
Eric Emsellem
Michael Eracleous
Stephanie Escoffier
Michael L. Evans
Jesús Falcón-Barroso
Xiaohui Fan
Ginevra Favole
Emma Fernandez-Alvar
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
Diane Feuillet
Scott W. Fleming
Andreu Font-Ribera
Gordon Freischlad
Peter Frinchaboy
Hai Fu
Yang Gao
Rafael A. Garcia
R. Garcia-Dias
D. A. Garcia-Hernández
Ana E. Garcia Pérez
Patrick Gaulme
Junqiang Ge
Douglas Geisler
Bruce Gillespie
Hector Gil Marin
Léo Girardi
Daniel Goddard
Yilen Gomez Maqueo Chew
Violeta Gonzalez-Perez
Kathleen Grabowski
Paul Green
Catherine J. Grier
Thomas Grier
Hong Guo
Julien Guy
Alex Hagen
Matt Hall
Paul Harding
R. E. Harley
Sten Hasselquist
Suzanne Hawley
Christian R. Hayes
Fred Hearty
Saskia Hekker
Hector Hernandez Toledo
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann
Jon A. Holtzman
Parker H. Holzer
Jian Hu
Daniel Huber
Timothy Alan Hutchinson
Ho Seong Hwang
Héctor J. Ibarra-Medel
Inese I. Ivans
KeShawn Ivory
Kurt Jaehnig
Trey W. Jensen
Jennifer A. Johnson
Amy Jones
Eric Jullo
T. Kallinger
Karen Kinemuchi
David Kirkby
Mark Klaene
Jean-Paul Kneib
Juna A. Kollmeier
Ivan Lacerna
Richard R. Lane
Dustin Lang
Pierre Laurent
David R. Law
Alexie Leauthaud
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Chen Li
Cheng Li
Niu Li
Ran Li
Fu-Heng Liang
Yu Liang
Marcos Lima
Lihwai Lin
Lin Lin
Yen-Ting Lin
Chao Liu
Dan Long
Sara Lucatello
Nicholas MacDonald
Chelsea L. MacLeod
J. Ted Mackereth
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio Antonio Geimba Maia
Roberto Maiolino
Steven R. Majewski
Olena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
NÃcolas Dullius Mallmann
Arturo Manchado
Claudia Maraston
Rui Marques-Chaves
Inma Martinez Valpuesta
Karen L. Masters
Savita Mathur
Ian D. McGreer
Andrea Merloni
Michael R. Merrifield
Szabolcs Meszáros
Andres Meza
Andrea Miglio
Ivan Minchev
Karan Molaverdikhani
Antonio D. Montero-Dorta
Benoit Mosser
Demitri Muna
Adam Myers
Preethi Nair
Kirpal Nandra
Melissa Ness
Jeffrey A. Newman
Robert C. Nichol
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Julia OâConnell
Audrey Oravetz
Daniel J. Oravetz
Zachary Pace
Nelson Padilla
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Kaike Pan
John Parejko
Isabelle Paris
Changbom Park
John A. Peacock
Sebastien Peirani
Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez
Samantha Penny
Will J. Percival
Jeffrey W. Percival
Ismael Perez-Fournon
Patrick Petitjean
Matthew Pieri
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Alice Pisani
Francisco Prada
Abhishek Prakash
Natalie Price-Jones
M. Jordan Raddick
Mubdi Rahman
Anand Raichoor
Sandro Barboza Rembold
A. M. Reyna
James Rich
Hannah Richstein
Jethro Ridl
Rogemar A. Riffel
Rogério Riffel
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
Constance M. Rockosi
Sergio RodrÃguez-Torres
ThaÃse S. Rodrigues
Natalie Roe
A. Roman Lopes
Carlos Román-Zúñiga
Ashley J. Ross
Graziano Rossi
John Ruan
Rossana Ruggeri
Jessie C. Runnoe
Salvador Salazar-Albornoz
Mara Salvato
Sebastian F. Sanchez
Ariel G. Sanchez
José R. Sanchez-Gallego
BasÃlio Xavier Santiago
Ricardo Schiavon
Jaderson S. Schimoia
Eddie Schlafly
David J. Schlegel
Donald P. Schneider
Ralph Schönrich
Mathias Schultheis
Axel Schwope
Hee-Jong Seo
Aldo Serenelli
Branimir Sesar
Zhengyi Shao
Matthew Shetrone
Michael Shull
Victor Silva Aguirre
M. F. Skrutskie
Anže Slosar
Michael Smith
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Garrett Somers
Diogo Souto
David V. Stark
Keivan G. Stassun
Matthias Steinmetz
Dennis Stello
Thaisa Storchi Bergmann
Michael A. Strauss
Alina Streblyanska
Guy S. Stringfellow
Genaro Suarez
Jing Sun
Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp
Baitian Tang
Charling Tao
Jamie Tayar
Mita Tembe
Daniel Thomas
Jeremy Tinker
Rita Tojeiro
Christy Tremonti
Nicholas Troup
Jonathan R. Trump
Eduardo Unda-Sanzana
O. Valenzuela
Remco Van den Bosch
Mariana Vargas-Magaña
Jose Alberto Vazquez
Sandro Villanova
M. Vivek
Nicole Vogt
David Wake
Rene Walterbos
Yuting Wang
Enci Wang
Benjamin Alan Weaver
Anne-Marie Weijmans
David H. Weinberg
Kyle B. Westfall
David G. Whelan
Eric Wilcots
Vivienne Wild
Rob A. Williams
John Wilson
