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Timothy Beers
, University of Notre Dame
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Results 1 - 49 of 49
An ‘alien’ called the Oosterhoff dichotomy?
Volume 19, Issue 43 - article #7
E. Luongo
V. Ripepi
M. Marconi
Z. Prudil
M. Rejkuba
G. Clementini
G. Longo
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Cepheid metallicity in the Leavitt law (C-MetaLL) survey -- III. Simultaneous derivation of the Gaia parallax offset and Period-Luminosity-Metallicity coefficients. (arXiv:2302.03455v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 18, Issue 6 - article #1
R. Molinaro
V. Ripepi
M. Marconi
M. Romaniello
G. Catanzaro
F. Cusano
G. De Somma
I. Musella
J. Storm
E. Trentin
CUBES: a UV spectrograph for the future. (arXiv:2212.12791v1 [astro-ph.IM])
Volume 17, Issue 51 - article #1
S. Covino
S. Cristiani
J. M. Alcala'
S. H. P. Alencar
S. A. Balashev
B. Barbuy
N. Bastian
U. Battino
L. Bissell
P. Bristow
A. Calcines
G. Calderone
P. Cambianica
R. Carini
B. Carter
S. Cassisi
B. V. Castilho
G. Cescutti
N. Christlieb
R. Cirami
R. Conzelmann
I. Coretti
R. Cooke
G. Cremonese
K. Cunha
G. Cupani
A.R. da Silva
D. D'Auria
V. De Caprio
A. De Cia
H. Dekker
V. D'Elia
G. De Silva
M. Diaz
P. Di Marcantonio
V. D'Odorico
H. Ernandes
C. Evans
A. Fitzsimmons
M. Franchini
B. Gaensicke
M. Genoni
R. E. Giribaldi
C. Gneiding
A. Grazian
C. J. Hansen
J. Hopgood
J. Kosmalski
F. La Forgia
P. La Penna
M. Landoni
M. Lazzarin
D. Lunney
W. Maciel
W. Marcolino
M. Marconi
A. Migliorini
C. Miller
A. Modigliani
P. Noterdaeme
et al.
(29 additional authors not shown)
Gaia DR3: Specific processing and validation of all-sky RR Lyrae and Cepheid stars -- The RR Lyrae sample. (arXiv:2206.06278v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 17, Issue 24 - article #12
G. Clementini
V. Ripepi
A. Garofalo
R. Molinaro
T. Muraveva
S. Leccia
L. Rimoldini
B. Holl
G. Jevardat de Fombelle
P. Sartoretti
O. Marchal
M. Audard
K. Nienartowicz
R. Andrae
M. Marconi
L. Szabados
D. W. Evans
I. Lecoeur-Taibi
N. Mowlavi
I. Musella
L. Eyer
On the Metamorphosis of the Bailey Diagram for RR Lyrae Stars
Volume 15, Issue 24 - article #28
G. Bono
V. F. Braga
J. Crestani
M. Fabrizio
C. Sneden
M. Marconi
G. W. Preston
J. P. Mullen
C. K. Gilligan
G. Fiorentino
A. Pietrinferni
G. Altavilla
R. Buonanno
B. Chaboyer
R. da Silva
M. DallâOra
S. DeglâInnocenti
E. Di Carlo
I. Ferraro
E. K. Grebel
G. Iannicola
L. Inno
V. Kovtyukh
A. Kunder
B. Lemasle
M. Marengo
S. Marinoni
P. M. Marrese
C. E. MartÃnez-Vázquez
N. Matsunaga
M. Monelli
J. Neeley
M. Nonino
P. G. Prada Moroni
Z. Prudil
P. B. Stetson
F. Thévenin
E. Tognelli
E. Valenti,
A. R. Walker
The Astrophysical Journal Letters
On a New Method to Estimate the Distance, Reddening, and Metallicity of RR Lyrae Stars Using Optical/Near-infrared ( B, V, I, J, H, K ) Mean Magnitudes: ω Centauri as a First Test Case
Volume 14, Issue 3 - article #14
G. Bono
G. Iannicola
V. F. Braga
I. Ferraro
P. B. Stetson
D. Magurno
N. Matsunaga
R. L. Beaton
R. Buonanno
B. Chaboyer
M. DallâOra
M. Fabrizio
G. Fiorentino
W. L. Freedman
C. K. Gilligan
B. F. Madore
M. Marconi
M. Marengo
S. Marinoni
P. M. Marrese
C. E. Martinez-Vazquez
M. Mateo
M. Monelli
J. R. Neeley
M. Nonino
C. Sneden
F. Thevenin
E. Valenti,
A. R. Walker
The Astrophysical Journal
On a new method to estimate distance, reddening and metallicity of RR Lyrae stars using optical/near-infrared ($B$,$V$,$I$,$J$,$H$,$K$) mean magnitudes: $omega$ Centauri as a first test case. (arXiv:1811.07069v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 13, Issue 47 - article #2
G. Bono
(1, 2),
G. Iannicola
V.F. Braga
(3, 4),
I. Ferraro
P.B. Stetson
D. Magurno
N. Matsunaga
R.L. Beaton
R. Buonanno
B. Chaboyer
M. Dall'Ora
M. Fabrizio
(2, 11),