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Dominika Wylezalek
Ting Xiao
Renbin Yan
Meng Yang
Jason E. Ybarra
Christophe Yeche
Fang-Ting Yuan
Nadia Zakamska
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski
Kai Zhang
Cheng Zhao
Gong-Bo Zhao
Zheng Zheng
Zheng Zheng
Zhi-Min Zhou
Guangtun Zhu
Joel C. Zinn,
Hu Zou
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
The Bulge Metallicity Distribution from the APOGEE Survey. (arXiv:1712.01297v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 12, Issue 49 - article #7
Ana E. Garcia Perez
Melissa Ness
Annie C. Robin
Inmaculada Martinez-Valpuesta
Jennifer Sobeck
Gail Zasowski
Steven R. Majewski
Jo Bovy
Carlos Allende Prieto
Katia Cunha
Léo Girardi
Szabolcs Mészáros
David Nidever
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Mathias Schultheis
Matthew Shetrone
Verne V. Smith
Disentangling the Galactic Halo with APOGEE: I. Chemical and Kinematical Investigation of Distinct Metal-Poor Populations. (arXiv:1711.05781v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 12, Issue 46 - article #1
Christian R. Hayes
Steven R. Majewski
Matthew Shetrone
Emma Fernández-Alvar
Carlos Allende Prieto
William J. Schuster
Leticia Carigi
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Andres Almeida
Timothy C. Beers
Ricardo Carrera
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
D. A. García-Hernández
Doug Geisler
Richard R. Lane
Sara Lucatello
Allison M. Matthews
Dante Minniti
Christian Nitschelm
Baitian Tang
Patricia B. Tissera
Olga Zamora
Disentangling the Galactic Halo with APOGEE: II. Chemical and Star Formation Histories for the Two Distinct Populations. (arXiv:1711.06225v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 12, Issue 46 - article #2
Emma Fernández-Alvar
Leticia Carigi
William J. Schuster
Christian R. Hayes
Nancy Ávila-Vergara
Steve R. Majewski
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Sebastián F. Sánchez
Olga Zamora
Domingo Aníbla García-Hernández
Baitian Tang
G. Fernández-Trincado
Patricia Tissera
Douglas Geisler
Sandro Villanova
APOGEE Chemical Abundances of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
Volume 12, Issue 34 - article #18
Sten Hasselquist
Matthew Shetrone
Verne Smith
Jon Holtzman
Andrew McWilliam
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
Timothy C. Beers
Steven R. Majewski
David L. Nidever
Baitian Tang
Patricia B. Tissera
Emma Fernández Alvar
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Borja Anguiano
Giuseppina Battaglia
Leticia Carigi
Gloria Delgado Inglada
Peter Frinchaboy
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Doug Geisler
Dante Minniti
Vinicius M. Placco
Mathias Schultheis
Jennifer Sobeck,
Sandro Villanova
The Astrophysical Journal
Atypical Mg-poor Milky Way Field Stars with Globular Cluster Second-generation-like Chemical Patterns
Volume 12, Issue 34 - article #20
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
O. Zamora
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Diogo Souto
F. DellâAgli
R. P. Schiavon
D. Geisler
B. Tang
S. Villanova
Sten Hasselquist
R. E. Mennickent
Katia Cunha
M. Shetrone
Carlos Allende Prieto
K. Vieira
G. Zasowski
J. Sobeck
C. R. Hayes
S. R. Majewski
V. M. Placco
T. C. Beers
D. R. G. Schleicher
A. C. Robin
Sz. Mészáros
T. Masseron
Ana E. GarcÃa Pérez
F. Anders
A. Meza
A. Alves-Brito
R. Carrera
D. Minniti
R. R. Lane
E. Fernández-Alvar
E. Moreno
B. Pichardo
A. Pérez-Villegas
M. Schultheis
A. Roman-Lopes
C. E. Fuentes
C. Nitschelm
P. Harding
D. Bizyaev
K. Pan
D. Oravetz
A. Simmons
Inese I. Ivans
S. Blanco-Cuaresma
J. Hernández
J. Alonso-GarcÃa
O. Valenzuela,
J. Chanamé
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)
Volume 12, Issue 33 - article #9
Steven R. Majewski
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Carlos Allende Prieto
Robert Barkhouser
Dmitry Bizyaev
Basil Blank
Sophia Brunner
Adam Burton
Ricardo Carrera
S. Drew Chojnowski
Kátia Cunha
Courtney Epstein
Greg Fitzgerald
Ana E. GarcÃa Pérez
Fred R. Hearty
Chuck Henderson
Jon A. Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Charles R. Lam
James E. Lawler
Paul Maseman
Szabolcs Mészáros
Matthew Nelson
Duy Coung Nguyen
David L. Nidever
Marc Pinsonneault
Matthew Shetrone
Stephen Smee
Verne V. Smith
Todd Stolberg
Michael F. Skrutskie
Eric Walker
John C. Wilson
Gail Zasowski
Friedrich Anders
Sarbani Basu
Stephane Beland
Michael R. Blanton
Jo Bovy
Joel R. Brownstein
Joleen Carlberg
William Chaplin
Cristina Chiappini
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Yvonne Elsworth
Diane Feuillet
Scott W. Fleming
Jessica Galbraith-Frew
Rafael A. GarcÃa
D. AnÃbal GarcÃa-Hernández
Bruce A. Gillespie
Léo Girardi
James E. Gunn
Sten Hasselquist
Michael R. Hayden
Saskia Hekker
Inese Ivans
Karen Kinemuchi
Mark Klaene
Suvrath Mahadevan
Savita Mathur
Benoît Mosser
Demitri Muna
Jeffrey A. Munn
Robert C. Nichol
Robert W. OâConnell
John K. Parejko
A. C. Robin
Helio Rocha-Pinto
Matthias Schultheis
Aldo M. Serenelli
Neville Shane
Victor Silva Aguirre
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Benjamin Thompson
Nicholas W. Troup
David H. Weinberg,
Olga Zamora
The Astronomical Journal
Adding the s-Process Element Cerium to the APOGEE Survey: Identification and Characterization of Ce ii Lines in the H-band Spectral Window
Volume 12, Issue 31 - article #12
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Sten Hasselquist
Diogo Souto
Matthew D. Shetrone
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Peter Frinchaboy
D. Anibal GarcÃa-Hernández
Jon Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Henrik JÅnsson
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
David Nidever
Mark Pinsonneault
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jennifer Sobeck
Michael F. Skrutskie
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski,
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
The Astrophysical Journal
APOGEE Chemical Abundances of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy. (arXiv:1707.03456v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 12, Issue 28 - article #2
Sten Hasselquist
Matthew Shetrone
Verne Smith
Jon Holtzman
Andrew McWilliam
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
Timothy C. Beers
Steven R. Majewski
David L. Nidever
Baitian Tang
Patricia B. Tissera
Emma Fernández Alvar
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Borja Anguiano
Giuseppina Battaglia
Leticia Carigi
Gloria Delgado Inglada
Peter Frinchaboy
D. A. García-Hernández
Doug Geisler
Dante Minniti
Vinicius M. Placco
Mathias Schultheis
Jennifer Sobeck
Sandro Villanova
Atypical Mg-poor Milky Way field stars with globular cluster second-generation like chemical patterns. (arXiv:1707.03108v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 12, Issue 28 - article #3
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
O. Zamora
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Diogo Souto
F. Dell'Agli
R. P. Schiavon
D. Geisler
B. Tang
S. Villanova
Sten Hasselquist
R. E. Mennickent
Katia Cunha
M. Shetrone
Carlos Allende Prieto
K. Vieira
G. Zasowski
J. Sobeck
C. R. Hayes
S. R. Majewski
V. M. Placco
T. C. Beers
D. R. G. Schleicher
A. C. Robin
Sz. Meszaros
T. Masseron
Ana E. Garcia Perez
F. Anders
A. Meza
A. Alves-Brito
R. Carrera
D. Minniti
R. R. Lane
E. Fernandez-Alvar
E. Moreno
B. Pichardo
A. Perez-Villegas
M. Schultheis
A. Roman-Lopes
C. E. Fuentes
C. Nitschelm
P. Harding
D. Bizyaev
K. Pan
D. Oravetz
A. Simmons
Inese I. Ivans
S. Blanco-Cuaresma
J. Hernandez
J. Alonso-Garcia
O. Valenzuela
J. Chaname
Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe
Volume 12, Issue 26 - article #8
Michael R. Blanton
Matthew A. Bershady
Bela Abolfathi
Franco D. Albareti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Javier Alonso-GarcÃa
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett Andrews
Erik Aquino-OrtÃz
Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca
Maria Argudo-Fernández
Eric Armengaud
Eric Aubourg
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Stephen Bailey
Kathleen A. Barger
Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros
Curtis Bartosz
Dominic Bates
Falk Baumgarten
Julian Bautista
Rachael Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Francesco Belfiore
Chad F. Bender
Andreas A. Berlind
Mariangela Bernardi
Florian Beutler