G. Fiorentino
W.L. Freedman
C.K. Gilligan
B.F. Madore
M. Marconi
M. Marengo
S. Marinoni
(2, 11),
P. Marrese
(2, 11),
C.E. Martinez-Vazquez
M. Mateo
M. Monelli
(17, 18),
J.R. Neeley
M. Nonino
C. Sneden
F. Thevenin
E. Valenti
A.R. Walker
((1) Department of Physics, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy,
(2) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy,
(3) Instituto Milenio de Astrofisica, Santiago, Chile,
(4) Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile,
(5) NRC-Herzberg, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria BC, Canada,
(6) Kiso Observatory, Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Nagano Japan,
(7) The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, Pasadena, CA, USA,
(8) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo, Teramo, Italy,
(9) Department of Physics, Astronomy, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA,
(10) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli, Italy,
(11) SSDC, Roma, Italy,
(12) INAF-Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, Bologna, Italy,
(13) Department of Astronomy, Astrophysics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA,
(14) Department of Physics, Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA,
(15) Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, La Serena, Chile,
(16) Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA,
(17) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain,
(18) Departamento de Astrofisica, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain,
(19) Department of Physics, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA,
(20) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Trieste, Italy,
(21) Department of Astronomy, McDonald Observatory, The University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA,
(22) Universite de Nice Sophia-antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Laboratoire Lagrange, Nice, France,
(23) European Southern Observatory, Garching bei Munchen, Germany)
On the Impact of Helium Content on the RR Lyrae Distance Scale. (arXiv:1808.07348v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 13, Issue 34 - article #2
M. Marconi
G. Bono
A. Pietrinferni
V.F. Braga
M. Castellani
R.F. Stellingwerf
Impact of distance determinations on Galactic structure. II. Old tracers. (arXiv:1806.07487v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 13, Issue 25 - article #3
A. Kunder
E. Valenti
M. Dall'Ora
P. Pietrukowicz
C. Sneden
G. Bono
V.F. Braga
I. Ferraro
G. Fiorentino
G. Iannicola
M. Marconi
C. E. Martinez-Vazquez
M. Monelli
I. Musella
V. Ripepi
M. Salaris
P.B. Stetson
Gaia Data Release 2: Specific characterisation and validation of all-sky Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars. (arXiv:1805.02079v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 13, Issue 19 - article #4
G. Clementini
V. Ripepi
R. Molinaro
A. Garofalo
T. Muraveva
L. Rimoldini
L. P. Guy
G. Jevardat de Fombelle
K. Nienartowicz
M. Audard
B. Holl
S. Leccia
M. Marconi
I. Musella
N. Mowlavi
I. Lecoeur-Taibi
L. Eyer
J. De Ridder
S. Regibo
L. M. Sarro
L. Szabados
D. W. Evans
M. Riello
The VMC survey XXXI. Stellar proper motions in the central parts of the Small Magellanic Cloud. (arXiv:1804.04689v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 13, Issue 16 - article #16
F. Niederhofer
M.-R. L. Cioni
S. Rubele
T. Schmidt
K. Bekki
R. de Grijs
J. Emerson
V. D. Ivanov
M. Marconi
J. M. Oliveira
M. G. Petr-Gotzens
V. Ripepi
J. Th. van Loon
S. Zaggia
On the RR Lyrae Stars in Globulars. V. The Complete Near-infrared ( JHK s ) Census of ω Centauri RR Lyrae Variables
Volume 13, Issue 10 - article #10
V. F. Braga
P. B. Stetson
G. Bono
M. DallâOra
I. Ferraro
G. Fiorentino
G. Iannicola
M. Marconi
M. Marengo