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael Blomqvist
Adam S. Bolton
Médéric Boquien
Jura Borissova
Remco van den Bosch
Jo Bovy
William N. Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
Adam J. Burgasser
Etienne Burtin
Nicolás G. Busca
Michele Cappellari
Maria Leticia Delgado Carigi
Joleen K. Carlberg
Aurelio Carnero Rosell
Ricardo Carrera
Nancy J. Chanover
Brian Cherinka
Edmond Cheung
Yilen Gómez Maqueo Chew
Cristina Chiappini
Peter Doohyun Choi
Drew Chojnowski
Chia-Hsun Chuang
Haeun Chung
Rafael Fernando Cirolini
Nicolas Clerc
Roger E. Cohen
Johan Comparat
Luiz da Costa
Marie-Claude Cousinou
Kevin Covey
Jeffrey D. Crane
Rupert A. C. Croft
Irene Cruz-Gonzalez
Daniel Garrido Cuadra
Katia Cunha
Guillermo J. Damke
Jeremy Darling
Roger Davies
Kyle Dawson
Axel de la Macorra
Flavia DellâAgli
Nathan De Lee
Timothée Delubac
Francesco Di Mille
Aleks Diamond-Stanic
Mariana Cano-DÃaz
John Donor
Juan José Downes
Niv Drory
Hélion du Mas des Bourboux
Christopher J. Duckworth
Tom Dwelly
Jamie Dyer
Garrett Ebelke
Arthur D. Eigenbrot
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Eric Emsellem
Mike Eracleous
Stephanie Escoffier
Michael L. Evans
Xiaohui Fan
Emma Fernández-Alvar
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
Diane K. Feuillet
Alexis Finoguenov
Scott W. Fleming
Andreu Font-Ribera
Alexander Fredrickson
Gordon Freischlad
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Carla E. Fuentes
LluÃs Galbany
R. Garcia-Dias
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Patrick Gaulme
Doug Geisler
Joseph D. Gelfand
Héctor Gil-MarÃn
Bruce A. Gillespie
Daniel Goddard
Violeta Gonzalez-Perez
Kathleen Grabowski
Paul J. Green
Catherine J. Grier
James E. Gunn
Hong Guo
Julien Guy
Alex Hagen
ChangHoon Hahn
Matthew Hall
Paul Harding
Sten Hasselquist
Suzanne L. Hawley
Fred Hearty
Jonay I. Gonzalez Hernández
Shirley Ho
David W. Hogg
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann
Jon A. Holtzman
Parker H. Holzer
Joseph Huehnerhoff
Timothy A. Hutchinson
Ho Seong Hwang
Héctor J. Ibarra-Medel
Gabriele da Silva Ilha
Inese I. Ivans
KeShawn Ivory
Kelly Jackson
Trey W. Jensen
Jennifer A. Johnson
Amy Jones
Henrik Jönsson
Eric Jullo
Vikrant Kamble
Karen Kinemuchi
David Kirkby
Francisco-Shu Kitaura
Mark Klaene
Gillian R. Knapp
Jean-Paul Kneib
Juna A. Kollmeier
Ivan Lacerna
Richard R. Lane
Dustin Lang
David R. Law
Daniel Lazarz
Youngbae Lee
Jean-Marc Le Goff
Fu-Heng Liang
Cheng Li
Hongyu Li
Jianhui Lian
Marcos Lima
Lihwai Lin
Yen-Ting Lin
Sara Bertran de Lis
Chao Liu
Miguel Angel C. de Icaza Lizaola
Dan Long
Sara Lucatello
Britt Lundgren
Nicholas K. MacDonald
Alice Deconto Machado
Chelsea L. MacLeod
Suvrath Mahadevan
Marcio Antonio Geimba Maia
Roberto Maiolino
Steven R. Majewski
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Arturo Manchado
Shude Mao
Claudia Maraston
Rui Marques-Chaves
Thomas Masseron
Karen L. Masters
Cameron K. McBride
Richard M. McDermid
Brianne McGrath
Ian D. McGreer
Nicolás Medina Peña
Matthew Melendez
Andrea Merloni
Michael R. Merrifield
Szabolcs Meszaros
Andres Meza
Ivan Minchev
Dante Minniti
Takamitsu Miyaji
Surhud More
John Mulchaey
Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Demitri Muna
Ricardo R. Munoz
Adam D. Myers
Preethi Nair
Kirpal Nandra
Janaina Correa do Nascimento
Alenka Negrete
Melissa Ness
Jeffrey A. Newman
Robert C. Nichol
David L. Nidever
Christian Nitschelm
Pierros Ntelis
Julia E. OâConnell
Ryan J. Oelkers
Audrey Oravetz
Daniel Oravetz
Zach Pace
Nelson Padilla
Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille
Pedro Alonso Palicio
Kaike Pan
John K. Parejko
Taniya Parikh
Isabelle Pâris
Changbom Park
Alim Y. Patten
Sebastien Peirani
Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez
Samantha Penny
Will J. Percival
Ismael Perez-Fournon
Patrick Petitjean
Matthew M. Pieri
Marc Pinsonneault
Alice Pisani
RadosÅaw Poleski
Francisco Prada
Abhishek Prakash
Anna Bárbara de Andrade Queiroz
M. Jordan Raddick
Anand Raichoor
Sandro Barboza Rembold
Hannah Richstein
Rogemar A. Riffel
Rogério Riffel
Hans-Walter Rix
Annie C. Robin
Constance M. Rockosi
Sergio RodrÃguez-Torres
A. Roman-Lopes
Carlos Román-Zúñiga
Margarita Rosado
Ashley J. Ross
Graziano Rossi
John Ruan
Rossana Ruggeri
Eli S. Rykoff
Salvador Salazar-Albornoz
Mara Salvato
Ariel G. Sánchez
D. S. Aguado
José R. Sánchez-Gallego
Felipe A. Santana
BasÃlio Xavier Santiago
Conor Sayres
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jaderson da Silva Schimoia
Edward F. Schlafly
David J. Schlegel
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
William J. Schuster
Axel Schwope
Hee-Jong Seo
Zhengyi Shao
Shiyin Shen
Matthew Shetrone
Michael Shull
Joshua D. Simon
Danielle Skinner
M. F. Skrutskie
Anže Slosar
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Flavia Sobreira
Garrett Somers
Diogo Souto
David V. Stark
Keivan Stassun
Fritz Stauffer
Matthias Steinmetz
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann
Alina Streblyanska
Guy S. Stringfellow
Genaro Suárez
Jing Sun
Nao Suzuki
Laszlo Szigeti
Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp
Baitian Tang
Charling Tao
Jamie Tayar
Mita Tembe
Johanna Teske
Aniruddha R. Thakar
Daniel Thomas
Benjamin A. Thompson
Jeremy L. Tinker
Patricia Tissera
Rita Tojeiro
Hector Hernandez Toledo
Sylvain de la Torre
Christy Tremonti
Nicholas W. Troup
Octavio Valenzuela
Inma Martinez Valpuesta
Jaime Vargas-González
Mariana Vargas-Magaña
Jose Alberto Vazquez
Sandro Villanova
M. Vivek
Nicole Vogt
David Wake
Rene Walterbos
Yuting Wang
Benjamin Alan Weaver
Anne-Marie Weijmans
David H. Weinberg
Kyle B. Westfall
David G. Whelan
Vivienne Wild
John Wilson
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Dominika Wylezalek
Ting Xiao
Renbin Yan
Meng Yang
Jason E. Ybarra
Christophe Yèche
Nadia Zakamska
Olga Zamora
Pauline Zarrouk
Gail Zasowski
Kai Zhang
Gong-Bo Zhao
Zheng Zheng
Zheng Zheng
Xu Zhou
Zhi-Min Zhou
Guangtun B. Zhu
Manuela Zoccali,
Hu Zou
The Astronomical Journal
The Pristine survey I: Mining the Galaxy for the most metal-poor stars. (arXiv:1705.01113v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 12, Issue 18 - article #10
Else Starkenburg
Nicolas Martin
Kris Youakim
David S. Aguado
Carlos Allende Prieto
Anke Arentsen
Edouard J. Bernard
Piercarlo Bonifacio
Elisabetta Caffau
Raymond G. Carlberg
Patrick Cote
Morgan Fouesneau
Patrick Francois
Oliver Franke
Jonay I. Gonzalez Hernandez
Stephen D. J. Gwyn
Vanessa Hill
Rodrigo A. Ibata
Pascale Jablonka
Nicolas Longeard
Alan W. McConnachie
Julio F. Navarro
Ruben Sanchez-Janssen
Eline Tolstoy
Kim A. Venn
The Correlation between Mixing Length and Metallicity on the Giant Branch: Implications for Ages in the Gaia Era
Volume 12, Issue 18 - article #14
Jamie Tayar
Garrett Somers
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Dennis Stello
Alexey Mints
Jennifer A. Johnson
O. Zamora
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Claudia Maraston
Aldo Serenelli
Carlos Allende Prieto
Fabienne A. Bastien
Sarbani Basu
J. C. Bird
R. E. Cohen
Katia Cunha
Yvonne Elsworth
Rafael A. GarcÃa
Leo Girardi
Saskia Hekker
Jon Holtzman
Daniel Huber
Savita Mathur
Szabolcs Mészáros
B. Mosser
Matthew Shetrone
Victor Silva Aguirre
Keivan Stassun
Guy S. Stringfellow
Gail Zasowski,
A. Roman-Lopes
The Astrophysical Journal
Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies and the Distant Universe. (arXiv:1703.00052v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 12, Issue 9 - article #8
Michael R. Blanton
Matthew A. Bershady
Bela Abolfathi
Franco D. Albareti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Javier Alonso-García
Friedrich Anders
Scott F. Anderson
Brett Andrews
Erik Aquino-Ortíz
Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca
Maria Argudo-Fernández
Eric Armengaud
Eric Aubourg
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Stephen Bailey
Kathleen A. Barger
Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros
Curtis Bartosz
Dominic Bates
Falk Baumgarten
Julian Bautista
Rachael Beaton
Timothy C. Beers
Francesco Belfiore
Chad F. Bender
Andreas A. Berlind
Mariangela Bernardi
Florian Beutler
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael Blomqvist
Adam S. Bolton
Médéric Boquien
Jura Borissova
Remco van den Bosch
Jo Bovy
William N. Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
et al.