A. J. Monson
J. Neeley
S. E. Persson
R. L. Beaton
R. Buonanno
A. Calamida
M. Castellani
E. Di Carlo
M. Fabrizio
W. L. Freedman
L. Inno
B. F. Madore
D. Magurno
E. Marchetti
S. Marinoni
P. Marrese
N. Matsunaga
D. Minniti
M. Monelli
M. Nonino
A. M. Piersimoni
A. Pietrinferni
P. Prada-Moroni
L. Pulone
R. Stellingwerf
E. Tognelli
A. R. Walker
E. Valenti,
M. Zoccali
The Astronomical Journal
On the RR Lyrae stars in globulars: V. the complete Near-Infrared (JHKs) census of omega Centauri RR Lyrae variables. (arXiv:1802.03578v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 13, Issue 7 - article #7
V. F. Braga
(1, 2, 3, 4),
P. B. Stetson
G. Bono
(3, 6),
M. Dall'Ora
I. Ferraro
G. Fiorentino
G. Iannicola
M. Marconi
M. Marengo
A. J. Monson
J. Neeley
S. E. Persson
R. L. Beaton
R. Buonanno
(3, 11),
A. Calamida
M. Castellani
E. Di Carlo
M. Fabrizio
W. L. Freedman
L. Inno
B. F. Madore
D. Magurno
E. Marchetti
S. Marinoni
P. Marrese
N. Matsunaga
D. Minniti
(1, 2, 17),
M. Monelli
M. Nonino
A. M. Piersimoni
A. Pietrinferni
P. Prada-Moroni
(20, 21),
L. Pulone
R. Stellingwerf
E. Tognelli
(20, 21),
A. R. Walker
E. Valenti
M. Zoccali
(1, 24)
((1) Instituto Milenio de Astrofisica, Santiago, Chile,
(2) Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile,
(3) Department of Physics, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy,
(4) SSDC, Roma, Italy,
(5) NRC-Herzberg, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, Canada,
(6) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy,
(7) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli, Italy,
(8) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Bologna, Italy,
(9) Department of Physics, Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA,
(10) The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science, Pasadena, CA, USA,
(11) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico d'Abruzzo, Teramo, Italy,
(12) National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson AZ, USA,
(13) Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA,
(14) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany,
(15) European Southern Observatory, Garching bei Munchen, Germany,
(16) Kiso Observatory, Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Kiso-machi, Japan,
(17) Vatican Observatory, Vatican City State, Italy,
(18) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain,
(19) INAF, Osservatorio Astronoico di Trieste, Trieste, Italy,
(20) INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Pisa, Italy,
(21) Dipartimento di Fisica "Enrico Fermi", Università di Pisa, Pisa, Italy,
(22) Stellingwerf Consulting, Huntsville, AL, USA,
(23) Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, La Serena, Chile,
(24) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Instituto de Astrofisica, Santiago, Chile)
Gaia Data Release 1. Testing the parallaxes with local Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars. (arXiv:1705.00688v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 12, Issue 18 - article #4
Gaia Collaboration: G. Clementini
L. Eyer
V. Ripepi
M. Marconi
T. Muraveva
A. Garofalo
L.M. Sarro
M. Palmer
X. Luri
R. Molinaro
L. Rimoldini
L. Szabados
I. Musella
R.I. Anderson
T. Prusti
J.H.J. de Bruijne
A.G.A. Brown
A. Vallenari
C. Babusiaux
C.A.L. Bailer-Jones
U. Bastian
M. Biermann
D.W. Evans
F. Jansen
C. Jordi
S.A. Klioner
U. Lammers
L. Lindegren
F. Mignard
C. Panem
D. Pourbaix
S. Randich
P. Sartoretti
H.I. Siddiqui
C. Soubiran
V. Valette
F. van Leeuwen
N.A. Walton
C. Aerts
F. Arenou
M. Cropper
R. Drimmel
E. Høg
D. Katz
M.G. Lattanzi
W. O'Mullane
E.K. Grebel
A.D. Holland
C. Huc
X. Passot
M. Perryman
L. Bramante
C. Cacciari
J. Castañeda
L. Chaoul
N. Cheek
F. De Angeli
C. Fabricius
R. Guerra
J. Hernández
A. Jean-Azntoine-Piccolo
et al.
(529 additional authors not shown)
On the RR Lyrae Stars in Globulars. IV. ω Centauri Optical UBVRI Photometry
Volume 11, Issue 48 - article #13
V. F. Braga
P. B. Stetson
G. Bono
M. DallâOra
I. Ferraro
G. Fiorentino
L. M. Freyhammer
G. Iannicola
M. Marengo
J. Neeley
E. Valenti
R. Buonanno
A. Calamida
M. Castellani
R. da Silva
S. DeglâInnocenti
A. Di Cecco
M. Fabrizio
W. L. Freedman
G. Giuffrida
J. Lub
B. F. Madore
M. Marconi
S. Marinoni
N. Matsunaga
M. Monelli
S. E. Persson
A. M. Piersimoni
A. Pietrinferni
P. Prada-Moroni
L. Pulone
R. Stellingwerf
E. Tognelli,
A. R. Walker
The Astronomical Journal
Gaia Data Release 1
Volume 11, Issue 48 - article #15
G. Clementini
V. Ripepi
S. Leccia
N. Mowlavi
I. Lecoeur-Taibi
M. Marconi
L. Szabados
L. Eyer
L. P. Guy
L. Rimoldini
G. Jevardat de Fombelle
B. Holl
G. Busso
J. Charnas
J. Cuypers
F. De Angeli
J. De Ridder
J. Debosscher
D. W. Evans
P. Klagyivik
I. Musella
K. Nienartowicz
D. Ordóñez
S. Regibo
M. Riello
L. M. Sarro
M. Süveges
Astronomy & Astrophysics
The Carina Project. X. On the Kinematics of Old and Intermediate-age Stellar Populations1,2
Volume 11, Issue 43 - article #23
M. Fabrizio
G. Bono
M. Nonino
E. L. Åokas
I. Ferraro
G. Iannicola
R. Buonanno
S. Cassisi
G. Coppola
M. DallâOra
R. Gilmozzi
M. Marconi
M. Monelli
M. Romaniello
P. B. Stetson
F. Thévenin,
A. R. Walker
The Astrophysical Journal
On the RR Lyrae stars in globulars: IV. $omega$ Centauri Optical UBVRI Photometry. (arXiv:1609.04916v1 [astro-ph.SR])
Volume 11, Issue 39 - article #12
V. F. Braga
(1, 2),
P. B. Stetson
G. Bono
(1, 4),
M. Dall'Ora
I. Ferraro
G. Fiorentino
L. M. Freyhammer
G. Iannicola
M. Marengo
J. Neeley
E. Valenti
R. Buonanno
(1, 10),
A. Calamida
M. Castellani
R. da Silva
(4, 2),
S. Degl'Innocenti
(12, 13),
A. Di Cecco
M. Fabrizio
(10, 2),
W. L. Freedman
G. Giuffrida
(4, 2),
J. Lub
B. F. Madore
M. Marconi
S. Marinoni
(4, 2),
N. Matsunaga
M. Monelli
S. E. Persson
A. M. Piersimoni
A. Pietrinferni
P. Prada-Moroni
(12, 13),
L. Pulone
R. Stellingwerf
E. Tognelli
(12, 13),
A. R. Walker
((1) Department of Physics, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
(2) ASDC
(3) NRC-Herzberg, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
(4) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
(5) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
(6) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna
(7) Jeremiah Horrocks Institute of Astrophysics, University of Central Lancashire
(8) Department of Physics, Astronomy, Iowa State University
(9) European Southern Observatory
(10) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo
(11) National Optical Astronomy Observatory
(12) INFN, Sezione di Pisa
(13) Dipartimento di Fisica Enrico Fermi, Università di Pisa
(14) Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Chicago
(15) Sterrewacht Leiden, Leiden University
(16) The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science
(17) Kiso Observatory, Institute of Astronomy, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
(18) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
(19) Stellingwerf Consulting
(20) Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatory)
The Carina Project. X. On the kinematics of old and intermediate-age stellar populations. (arXiv:1607.03181v1 [astro-ph.GA])
Volume 11, Issue 29 - article #3
R. Buonanno
S. Cassisi
G. Coppola
M. Dall'Ora
R. Gilmozzi
M. Marconi
M. Monelli
M. Romaniello
P. B. Stetson
F. Thévenin
A. R. Walker
High resolution spectroscopic analysis of seven giants in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6723
Volume 11, Issue 4 - article #4
A. Rojas-Arriagada
M. Zoccali
S. Vásquez
V. Ripepi
I. Musella
M. Marconi
A. Grado
L. Limatola - Astrophysics - Volume: 2016, Issue: 22 Jan
The Carina Project IX: on Hydrogen and helium burning variables
Volume 10, Issue 33 - article #8
G. Coppola
M. Marconi
P. B. Stetson
G. Bono
V. F. Braga