(311 additional authors not shown)
The rotation-metallicity relation for the Galactic disk as measured in the Gaia DR1 TGAS and APOGEE data
Volume 11, Issue 50 - article #11
Carlos Allende Prieto
Daisuke Kawata
Mark Cropper
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Identification of Neodymium in the Apogee H-Band Spectra
Volume 11, Issue 50 - article #17
Sten Hasselquist
Matthew Shetrone
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Jon Holtzman
J. E. Lawler
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Drew Chojnowski
J. G. Fernández-Trincado
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Fred R. Hearty
Steven R. Majewski
C. B. Pereira
Vinicius M. Placco
Sandro Villanova,
Olga Zamora
The Astrophysical Journal
APOGEE Chemical Abundances of Globular Cluster Giants in the Inner Galaxy. (arXiv:1611.03086v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 11, Issue 46 - article #2
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Jennifer A. Johnson
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Gail Zasowski
Szabolcs Meszaros
D. A. Garcia-Hernandez
Roger E. Cohen
Baitian Tang
Sandro Villanova
Douglas Geisler
Timothy C. Beers
J. G. Fernandez-Trincado
Ana E. Garcia Perez
Sara Lucatello
Steven R. Majewski
Sarah L. Martell
Robert W. O'Connell
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Richard R. Lane
Elena Malanushenko
Viktor Malanushenko
Ricardo R. Munoz
Christian Nitschelm
Daniel Oravetz
Kaike Pan
Alexandre Roman-Lopes
Matthias Schultheis
Audrey Simmons
The DESI Experiment Part I: Science,Targeting, and Survey Design. (arXiv:1611.00036v1 [astro-ph.IM])
Volume 11, Issue 45 - article #10
DESI Collaboration: Amir Aghamousa
Jessica Aguilar
Steve Ahlen
Shadab Alam
Lori E. Allen
Carlos Allende Prieto
James Annis
Stephen Bailey
Christophe Balland
Otger Ballester
Charles Baltay
Lucas Beaufore
Chris Bebek
Timothy C. Beers
Eric F. Bell
Luis Bernal
Robert Besuner
Florian Beutler
Chris Blake
Hannes Bleuler
Michael Blomqvist
Robert Blum
Adam S. Bolton
Cesar Briceno
Elizabeth Buckley-Geer
Angela Burden
Etienne Burtin
Nicolas G. Busca
Robert N. Cahn
Yan-Chuan Cai
Raymond G. Carlberg
Pierre-Henri Carton
Ricard Casas
Francisco J. Castander
Todd M. Claybaugh
Madeline Close
Carl T. Coker
Shaun Cole
Andrew P. Cooper
M.-C. Cousinou
Martin Crocce
Jean-Gabriel Cuby
Daniel P. Cunningham
Tamara Davis
Kyle S. Dawson
Axel de la Macorra
Juan De Vicente
et al.
(215 additional authors not shown)
The DESI Experiment Part II: Instrument Design. (arXiv:1611.00037v1 [astro-ph.IM])
Volume 11, Issue 45 - article #11
DESI Collaboration: Amir Aghamousa
Jessica Aguilar
Steve Ahlen
Shadab Alam
Lori E. Allen
Carlos Allende Prieto
James Annis
Stephen Bailey
Christophe Balland
Otger Ballester
Charles Baltay
Lucas Beaufore
Chris Bebek
Timothy C. Beers
Eric F. Bell
Luis Bernal
Robert Besuner
Florian Beutler
Chris Blake
Hannes Bleuler
Michael Blomqvist
Robert Blum
Adam S. Bolton
Cesar Briceno
Elizabeth Buckley-Geer
Angela Burden
Etienne Burtin
Nicolas G. Busca
Robert N. Cahn
Yan-Chuan Cai
Raymond G. Carlberg
Pierre-Henri Carton
Ricard Casas
Francisco J. Castander
Todd M. Claybaugh
Madeline Close
Carl T. Coker
Shaun Cole
Andrew P. Cooper
M.-C. Cousinou
Martin Crocce
Jean-Gabriel Cuby
Daniel P. Cunningham
Tamara Davis
Kyle S. Dawson
Axel de la Macorra
Juan De Vicente
et al.
(215 additional authors not shown)
The Thirteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey MApping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory. (arXiv:1608.02013v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 11, Issue 33 - article #9
SDSS Collaboration: Franco D. Albareti
Carlos Allende Prieto
Andres Almeida
Friedrich Anders
Scott Anderson
Brett H. Andrews
Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca
Maria Argudo-Fernandez
Eric Armengaud
Eric Aubourg
Vladimir Avila-Reese
Carles Badenes
Stephen Bailey
Beatriz Barbuy
Kat Barger
Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros
Curtis Bartosz
Sarbani Basu
Dominic Bates
Giuseppina Battaglia
Falk Baumgarten
Julien Baur
Julian Bautista
Timothy C. Beers
Francesco Belfiore
Matthew Bershady
Sara Bertran de Lis
Jonathan C. Bird
Dmitry Bizyaev
Guillermo A. Blanc
Michael Blanton
Michael Blomqvist
Adam S. Bolton
J. Borissova
Jo Bovy
William Nielsen Brandt
Jonathan Brinkmann
Joel R. Brownstein
Kevin Bundy
Etienne Burtin
Nicolas G. Busca
Hugo Orlando Camacho Chavez
M. Cano Diaz
Michele Cappellari
et al.
(294 additional authors not shown)
Chemical Tagging in the SDSS-III/APOGEE Survey: New Identifications of Halo Stars with Globular Cluster Origins
Volume 11, Issue 29 - article #6
Sarah L. Martell
Matthew D. Shetrone
Sara Lucatello
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Szabolcs Mészáros
Carlos Allende Prieto
D. A. GarcÃa Hernández
Timothy C. Beers,
David L Nidever
The Astrophysical Journal
Chemical tagging with APOGEE: Discovery of a large population of N-rich stars in the inner Galaxy. (arXiv:1606.05651v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 11, Issue 26 - article #3
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Olga Zamora
Ricardo Carrera
Sara Lucatello
A.C. Robin
Melissa Ness
Sarah L. Martell
Verne V. Smith
D. A. Garcia Hernandez
Arturo Manchado
Ralph Schoenrich
Nate Bastian
Cristina Chiappini
Matthew Shetrone
J. Ted Mackereth
Rob A. Williams
Szabolcs Meszaros
Carlos Allende Prieto
Friedrich Anders
Dmitry Bizyaev
Timothy C. Beers
S. Drew Chojnowski
Katia Cunha
Courtney Epstein
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Ana E. Garcia Perez
Fred R. Hearty
Jon A. Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Karen Kinemuchi
Steven R. Majewski
Demitri Muna
David L. Nidever
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Robert W. O'Connell
Daniel Oravetz
Kaike Pan
Marc Pinsonneault
Donald P. Schneider
Matthias Schultheis
Audrey Simmons
Michael F. Skrutskie
Jennifer Sobeck
John C. Wilson
Gail Zasowski
ASPCAP: The APOGEE Stellar Parameter and Chemical Abundances Pipeline
Volume 11, Issue 22 - article #3
Ana E. GarcÃa Pérez
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jon A. Holtzman
Matthew Shetrone
Szabolcs Mészáros
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Katia Cunha
D. A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Jennifer A. Johnson
Steven R. Majewski
David L. Nidever
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Neville Shane
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Nicholas Troup
Olga Zamora
David H. Weinberg
Jo Bovy
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Diane Feuillet
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Michael R. Hayden
Fred R. Hearty
Duy C. Nguyen
Robert W. OâConnell
Marc H. Pinsonneault
John C. Wilson
Gail Zasowski
The Astronomical Journal
Automated Pipelines for Spectroscopic Analysis
Volume 11, Issue 6 - article #2
Carlos Allende Prieto - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 5 Feb
Solar and Stellar Photospheric Abundances
Volume 11, Issue 6 - article #7
Carlos Allende Prieto - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 5 Feb
Chemical abundance gradients from open clusters in the Milky Way disk: results from the APOGEE survey
Volume 11, Issue 3 - article #3
Katia Cunha
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Diogo Souto
Benjamin Thompson
Gail Zasowski
Carlos Allende Prieto
Ricardo Carrera
Cristina Chiappini
John Donor
Anibal Garcia-Hernandez
Ana Elia Garcia Perez
Michael R. Hayden
Jon Holtzman
Kelly M. Jackson
Jennifer A. Johnson
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Meszaros
Brianne Meyer
David L. Nidever
Julia O'Connell
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Mathias Schultheis
Matthew Shetrone
Audrey Simmons
Verne V. Smith
Olga Zamora - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 15 Jan
ASPCAP: The Apogee Stellar Parameter and Chemical Abundances Pipeline
Volume 10, Issue 40 - article #3
Ana E. García Pérez
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jon A. Holtzman
Matthew Shetrone
Szabolcs Mészáros
Dmitry Bizyaev
Ricardo Carrera
Katia Cunha
D. A. García-Hernández
Jennifer A. Johnson
Steven R. Majewski
David L. Nidever
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Neville Shane
Verne V. Smith
Jennifer Sobeck
Nicholas Troup
Olga Zamora
Jo Bovy
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Diane Feuillet
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Michael R. Hayden
Fred R. Hearty
Duy C. Nguyen
Robert W. O'Connell
Marc H. Pinsonneault
David H. Weinberg
John C. Wilson
Gail Zasowski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 30 Oct
The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE)
Volume 10, Issue 35 - article #5
Steven R. Majewski
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Carlos Allende Prieto
Robert Barkhouser
Dmitry Bizyaev
Basil Blank
Sophia Brunner
Adam Burton
Ricardo Carrera
S. Drew Chojnowski
Katia Cunha
Courtney Epstein
Greg Fitzgerald
Ana E. Garcia Perez
Fred R. Hearty
Chuck Henderson
Jon A. Holtzman
Jennifer A. Johnson
Charles R. Lam
James E. Lawler
Paul Maseman
Szabolcs Meszaros
Matthew Nelson
Duy Coung Nguyen
David L. Nidever
Marc Pinsonneault
Matthew Shetrone
Stephen Smee
Verne V. Smith
Todd Stolberg
Michael F. Skrutskie
Eric Walker
John C. Wilson
Gail Zasowski
Friedrich Anders
Sarbani Basu
Stephane Beland
Michael R. Blanton
Jo Bovy
Joel R. Brownstein
Joleen Carlberg
William Chaplin
Cristina Chiappini
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Yvonne Elsworth
Diane Feuillet
et al.