V. Ripepi
M. Dall'Ora
I. Musella
R. Buonanno
M. Fabrizio
I. Ferraro
G. Fiorentino
G. Iannicola
M. Monelli
M. Nonino
F. Thévenin
R. Walker - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 11 Sep
LAMOST observations in the Kepler field. Database of low-resolution spectra
Volume 10, Issue 31 - article #5
P. De Cat
(Royal Observatory of Belgium),
J.N. Fu
A.B. Ren
X.H. Yang
J.R. Shi
A.L. Luo
M. Yang
J.L. Wang
H.T. Zhang
H.M. Shi
W. Zhang
Subo Dong
G. Catanzaro
C.J. Corbally
A. Frasca
R.O. Gray
J. Molenda-Zakowicz
K. Uytterhoeven
M. Briquet
H. Bruntt
S. Frandsen
L. Kiss
D.W. Kurtz
M. Marconi
E. Niemczura
R.H. Oestensen
V. Ripepi
B. Smalley
J. Southworth
R. Szabo
J.H. Telting
C. Karoff
V. Silva Aguirre
Y. Wu
Y.H. Hou
G. Jin
X.L. Zhou - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 28 Aug
On a new theoretical framework for RR Lyrae stars I: the metallicity dependence
Volume 10, Issue 19 - article #7
M. Marconi
G. Coppola
G. Bono
V. Braga
A. Pietrinferni
R. Buonanno
M. Castellani
I. Musella
V. Ripepi
R. F. Stellingwerf - Astrophysics - Volume: 2015, Issue: 15 May
On the Distance of the Globular Cluster M4 (NGC 6121) Using RR Lyrae Stars. I. Optical and Near-infrared Period-Luminosity and Period-Wesenheit Relations
Volume 10, Issue 8 - article #15
V. F. Braga
M. Dall'Ora
G. Bono
P. B. Stetson
I. Ferraro
G. Iannicola
M. Marengo
J. Neeley
S. E. Persson
R. Buonanno
G. Coppola
W. Freedman
B. F. Madore
M. Marconi
N. Matsunaga
A. Monson
J. Rich
V. Scowcroft
M. Seibert
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 799, Issue: 2
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A bag of tricks: Using proper motions of Galactic stars to identify the Hercules ultra-faint dwarf galaxy members
Volume 9, Issue 24 - article #37
M. Fabrizio
G. Raimondo
E. Brocato
A. Bellini
M. Libralato
V. Testa
M. Cantiello
I. Musella
G. Clementini
R. Carini
et al.
(6 more)
M. Marconi
G. Piotto
V. Ripepi
R. Buonanno
E. Sani
R. Speziali
Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume: 570, Issue: October 2014
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NASA ADS Abstract Service
The VMC survey – V. First results for classical Cepheids
Volume 7, Issue 31 - article #24
V. Ripepi
M. I. Moretti
M. Marconi
G. Clementini
M.-R. L. Cioni
J. B. Marquette
L. Girardi
S. Rubele
M. A. T. Groenewegen
R. de Grijs
B. K. Gibson
J. M. Oliveira
J. Th. van Loon
J. P. Emerson
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 424, Issue: 3
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The Carina Project. V. The impact of NLTE effects on the iron content
Volume 7, Issue 17 - article #15
M. Fabrizio
T. Merle
F. Thévenin
M. Nonino
G. Bono
P. B. Stetson
I. Ferraro
G. Iannicola
M. Monelli
A. R. Walker
R. Buonanno
F. Caputo
C. E. Corsi
M. Dall'Ora
S. Degl'Innocenti
P. François
R. Gilmozzi
M. Marconi
A. Pietrinferni
P. G. Prada Moroni
F. Primas
L. Pulone
V. Ripepi
M. Romaniello - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 27 Apr
Stellar Archaeology in the Galactic halo with the Ultra-Faint Dwarfs: VI. Ursa Major II
Volume 7, Issue 13 - article #17
M. Dall'Ora
K. Kinemuchi
V. Ripepi
C.T. Rodgers
G. Clementini
L. Di Fabrizio
M. Marconi
I. Musella
C. Greco
C.A. Kuehn
M. Catelan
B.J. Pritzl
T.C. Beers
(2) NASA-Ames Research Center,
(3) University of Wyoming,
(6) Michigan State University,
(7) Observatoire de Geneve,
(8) Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
(9) University of Wisconsin Oshkosh,
(10) Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Michigan State University) - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 30 Mar
Preliminary results for RR Lyrae stars and Classical Cepheids from the Vista Magellanic Cloud (VMC) Survey
Volume 7, Issue 9 - article #8
V. Ripepi
M. I. Moretti
G. Clementini
M. Marconi
M. R. Cioni
J. B. Marquette
P. Tisserand - Astrophysics - Volume: 2012, Issue: 2 Mar