(31 additional authors not shown) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 25 Sep
Exploring Anticorrelations and Light Element Variations in Northern Globular Clusters Observed by the APOGEE Survey
Volume 10, Issue 18 - article #21
Szabolcs Mészáros
Sarah L. Martell
Matthew Shetrone
Sara Lucatello
Nicholas W. Troup
Jo Bovy
Katia Cunha
Domingo A. GarcÃa-Hernández
Jamie C. Overbeek
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Ana E. GarcÃa Pérez
Fred R. Hearty
Jon Holtzman
Steven R. Majewski
David L. Nidever
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Verne V. Smith
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 149, Issue: 5
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The APOGEE Spectroscopic Survey of
Planet Hosts: Feasibility, Efficiency, and First Results
Volume 10, Issue 14 - article #17
Scott W. Fleming
Suvrath Mahadevan
Rohit Deshpande
Chad F. Bender
Ryan C. Terrien
Robert C. Marchwinski
Ji Wang
Arpita Roy
Keivan G. Stassun
Carlos Allende Prieto
Katia Cunha
Verne V. Smith
Eric Agol
Hasan Ak
Fabienne A. Bastien
Dmitry Bizyaev
Justin R. Crepp
Eric B. Ford
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Domingo AnÃbal GarcÃa-Hernández
Ana Elia GarcÃa Pérez
B. Scott Gaudi
Jian Ge
Fred Hearty
Bo Ma
Steve R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
David L. Nidever
Kaike Pan
Joshua Pepper
Marc H. Pinsonneault
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
John C. Wilson
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 149, Issue: 4
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The Puzzling Li-rich Red Giant Associated with NGC 6819
Volume 10, Issue 13 - article #18
Joleen K. Carlberg
Verne V. Smith
Katia Cunha
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
Matthew Shetrone
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Keivan G. Stassun
Scott W. Fleming
Gail Zasowski
Fred Hearty
David L. Nidever
Donald P. Schneider
Jon A. Holtzman
Peter M. Frinchaboy
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 802, Issue: 1
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Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Metallicity Distribution Functions and the Chemical Structure of the Milky Way Disk
Volume 10, Issue 10 - article #3
Michael R. Hayden
Jo Bovy
Jon A. Holtzman
David L. Nidever
Jonathan C. Bird
David H. Weinberg
Brett H. Andrews
Carlos Allende Prieto
Friedrich Anders
Timothy C. Beers
Dmitry Bizyaev
Cristina Chiappini
Katia Cunha
Peter Frinchaboy
Domingo A. García-Herńandez
Ana E. García Pérez
Léo Girardi
Paul Harding
Fred R. Hearty
Jennifer A. Johnson
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Mészáros
Ivan Minchev
Robert O'Connell
Kaike Pan
Annie C.Robin
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
Mathias Schultheis
Matthew Shetrone
Michael Skrutskie
Matthias Steinmetz
Verne Smith
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 13 Mar
The APOGEE Spectral Line List for H band Spectroscopy
Volume 10, Issue 7 - article #5
Matthew Shetrone
Dmitry Bizyaev
James Lawler
Carlos Allende Prieto
Jennifer A. Johnson
Verne Smith
Katia Cunha
Jon Holtzman
Ana Garcia Perez
Szabolcs Meszaros
Jennifer Sobeck
Olga Zamora
Anibal Garcia-Hernandez
Diogo Souto
Drew Chojnowski
Lars Koesterke
Steven Majewski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 20 Feb
Abundances, Stellar Parameters, and Spectra From the SDSS-III/APOGEE Survey
Volume 10, Issue 3 - article #2
Jon A. Holtzman
Matthew Shetrone
Jennifer A. Johnson
Carlos Allende Prieto
Friedrich Anders
Brett Andrews
Timothy C. Beers
Dmitry Bizyaev
Michael R. Blanton
Jo Bovy
Ricardo Carrera
Katia Cunha
Daniel J. Eisenstein
Diane Feuillet
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Jessica Galbraith-Frew
Ana E. Garcia Perez
D. Anibal Garcia Hernandez
Sten Hasselquist
Michael R. Hayden
Fred R. Hearty
Inese Ivans
Steven R. Majewski
Sarah Martell
Szabolcs Meszaros
Demitri Muna
David L. Nidever
Duy Cuong Nguyen
Robert W. O'Connell
Kaike Pan
Marc Pinsonneault
Annie C. Robin
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Neville Shane
Jennifer Sobeck
Verne V. Smith
Nicholas Troup
David H. Weinberg
John C. Wilson
W. M. Wood-Vasey
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 23 Jan
Exploring Anticorrelations and Light Element Variations in Northern Globular Clusters Observed by the APOGEE Survey
Volume 10, Issue 3 - article #3
Szabolcs Meszaros
Sarah L. Martell
Matthew Shetrone
Sara Lucatello
Nicholas W. Troup
Jo Bovy
Katia Cunha
Domingo A. Garcia-Hernandez
Jamie C. Overbeek
Carlos Allende Prieto
Timothy C. Beers
Peter M. Frinchaboy
Ana E. Garcia Perez
Fred R. Hearty
Jon Holtzman
Steven R. Majewski
David L. Nidever
Ricardo P. Schiavon
Donald P. Schneider
Jennifer S. Sobeck
Verne V. Smith
Olga Zamora
Gail Zasowski - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 23 Jan
The Puzzling Li-rich Red Giant Associated with NGC 6819
Volume 10, Issue 3 - article #9
Joleen K. Carlberg
Verne V. Smith
Katia Cunha
Steven R. Majewski
Szabolcs Meszaros
Matthew Shetrone
Carlos Allende Prieto
Dmitry Bizyaev
Keivan G. Stassun
Scott W. Fleming
Gail Zasowski
Fred Hearty
David L. Nidever
Donald P. Schneider
Jon A. Holtzman
Peter M. Frinchaboy - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 23 Jan
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