Spatial Distribution and Evolution of the Stellar Populations and Candidate Star Clusters in the Blue Compact Dwarf I Zwicky 18
Volume 6, Issue 38 - article #34
R. Contreras Ramos
F. Annibali
G. Fiorentino
M. Tosi
A. Aloisi
G. Clementini
M. Marconi
I. Musella
A. Saha
R. P. van der Marel
The Astrophysical Journal - Volume: 739, Issue: 2
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Distance to Galactic globulars using the near-infrared magnitudes of RR Lyrae stars – IV. The case of M5 (NGC 5904)
Volume 6, Issue 35 - article #23
G. Coppola
M. Dall’Ora
V. Ripepi
M. Marconi
I. Musella
G. Bono
A. M. Piersimoni
P. B. Stetson
J. Storm
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Volume: 416, Issue: 2
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CoRoT,102699796, the first metal-poor Herbig Ae pulsator: a hybrid $delta$ Sct-$gamma$ Dor variable?
Volume 6, Issue 22 - article #6
V. Ripepi
F. Cusano
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G. Catanzaro
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M. Marconi
P. Ventura
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S. Bernabei - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 3 Jun
Distance to Galactic globulars using the near-infrared magnitudes of RR Lyrae stars: IV. The case of M5 (NGC5904)
Volume 6, Issue 21 - article #7
G. Coppola
M. Dall'Ora
V. Ripepi
M. Marconi
I. Musella
G. Bono
A. M. Piersimoni
P. B. Stetson
J. Storm - Astrophysics - Volume: 2011, Issue: 27 May
A New Census of the Variable Star Population in the Globular Cluster NGC 2419
Volume 6, Issue 7 - article #11
M. Di Criscienzo
C. Greco
V. Ripepi
G. Clementini
M. Dall'
M. Marconi
I. Musella
L. Federici
L. Di Fabrizio
Astronomical Journal - Volume: 141, Issue: 3
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The VMC Survey - I. Strategy and First Data
Volume 5, Issue 52 - article #17
M.-R.L. Cioni
G. Clementini
L. Girardi
R. Guandalini
M. Gullieuszik
B. Miszalski
M.-I. Moretti
V. Ripepi
S. Rubele
G. Bagheri
K. Bekki
N. Cross
W.J.G. de Blok
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J.P. Emerson
C.J. Evans
B. Gibson
E. Gonzales-Solares
M.A.T. Groenewegen
M. Irwin
V.D. Ivanov
J. Lewis
M. Marconi
J.-B. Marquette
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M. Marconi
I. Musella
G. Fiorentino
G. Clementini
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F. Annibali
R. Contreras Ramos
A. Saha
M. Tosi
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The Magellanic Clouds as a Template for the Study of Stellar Populations and Galaxy Interactions
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M.-R. L. Cioni
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V. D. Ivanov
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V. Ripepi
G. Clementini
M. Di Criscienzo
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L. Di Fabrizio
I. Musella
M. Marconi
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Predicted properties of RR Lyrae stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometric system
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M. Marconi
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M. Di Criscienzo
V. Ripepi
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Predicted properties of RR Lyrae stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometric system
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M. Marconi
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Predicted properties of RR Lyrae stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometric system
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M. Marconi
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Predicted properties of RR Lyrae stars in the SDSS photometric system
Volume 1, Issue 24 - article #15
M. Marconi
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M. Di Criscienzo
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